Skyrim: A Furry Mod: Difference between revisions

You cannot have the trollpasta and bad creepypasta category in one article unless if there are more than one story.
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(You cannot have the trollpasta and bad creepypasta category in one article unless if there are more than one story.)
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It was the guy in the fursuit. I didn't want to look at the thing anymore as it creeped me out. I started a new game. Pretty much a normal intro except the people in the wagon at the start of the game were argonians. Again, this didn't bother me probably just part of the mod. But when we were about to head through the city's gate I saw something running at the wagon on all fours. It was the man in the fursuit. He pulled out one of the lizard people and dragged them back into the woods. I screamed at my TV "HOLY SHIT". It looked as if the argonian was in such pain. I was freaking out at this point. But we were in the city. Safe. The rest of the intro was pretty much normal. I was at the beginning just when the dragon attacks the small village. I noticed how I could actually skip the tutorial and go back to where I saw the guy being dragged in the woods. I had an idea. I wanted to save him.
I quickly ran through the gate and followed a trail of blood through the forest. It kept running until I found something. It was too late. The Argonian has been....rapedviolated beyond recognition. I was able to search his corpse. He had a small note attached to him. I read the note and all it said was "Go to Riverwood". A new quest has started. I quickly ran to Riverwood. It took me at least 2 hours just to get out of the woods. On my way there I discovered a pile of bodies. Probably from the Furry Rapist. After awhile I made it to Riverwood. The gates were closed. It appears I was too late. But with Skyrim being very glitchy I used a glitch to get through it. What I saw was beyond morbid, all the NPCs were naked and there semen EVERYWHERE this confused me greatly. The only NPC that was alive in the town was the owner of the Inn. I decided I will make this my new home and hide here for now. I gave the woman 10 gold and went into one of the rooms. I thought I should give my character some rest so my character layed in the bed then woke up. Went outside my room and the Inn lady was dead. Her head was on the counter. I thought the Fursuit guy was still here so I checked all the rooms nothing of importance was found except for another note that was on one of the beds.
"Look behind you" all of a sudden my character was knocked the fuck out. My character awoke in a dark dank cave filled with water. The water was extremely deep and dark. Across from me was a bridge that I could bring down. I pulled the lever and a loud screech was heard followed up with some laughter. I went to go investigate. While walking across the bridge I heard footsteps behind me. It was the rapist. I screamed at my TV and ran to the other side. I pulled the lever again and he fell right into the watery abyss. I'm guessing he died. Across the bridge is, what appeared to be a furry sex dungeon. The first thing I did was release all the khajiits they thanked me and I continued forward with all of them following. Another bridge was spotted. On this one it appears as it was broken, but I could still walk across it. One of the stupid khajiits fell in. He actually survived the drop but then was dragged under water by something which frightened the other khajiits...We managed to find a weapon shelf with some axes on it. Took five and gave some to the khajiits. A third bridge was found.
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This was it. My character was going to die. I saw my character laying on the ground defeated. I could still see the fursuit. But...Something came out of.....the water. It was the khajiit that fell in the water before. He was still alive. He quickly dragged the fursuit into the dark waters below, drowning fursuit along with himself. I cried a little. But the fursuit was dead.
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