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HoboMan (talk | contribs)
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A woman walks down the street AT NIGHT; as they walked down the dark streets, as she walks past 2 guys beating up a hobo in the background. As she walks, she gets a phone call by her father. She picks up the call, and says "Hi dad, how are you doing" in her casual 30 year old man voice. A voice on the other end then says "I don't know who you're father is, but I do know that you are in the start of a new SCARY MOVIE". The woman's face turns into shock, before pulling a gun from her perse; aiming it around saying "Okay fucker, come out and try me bitch!" as the wannabe strong female character most modern feminist would write. The killer on the phone says "Why the fuck would I be stupid to be scared of you, if you didn't even load your gun?". The woman then says "I always remember to load my gun, before I go out in the middle of night for my nightly walk", before turning around and shooting at the tree. The killer steps out from behind the tree, revealing himself as the parody Ghostface killer from the original Scary Movie; because of course this film is a Requel/Legacy Sequel (and yes, his mask is now wretched, and looks like its been stuffed up in a locker left to rot for years... and also most likely smells like shit). Anyways, the killer then says "You missed, dumbass" before pulling out a loaded revolver, and shooting the woman dead; of course to the anger of fans of the original movie who get mad if even the slightest thing is changes about a character, including their choice of weapon. The killer then says "Why the fuck did I waste time killing this bitch", before the movie's title card shows. Now cutting to the title screen. The film now begins with are killer driving a bus into a fucking school, and stumbling out as the kids looked at the shit that just happened before their eyes; as then the killer stumbled out of the bus, looking around. As the guy rubbed his head, he turned looking at the kids. One of the kids then says "Who the fuck is this guy? he ain't got no rizz-" before the kid could finish that sentence, the killer uses his shotgun to shot the kid saying "Shut the fuck up". The kids of course start screaming, and running away; meanwhile the police finally get over, though the killer was gone; as we cut to the killer running away, punching some guy off his bike. He steals the bike, as he takes the bike into a get away. The film now cuts to a news cast as the girl says "Breaking news, famous killer Doofy is back!; as he now is in a police chase as we see her now". We now cut back to Doofy, as he makes his escape away from the police. He breaks into a nearby house, and runs; inside. He now breaks out of the door, as he pauses; as it was childrens birthday party, as everyone turns to look at him. Doofy then notices the police barking, as they jump over the fences to go after him; aiming their guns and shouting "DON'T MOVE!"... and then thats all I could think of, someone else can write the rest of this shit.
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