Smackdown Vs Raw 2666

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It was a boring day with me sitting around watching TV and playing my over-played games. My friend called me and asked,

"Hey, do you wanna come over and play some video games and get some pizza?"

I agreed and went straight to his house. He welcomed me and showed me his games that we could play together. He had many two-player games and I noticed that he had Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007. I asked if we could play that one, but he quickly steered me towards a different game. We played it for a good few hours and I noticed that it was getting late. I asked if I could borrow one his games.

"Sure, which game?" he replied.

I browsed his games once more and picked out Smackdown Vs. Raw 2007.

"No!" he yelled.

He started to quickly sweat as if he were worried. To avoid any problems, I picked a different game. He said in a calmer manner,

"That's fine, let me get you another soda before you leave."

When he was in the kitchen, I quickly grabbed the wrestling game and swapped it with the other game to see why he was acting so weird. I grabbed the soda and I told him I'll talk to him later.

I got home and I decided to pop in the game. While the game was loading, my friend texted me and said " Why'd you take the game! You have to give it back! NOW!!!" I ignored him and started to play the game. I picked Kurt Angle as my character and decided to use Daiviri as my training dummy. Kurt Angle's entrance played out normally, but when it was Daiviri's turn to come out, the screen took a little longer to load. The screen came up and instead of Daiviri, I heard the catchphrase "

I'm the Boogeyman, and I'm Comin' to get cha!"

It was Boogeyman who was coming down towards the ring. I didn't think too much of it and thought it was a glitch and went along with the game. His entrance seemed a tad... off. During his entrance, there seemed to be no reaction from the crowd. They were not cheering nor booing, they just blankly stared at the Boogeyman. I noticed the clock he normally holds during his entrance had the correct time, probably just coincidence.

The match started and everything was just weird. The crowd, again, didn't cheer, they blankly stared at the match going on in the ring. The commentators didn't even say their normal bits, instead I only heard whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying but they seemed afraid of something, but I didn't know what.

As the match began, the Boogeyman knocked me down and my limb damage was already yellow. I tried to fight back but he was able to counter every move. He slammed me down and my limb damage was now orange. He somehow already had a stored finisher and using his signature boogeyslam on Kurt Angle causing my limb damage to be red. He easily pinned me.

"Please god, not again!" one of the commentators shouted.

I was wondering what the hell was going on with this game. The game loaded his winning animation which would of had Boogeyman eating worms and spitting them into the losers mouth. Instead of worms, he spit up some kind of black ooze into Kurt Angle's mouth.

The camera zoomed on Kurt Angle and his entire body was shaking violently. His skin started to bubble and one after the other, the bubbles popped leaving oozing, bloody patches on Kurt Angle. After the last one popped, the blood trails started to melt his skin away. Flesh colored blood oozed out of his entire body, including his eyes, mouth, and nose. The only thing left was a skeleton on top of giant puddle of melted flesh and blood. The Boogeyman came into view and said his catchphrase to the camera,

"I'm the Boogeyman, and I'm comin' to get 'cha!"

He left the camera's view laughing his diabolical laugh only showing the remains of his victim.

I dropped the controller in shock and instantly called my friend.

"What the hell is up with this damn game?!" I demanded.

He explained that he got the game from one his friends at school that was a satanist and put some kind of curse on the game. He beat the Boogeyman by a miracle and everything went back normal with the game. He told me he would not come over to help me because he didn't want to go through the nightmare that his former friend had put on the game. He hung up his phone and I was left to beat this monstrosity.

I went to the character select screen and I hesitantly went to Kurt Angle. He looked just as he did when he was in the ring in that disgusting pool of flesh and blood. I chose John Cena and hopefully have a better chance defeating Boogeyman. The match started like last time, but in the audience I noticed the decayed corpse of Kurt Angle holding up a sign that said "You did this " written in dripping blood. I tried everything in the match, but it ended the same with the Boogeyman puking out the black ooze and Cena becoming nothing more than a skeleton in a puddle of his flesh and blood. Boogeyman was standing in front of the screen and just stared at me with his devilish smile. He was like this for about 5 minutes then finally saying,

"I'll be coming for you soon."

He pointed at me while laughing.

The screen than cut back to the character selection screen. I was in shock of what just happened and I could only play on with each character suffering the same fate. With each match, I was seeing the fallen victims with their own signs saying "He's coming for you," You can not escape," and other cryptic signs.

All the characters were dead and I didn't know what to do. The screen went back to the character select screen and noticed only one charcter was left. It was a created character with my name and I regretfully selected myself. He walked to the ring shuddering and afraid while walking to the ring.

The match started with my character in a fidel position. I've tried to move my character but he just cried and shuddered in fear. The Boogeyman slowly did his demon-like crawl towards my character and than slowly stood up. I screamed at my charcter pleading him to move, run, anything. He violently screamed,

"I've got you,"

He grabbed my character, The screen cut to black with a blood curdling scream and the PS2 shut itself off. I jumped back and I was afraid of what was going to happen next. I was sweating with fear, trying to catch my breath. I heard a slow creak of my closet door and slowly turned my head towards the open door. All that was showing was red eyes that stared right at me. I heard the Boogeyman's laugh and than he finally said

"I'm the Boogeyman and I'm comin' to getcha!"

Credited to Omega88x

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