Sneaky Agent: Difference between revisions

added two more chapters.
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[[Category:Bad Fanfiction]]
=== Chapter 5 ===
Victor and Agent Ray were now getting into position to execute their plan. Victor headed towards the back while Agent ray headed towards the front. Agent Ray watched as a couple of Expendables went down into the secret underground are of the T.H.E.M. base. 
"He's gone" yelled one of the expendables.
"What do you mean he is gone" asked another expandable. 
"I mean he's gone as in he's not here, As in he escaped" 
"what are we going to do" began a third expandable 
"if Doctor Doctor finds out he escaped she' is going to flip out and e are all going to be in a lot of trouble." 
Just then Agent Ray came out of hiding, and yelled "Looking for me." 
All of the expendables began to stare at Agent Ray. 
After about thirty seconds one of the expendables yelled "get him." 
Five expendables came running towards Agent Ray about to attack, they were quick but Agent Ray was quicker. Agent Ray pulled out his laser gun and started shooting taking down two of the expendables, Agent Ray then jumped off of his skybike and started fighting the expendables. 
Punch by punch, kick by kick Agent Ray took down another expandable, he then lifted one the expendables up and threw him against a tree. Agent Ray was so busy fighting expendables that he didn't see Alphonse watching from the inside of the T.H.E.M. base. 
"Who do they think they are fooling" Alphonse began to say to himself "I saw both of them before they spilt up, they don't know that I know what they are trying to do but I do, and since I do know everything I think I'm going to have a little fun, Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha….." Alphonse then proceeded to the back the T.H.E.M. base. 
Alphonse then went into the room where he put the cage that contained Victor Jr. and Vanessa. Alphonse opened the cage grabbed both Victor Jr. and Vanessa and put two fake babies that he sculpted himself to look like Victor Jr. and Vanessa inside of the cage. 
"And now to wait for Victor to come looking for them" thought Alphonse. 
Back at the outside of the back of the T.H.E.M base Victor was looking for a way to sneak in. 
"I've got to get inside there and free my kids before it is too late, but how do I get in?" thought Victor. 
Just then Victor noticed an open window that would lead him right into the back hallways of the T.H.E.M. base. 
"That's it" Victor thought to himself "I'll just climb right through that window." Victor now knew exactly what to do. 
Victor climbed on the ledge of a lower T.H.E.M. floor window, he then stretched his arms and hands onto the ledge of the upper window that was open. In one fast motion victor jumped and successfully got up to the window, he then climbed in. 
"Now to go find my kids" thought Victor. 
Victor looked around and didn't see any expandable. "Good" thought Victor "Ray probably has the expendables distracted." Victor started walking towards the back hallways when he heard a cage door close. 
"That might be the room" Victor said to himself quietly. 
Victor slowly and quietly walked towards the room, Victor looked around again just make sure no one was there, Victor then quietly walked into the room. The room was dark and didn't look like anyone had been in there. 
"That's odd" victor said to himself "I thought I heard a cage being closed and the sound sounded like it cam from in here." Victor turned the light on not noticing that Alphonse was right behind him. 
"My kids" yelled Victor happily thinking that the babies in the cage were his kids.
It only took a minute for Victor to relies that those were just sculptures made to look like his kids.
Victor was just about to throw a fit when a voice from behind him said "Looking for these two." Victor knew it was Alphonse. 
Victor pulled out his laser gun and turned around just about to shoot when he saw that Alphonse was holding both Victor Jr. and Vanessa. 
"What are you going to do now?" asked Alphonse with a very evil smile "your not going to shoot me with laser." 
"Yes I will" said Victor. 
"You could" began Alphonse "but you won't, because your kids are in my arms, but if you want to shoot me with that laser go ahead but before you do it which one of your kids should I use as a shield Victor Jr. or Vanessa or better yet I think I will just use both." 
Victor was mad but he knew that if he shot his laser Alphonse really would use Victor Jr. and or Vanessa as shield, and because of how young they are if they get shot with the laser gun they could die. Victor at this point was getting ready to do something that could kill him just to free his kids.
"If I let you do what ever you want to me will you please leave Anita and my kids alone" asked Victor. 
" I could make that deal but no I'd rather kill your kids, better yet I'd rather kill them in front of their mother and there grandmother, I think that is what I'm going to do after all we both know that Anita is at Your mother Mildred's house.” Alphonse ran out with Victor Jr. and Vanessa in his arms, Alphonse then jumped on a T.H.E.M. skybike and took off. 
Back outside Ray was still fighting expendables when he saw Alphonse fly out on a T.H.E.M. skybike 
"he tricked us" thought Agent Ray.
Just then Victor ran outside. 
"Ray Alphonse tricked us, he just took off with my kids" said Victor. 
"I know" began Agent Ray I saw him, I was just about to tell you so we could chase him." 
"Lets not waste any time" began Victor "We have to stop him." 
"We don't know where he is going" said Agent Ray. 
"I know where he is going" said Victor.
"Where?" asked Ray. "To my mother's house he said he wants to kill my kids and that he wants to kill them in front of their mother and grandmother, and that he knows Anita is at my mother's house." 
"He really said that?" asked Ray. 
"Yes" said Victor "that is exactly what he said." 
"We better hurry then" said Ray.
"Let's just go stop him before it's to late" said Victor. 
Victor and Ray jumped on their sky bikes and flew as fast as they could. Within five minutes they were at the back of Mildred's house. Victor and Agent ray froze to see that the front door was broken down.
=== Chapter 6 ===
Inside Mildred's house Alphonse had Anita and Mildred tied up on a chair. 
"You'll never get away with this Alphonse" said Anita. 
Alphonse started laughing an evil laugh "I already have gotten away with it, and because I did I think I'll just kill Victor Jr. and Vanessa, I have nothing to lose because in the end U.Z.Z. is not going to believe Victor and you not be talking to U.Z.Z. or else you'll be sorry" 
Alphonse took out his T.H.E.M. Laser gun and pointed it to Victor Jr's head. 
Back outside Ray and Victor were already in the front of Mildred's house staring at the broken down door. 
"he's already here" said Victor. 
Victor then ran as fast he could to get into his mother's house. "I hope I'm not to late" thought Victor. 
Agent Ray went towards the back of Victor's mother Mildred’s house this way he can sneak up on Alphonse when Alphonse least expects it. As Victor was going into the house he just knew Alphonse was already inside torturing Anita and Mildred he just knew it. 
Back inside Alphonse was just getting ready to shoot when he heard a voice yell "Stop" it was Victor. 
"Put my kids down" said Victor. 
Victor then noticed that his mother Mildred and his Wife Anta were not in the living room.
"Where's my wife and where's my mother" asked Victor. 
"Well" began Alphonse "lets just say they are incapable of doing anything to help free your kids." 
Victor didn't realize that Anita and Mildred were in the kitchen tied to a chair. Victor looked at his kids and tried to figure out what he should do and where his mom and Anita were. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen.
Anita and Mildred tried to figure out how to free themselves.
Anita heard Victor's voice. 
"Victor's here" thought Anita.
Anita and Mildred tried to walk in separate directions so they could break the chairs and the rope. 
Back outside Agent Ray was near the backdoor which goes into the kitchen. Ray was ab out to go to front when he heard some noise coming from the kitchen. 
"I’ve heard this sound before thought Agent Ray but where" thought Agent Ray.
Then it hit him. "Oh no when I restrained at the secret underground area of the T.H.E.M. base I made the same sounds when I was trying to free myself." 
After thirty seconds Agent Ray said quietly to himself "That's it, I'm going in." Agent Ray tried to open the door but it was locked, so Agent Ray took out his laser gun and shot the lock off of the door. 
"I'll fix that door for them later" said Agent Ray who was pretty sure that with everything that has been going him breaking the lock is probably one of the last things that Mildred was going to be concerned about.
Ray then ran into the Mildred's house and saw that Anita and Mildred were tied to chairs. 
At first Anita and Mildred were worried about who that might be coming inside the kitchen door, but they felt a bit of relief to see that it was Agent Ray. 
"I knew I recognized that sound" thought Agent Ray as he ran up to Anita and Mildred who were still trying to free themselves.
Agent Ray was just about to ask if Victor came in yet when he heard Victor and Alphonse voices coming from the living room.
"I hear that Victor is already here" began Agent Ray "and he needs my help" right after Agent Ray said that, he figured out how he can help Victor and Anita. 
"I've got it" began Agent Ray "I know how we can safely free Victor Jr. and Vanessa." 
"How" asked Anita who managed to get the duct tape off her mouth. 
"First" began Agent Ray "I have to free you and Mildred from those chairs" said Ray as he picked up his laser gun. 
"Okay stay still" said Agent Ray, he then shot the ropes and soon Anita and Mildred were freed. Mildred slowly moved the duct tape from her mouth.
"Okay" began Mildred "what is the second part of your plan." 
"The second part of my plan" began Agent Ray "Is for you two to go outside to my skybike, in the compartment under the seat I have a couple of extra laser guns. 
"Lets go get them" said Anita. 
"After you get them come right back here" said Agent Ray. 
So Anita and Mildred ran outside and right behind a tree was Agent Ray's skybike. Anita quickly pulled up the seat and reached into the compartment where the seat was and pulled out two of the three laser guns Agent Ray had in there. Anita handed one of the laser guns to Mildred. Just as Agent Ray instructed, Anita and Mildred went right back into the Kitchen. 
"Now for part three" said Agent.
"This is what we are going to do" began Agent Ray "I'm going to sneak into the living room and I want you two to hang out in the front, and when I do sneak into the living room I'm going to signal to Victor to keep Alphonse stalled, and then I'm going to quickly smack Alphonse in the head with my laser gun, and then I want you two to run in and catch Victor Jr. and Vanessa because when I hit him in the head with my laser gun he will most likely drop them." 
Anita didn't like the idea that Alphonse was most likely going to drop her kids and Mildred didn't like the idea of her Grandkids getting dropped but they both knew if they don't do something soon Victor Jr. and Vanessa won't be alive at all, and besides if Anita and Mildred run in the living room as soon as Agent Ray hits Alphonse in the head with laser they can catch Victor Jr. and Vanessa so they won't fall at all. 
"Alright" began Agent Ray "Are you two ready?" 
"I'm ready when you are" said Anita. 
"I'm ready to" said Mildred. 
"Very well" said Agent Ray "It's time to stop Alphonse."
Anita and Mildred ran out to the front of Mildred's house. Ray slowly and quietly walked towards the door to the living room. 
"This is it" Agent Ray began to think to himself "there's no turning back. I'm going to my Friends Victor and Anita, and I'm going to get my revenge for being restrained in that cage in the secret underground area at the T.H.E.M. base, and most importantly I'm going to help save two little children" 
Ray slowly put his hands on the door knob 
"It's on" said Agent Ray and soon he was in the living room.
TO BE CONTINUED…...[[Category:Bad Fanfiction]]
[[Category:Wall of Text]]
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