Spongebob Squarepants: The Last Straw: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "If you ever see an episode of Spongebob Squarepants titled "The Last Straw", do not watch it. 400px I remember the day vividly. I was just a kid, 9 years old, watching the TV in the middle of the night. I was on Nickelodeon, watching my favorite show, Spongebob Squarepants. I remember having a lot of Spongebob merchandise, a spongebob plush, spongebob pajamas, and even a spongebob bed. As I was watching spongebob, it suddenly cut off in the m...")
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Squidward tells Spongebob and Patrick that they are the worst neighbors he has ever had. Squidward seemed uncharacteristically sad at this moment, it was actually kind of depressing. Usually he's pissed off, but now he just has a sad tone. He says that all he ever wanted was to have a peaceful and quiet life, and that he wished they were never born. He sounded like he was at the verge of tears here. He then tells them to just please be quiet for just this once. Wanting to cheer Squidward up, Spongebob and Patrick go back into their houses. Squidward goes back to playing his clarinet, then it cuts to the next day.
Squidward goes to the Krusty Krab, saying "Another day, another horrible life." The first customer asks for a krabby patty as usual. However, Squidward just stares at the customer, not saying a word. The customer asks what's taking him so long, but Squidward continues to stare. Many customers have since come in, and I can hear them getting louder and angrier. Suddenly, Mr. Krabs yells "Mr. Squidward! My office, now!" When Squidward gets to his office, Mr. Krabs tells him that he is fired. He says "I can't run a business with you just starin' at the customers! We're losing money! This is why you're fired." Squidward continues to just stare at Mr. Krabs, not saying a word. Mr. Krabs, confused, tells him once again he's fires and that he must get out. Suddenly, Squidward starts talking. He says "Mr. Krabs, I don't care if I'm fired. My life sucks, and I am tired of these people just walking all over me, especially you. I'm tired of Spongebob, I'm tired of my job, I'm tired of my life. I have had enough. This is my last straw." Upon hearing this, Mr. Krabs just looks at Squidward. Suddenly, he begins to laugh. He laughs, and laughs, and laughs. He says, "Nice sob story Mr. Squidward, but I'm not changing me mind. You're fired, end of story. Now get out." Squidward just sits there, staring at Mr. Krabs. Then suddenly, he lunges at him. He begisbegins to strangle Mr. Krabs, yelling at the top of his lungs. Mr. Krabs tries to get Squidward to let go of him. I just sat and watched in horror, as Squidward chokes Mr. Krabs for minutes on end. After a few painful minutes, Mr. Krabs' bloodshot eyes roll back. He's dead. This is where the episode went from bad to worse.
Squidward bursts into the kitchen, smashing Spongebob's face into the stove. You can hear Spongebob's blood curdling scream as he burned his face, then after pressing Spongebob's face on the stove for about a minute, he picks his head up. You can see Spongebob's detailed burnt face, with hyper realistic blood all over him. Squidward then takes Spongebob's spatula and goes on a rampage. He kills all of the customers in the Krusty Krab, including Patrick. You can hear their screams as they try to escape with no avail. Squidward laughs, as blood is seen all over the place. There's blood on the windows. Blood on Squidward's clothes. Blood on the door. The whole room is covered in blood, with not a single soul remaining except for Squidward. Squidward leaves the Krusty Krab, as his rampage continues.