Original Version

?siht gnidaer terger uoy oD :noitseuq erom eno ,egap siht evael uoy erofeb ,tuB .dessap evah uoY .efil ruoy ni sserts rojam gniretnuocne fo ecnahc elttil a evah uoy ,stargnoC ?ereh llits uoy erA ...il ruoy dne dluoc uoy hsiw uoy t'noD ?ti etah uoy t'noD ?ti terger uoy t'noD .hguorht tnew yeht sserts eht ,tlef yeht woh fo knihT .nosrep etisoppo eht ot sserts desuac taht enoemos ot edam uoy tnialpmoc ro tlusni eno tsael ta saw erehT :kniht tuB .diputs ton er'uoy ,evah uoy esruoc fO ?stnialpmoc fo draeh reve uoy evaH .tset tsal enO .devivrus evah uoY .elpoep fo sderdnuh ot feirg sesuac taht tset latnem a devivrus evah uoY .deeccus er'uoy ,siht gnidaer llits er'uoy fI ...knihT .htaed htiw gnidne ,noitcaer niahc a trats dluoc sgniht emoS .gniht gib yreve dna ,gniht elttil yrevE .efil ruoy ni gnorw did uoy gnihtyreve tuoba knihT .niarb ruoy rof rovaf eno siht od ,oS .ssendas dna ssenippah sgnirB .liveD dna droL ot lauqe si niarb ehT .niarb ruoy fo esuaceb s'ti ,yaw rehtiE ?esoprup no ro tnedicca yb rehtie ,thgir gnihtemos od uoy did semit ynam woH .ssenippah gnirb osla nac niarb eht ,teY .niarb ruoy fo esuaceb stsixe terger yrevE ?htnom erem a ni gnihtemos terger uoy od semit ynam woH .retsasid uoy gnirb osla nac tub ,lufpleh eb nac niarb ruoY .niarb ruoY ?neppah yeht od yhW .elpmaxe rof ,snoitanicullaH .uoy no skcirt driew yalp nac niarb ruoY .yrots eht s'ereh ,hguone "yhtrow" yas s'tel...er'uoy ecnis ,oS .llew daer nac uoy ,dooG

Corrected Version

Good, you can read well. So, since you're... let's say, "worthy" enough, here's the story. Your brain can play weird tricks on you. Hallucinations, for example. Why do they happen? Your brain. Your brain can be helpful, but can also bring you disaster.

How many times do you regret something in a mere month? Every regret exists because of your brain. Yet, the brain can also bring happiness. How many times did you do something right, either by accident or on purpose? Either way, it's because of your brain. The brain is equal to Lord and Devil. Brings happiness and sadness.

So, do this one favor for your brain. Think about everything you did wrong in your life. Every little thing, and every big thing. Some things could start a chain reaction, ending with death. Think...

If you're still reading this, you've succeeded. You have survived a mental test that causes grief to hundreds of people. You have survived. One last test. Have you ever heard of complaints? Of course you have, you're not stupid. But think: There was at least one insult or complaint you made to someone that caused stress to the opposite person.

Think of how they felt, the stress they went through. Don't you regret it? Don't you hate it? Don't you wish you could end your li... Are you still here? Congrats, you have a little chance of encountering major stress in your life. You have passed. But, before you leave this page, one more question: Do you regret reading this?

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