I grew up in a rather small rural area with few friends my age - even when I did manage to find some friends my dad would have me work on the farm and thus you could say I was a rather lonely kid, that was until I met Simon.

When I first saw Simon I was scared, you would be scared too - you see Simon wasn't like the other kids, he was short and had long arms that dragged behind him, ending in long fingers that flopped around as if broken.

Simon's feet were massive and hidden under what appeared to be metal boots, which dragged across the ground as he moved - his swollen belly often jiggling as his melon-shaped head bobbed up and down with each move he took.

Dressed in an old-fashioned sailor's suit Simon had one bulging eye and a tiny dot where his other should have been, his mouth was wide and filled with sharp metal teeth while his nose seemed to be broken, his ears battered and bruised.

For a good few weeks I'd run away every time Simon appeared, sometimes going to my dad or mom - who would go looking for Simon but never found him: after a couple of days of this my dad threatened to give me a beating if I didn't stop going on about "nonsense".

So, left with little other option, I finally decided to brave it one day and confronted Simon - to my surprise Simon proved to be a very good friend and helped me with the farm work, being far stronger than myself and all too-eager to please.

Simon never talked, instead he'd laugh and do strange little dances which although frightening at first soon become somewhat comical as I joined in with his merriment.

As I grew older however Simon began to change, he grew more and more angry - even violent.. one time Simon went as far as to trash my dad's farming tools, which I got the blame for: when I confronted Simon over this he began to spit and growl, long gone were the days of laughing and dancing.

Not longer after that incident I decided to break my ties with Simon, whenever he arrived I would pretend not to notice him and went about my business - earning angry growls and spitting from Simon as he flailed his arms around and tried to get my attention, eventually giving up and disappearing back into the forests.

After a few days of this Simon stopped coming back and I breathed a sigh of relief, although I was somewhat sad to see my childhood friend gone I was also very much happy not to have Simon around anymore - my friend had gone, what was left was something I knew I was better off not being around.

Fate would have it that I eventually moved out of the rural area and into a city, coming home every summer to visit my parents at the farm - even though I was now grown up with a job and family of my own I often help dad out with the farm when I do visit and lately little Fred has been eager to help out as well.

After a bit of consideration I decided there was no harm in it and while dad and I worked in the field Fred helped out by feeding the livestock - this continued for a half hour until suddenly dad and I were interrupted as Fred came running towards us in a panic.

I raced over and comforted Fred as he told me there was a monster in the barn, my dad was skeptical but I felt my heart race as I told my dad to take Fred into the house - my dad was reluctant at first but eventually did so as I grabbed a nearby shovel and made my way to the barn.

Entering the barn I feared the worst but was greeted with nothing, save for a few cows - shaking my head a little at my own imagination I turned to head back to the house when suddenly I caught sight of a misshapen figure disappearing into the forest.

From that day I have not let Fred out of my sight and although we still visit each summer I no longer look forward to it - despite a local search of the forest showing nothing and my dad's continual insistence that nothing unusual had ever occurred I still wonder when Simon is coming back.

Credited to Epicwinguy

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