Spongbob Squarepants: Death of gary

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This was some old creepypasta I wrote about 4 years ago and decided to post it here. I think I wrote it during a free period in 8th grade.

Part 1

Back in 2011, I was about 12 at the time and there were some newspaper advertisements that Nickelodeon Studios was looking for kids as a test audience for new episodes. Getting to see brand-new episodes before they aired sounded like a dream to me, so I convinced my mom to drive me up there and see if I could qualify. Of course, the front lobby was completely packed with the absurd amount of kids around my age (and their visibly tired parents) crowding around the poor receptionist and trying to get applications to sign up their kids. Through the sea of shouting children and exhausted single moms, we managed to get the application and read through it. It was pretty much basic information like my name, my age, and I filled out the parts on what shows I'd like to see episodes of. I checked the boxes for Fairly Odd Parents and iCarly, and looked through the rest of the listed shows until I found Spongebob Squarepants and checked the box. After my mother and I were finished with filling out the information, we handed it back to the receptionist and sat down in a bright orange chair, waiting to hear back if we made it. By the end of it, there were about 12 kids (including me) that made the cut, most of them wanting to see new Spongebob episodes. Us and our parents were led to a green hallway with doors labeled "test audience #1", "test audience #2", and so on. We were led to #2 and sat down in different bean bag chairs, right in front of a big flat-screen television. Behind us were two employees who walked up to the DVD player and put in a disc labeled "s8e27". The two employees told us that it was an upcoming special episode, and most of the other kids seemed really excited about it. A few minutes later, they would dim the room's lights and start the episode.

Part 2

The intro of the episode (similar to other specials) was completely different, showing a gloomy and rainy Bikini Bottom sky, and the camera panned down to a shot of a pet semetary. It would fade to a shot of Spongebob and all of his friends surrounding a funeral. Spongebob was wearing all white, and his friends were wearing fully black suits and dresses. There was a pastor fish standing behind a podium and reading something, but it wasn't very audible because of how loud the rain was. The camera would slowly pan behind everyone on screen, and a large, bold text with a rocky texture read "THE DEATH OF GARY". The scene would slowly fade away and would cut to a shot of Goofy Goober's. Everything had a sort of grainy and monochromatic look to it, sort of like an old movie. A boatmobile would pull up in its parking lot, and two unidentifiable characters would walk in. It'd cut to a scene of the inside of Goofy Goober's, showing Spongebob and Patrick walking inside. Spongebob was visibly and uncontrollably sobbing, and Patrick seemed like he was doing his best to calm him down. It was still pretty hard to tell what they were saying, but they would walk over to the nut bar. Patrick kept trying to cheer up Spongebob, but even a Triple Gooberberry Sunrise didn't do anything. Patrick seemed like he gave up, since he'd walk off and leave Spongebob by himself. A time card would appear, saying "3 months later". It would cut to a shot of Spongebob's pineapple house, now in visible disrepair and with the pineapple rotting and peeling away. Squidward was walking by, seeming rather worried and says that nobody's seen Spongebob since Gary's funeral a few months back. He'd try to peek in the windows, showing everything covered in cobwebs and the television having nothing but white static on its screen. Squidward noticed that the door was unlocked, and would open it to walk through. As he looked through the house, everything was pretty much falling apart at the seams and there were pictures of Spongebob and Gary scattered throughout the house. Every room was covered in thick layers of dust and was in heavy disrepair, and he'd finally venture up to the second floor. Photos of Gary were scattered all throughout the steps, and it led to his bedroom. What Squidward saw in that bedroom was completely shocking to him. In the middle of the room, with a picture taped to his back, was Spongebob. The only thing still running in the entire house was his ceiling fan, spinning his hanging lifeless body back and forth. When Squidward stopped the fan, he finally got a chance to read the picture. It showed Spongebob and Gary together, with his last words scribbled on the page...

"Gary and I are home at last".

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