Secret Military Recording

This fictional story takes place in a Soviet Research facility during the Cold War. Written by Creepypasta Wiki user 'Zackishere' in 2012.


My name is Joseph Quall I am a private in the U.S. Army. The date today is 3/8/69.

[The tape becomes fast forward and makes a squeaky noise]

My sergeant of my troop (which is The Crazy 8's) told us we are going to do raid a Russian research facility that is located deep in the Russian Wilderness. He warned us that some of us might die tonight I hope I'm not the one, if anyone finds this message and something happens to me tell my daughter Samantha that Daddy will always love her.


Sergeant Hayes: OK maggots, we have located the facility and we are heading in Go GO! [Static]

Vic The Beast: Sergeant this place is a dump there are no one here and this place looks like it was abandoned twenty years ago.

Sergeant Hayes: Stop your bitching and keep moving.

Quall: Sergeant Hayes I found something look at this.

Sergeant Hayes: What is it private Quall?

Quall: It's a huge fresh batch of blood.

Vic The Beast: Wait where is Private Forest.

Private Forest: OH MY GOD HELP ME!

Sergeant Hayes: Privates let's move out and find private Forest!


Vic The Beast: My god what were those things they looked like people but, with giant red eyes and decomposed skin.

Quall: I don't know what they are but, those things aren't human they fucking killed Forest and Hayes with their bare hands and they were consuming their bodies.

Private Mick's: Whatever they are we got to avoid them and at the same time find out what happened here and we have to get the hell out of here.

[Static] [Gun Shots can be heard]

Vic The Beast Screaming: Don't Leave Me!

Quall: Mick's we can't leave him.

Mick's: Fuck him Quall he's lunch keep running and gunning.


Quall: This is our situation now our sergeant and two other soldiers are dead they have been eaten by what we believe to be the undead. The date is 3/10/69 we have been trapped in this god forsaken place for two days and we are running out of supplies. But, we did learn something these commie bastards were trying to use this serum called rejuvenate it brings the dead back to life but, it was a failure the dead did come back to life though but, they were unresponsive in command so these Russians locked them in cell's that were electronically controlled but they accidental brought the power down doing trail runs with this gun they created called the M3 телепортации устройства (M3 Teleportation Device). It's pretty awesome you set the location you would like to go and you shoot the wall and you walk through the hole you created using the gun and Tada you're at the place you wanted to go it's pretty simple.

Mick's: Quall stop talking to yourself and put more C4 charges on those fuel barrels and those electrical boxes and anywhere else that can spread the blast radius of the explosion so we can kill these things and destroy any evidence of how to make these things.


Micks: Damn the detonator won't work because we are two far it looks like ill have to go back and detonate the C4 manually.

Quall: Don't do it Mick's it's not worth it we just escaped from that horrible place!

Micks: I have no choice besides you have a family and I don't have anything to go back home to so ill take the gun and teleport myself back inside the base and detonate it manually, we can't let those fuckers escape from their confinement!

Quall: Your right Mick's you're a brave man I will tell everyone your story of bravery.

Micks: Thanks Quall you're a good man well, off I go.

[Loud noise can be heard it might be from the teleporting gun]


[Huge explosion is heard]

[Quall can be heard running]

End of Transmission

Credited to Zackishere

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