Spongebob commits a murder

Revision as of 12:37, 5 April 2018 by imported>DankLaxr

Hello, my name is Daniel and I will be writing this to let you know about a sick, twisted and horrifying bootleg tape of a show you may know and love, to put it simply; Spongebob.

It all began when I went on a walk outside and while I was walking home, I saw an overfilled trash can that looked like it was about to fall over. I went to it to push the trash deeper into the bin so I didn't collapse. However, while I was doing so, I felt something in the can, it felt like plastic. I pulled out the object to find out it's a tape that had been thrown out, I guessed the owners of it though it was no good. It had ''Spongebob'' written on it, so it reminded me of one of my favourite childhood shows (take the hint); Spongebob. I decided to take it back home with me and see if it still works.

I opened my front door and stepped in, I got out the tape and shoved it into my old VHS. I then sat down on my couch and waited to see some nostalgia. Then it started up as the video showed up. I got ready.

The tape started up as it played the classic intro. After the intro, the title card showed up. It said ''Lost Sanity''. I found it very unusual that such an innocent show could have such a dark title like that. But I tried to shake it off of my mind and get into the episode. It started at Spongebob's pineapple house as he was in his bed, sleeping. His loud clock went off as he woke up. He jumped out of bed and yelled ''Good morning, everybody!'' in a cheerful tone. He then went downstairs to start his day. The bubble effect showed up as he ran down to the Krusty Krab while chanting like he usually does ''I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready,'' and so on. He came to a halt as he saw the Mr. Krabs outside his fast food joint. There were bulldozers there tearing down the Krusty Krab. Spongebob ran to Mr. Krabs and questioned why the bulldozers were near the Krusty Krab. ''My business is no more, boy-o. Plankton has stolen my customers and now I'm no more.'' Spongebob shuddered and said ''N-no more K-k-Krusty Krab...?'' He began crying as he ran off back home. I though this was a bit too much for an episode of Spongebob. It cuts back to Spongebob's pineapple house as he slammed his head on a table, crying. Gary could be seen walking up to Spongebob and meowing. Spongebob depressingly mutters ''Oh, right Gary. I forgot to feed you dinner...'' while he was tearing up. He then got up and grabbed a can of snail food and used a can opener to open it. He then pours it out into Gary's bowl while shuddering again. This time it sounded like he was annoyed. ''Plankton...'' he whispered. He whispered Plankton two more times before breaking out with rage yelling ''PLANKTON, I'M COMING FOR VENGEANCE!!'' He then grabs a butcher knife from his cutlery drawer and rushed out of the door. It cuts to Plankton at the Chum Bucket. Plankton is seen bragging about his fame and popularity at his fast food joint as lots of fish citizens can be seen eating at the Chum Bucket. The door then slams open with force, Spongebob shouts ''YOU...''

''What do you want, Sponge-brain?'' Plankton replies

''YOU SHUT DOWN THE KRUSTY KRAB...AND I WON'T HAVE IT!'' Spongebob ragingly says.

''Why does it matter to you?'' said Plankton.


Spongebob then get out his knife and charges at Plankton, screaming. Plankton dodges Spongebob as he rams into the wall, but limbs back up. Spongebob chases Plankton until he was cornered. Plankton then says ''Oh, great.'' He is then stabbed by Spongebob and coughed out blood. I was very shocked when I saw the blood. Spongebob begins laughing maniacally as the episode then ends.

I was very shocked and traumatized. I though whoever writ that episode was sick. After that, I have never seen another episode of Spongebob since. I will never be the same.

Thank you for listening, but whatever you do; NEVER take strange tapes with your favourite character's name on it home. You might regret it.

Trollpasta written by DankLaxr)