SpongeBob - Pearl's mother

Hello. My name is Brooklyn. I will be telling you a scarring experience I've had.

It all started one day when I was playing Minecraft. I heard my doorbell ring. I was expecting some beats headphones but i got something entirely different. There was a blu ray disk of spongebob. I inserted it into my Xbox one. It started with spongebob saying "this is the menu. Press play to begin." I pressed play and it looked weird. It showed pearl but it wasn't her. The mystery whale soon got shot down by fishers. She was to heavy to be in their boats so they just left her there. She was soon found by a Eugene Krabs. He called 911 and they sent her to the morgue. They found a baby whale nearby.

Soon mr krabs has just opened the krusty krab but he was depressed. He soon decided to adopt a baby. He soon found the baby whale. He named her pearl. It then cut to commercial. I thought what the heck was going on. It came back and it showed pearl rummaging through mr krabs office. She soon found her adoption records. Mr krabs came in and started explaining. Pearl went home or so I thought. She took her things and ran away. She asked spongebob if she can stay with him. Spongebob asked why and pearl told the story. "nevermine" she said. She went to the middle of nowhere. She looked beaten, starving, and dehydrate. She soon laid next to the road and didn't move. She was dead. The episode ended. The credits said anthony Andrews.

Who would make this

Why was this made

I never got the answer. I hid it in my attic and tried to forget. I decided to show my friend and we got no answers. Maybe someone out there will find the answers.

But for now I just live with my night terrors.

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