Everyone knows the hit Cartoon Network show, 'Steven Universe' right? Well, rumor has it there was an episode that was in circulation known as 'Steven's Suicide'. I am one of the few people who know of it's existence.

I worked as an intern at Cartoon Network studios during the summer of 2016. It was a decent, well paying little gig, and being a huge fan of Dexter's Lab and Powerpuff Girls growing up, I was stoked. A few other interns and I were chosen to view certain episodes before they were greenlit to air, and one of those shows happened to be Steven Universe. I wasn't a particularly big fan of the show, but it seemed interesting enough. The episode in question was supposed to be the series finale, as the creator of the show, Rebecca Sugar, stated to us personally.

Her appearance caught us... off guard, to say the least. but she looked horrible. Tattered hair, bruised skin, dark circles under her eyes, and she seemed severely underweight. She threw the flash drive at us and walked out without saying a word. We were rather speechless, but decided to proceed anyways. I plugged in the flash drive and started the episode. It was simply titled, 'Steven's Suicide'.

This was odd. Steven's Suicide? Isn't this supposed to be a family friendly show? Suicide seems like a dark topic to tackle, and the main character nonetheless? Why would they end the show like this? We proceeded.

The episode started out in a dark room. There were cobwebs everywhere, and a thick layer of dust covered everything. One thing stood out to me. This wasn't a cartoon.

It was real.

The camera panned to a morbidly obese child in the center of the room. He looked like he had been abused, he was bruised and his dark curly hair was ripped out in certain spots. He began weeping to himself. He was surrounded with toys - one of Pearl, Amethyst, Garnet, and the pink lion. The boy stood up slowly, and walked up to the camera. His eyes were bloodshot, and he was now crying vigorously. The camera went black, and cut to a different angle.

The boy had hanged himself.

The camera remained on his body, slowly swaying back and forth. This went on for the next twenty-two minutes. I almost vomited. The interns and I left the room immediately, and went to inform our superior. He did not believe us, and when we went to lead him into the screening room, the flash drive was gone.

I don't know what I saw that day, and I don't know if anyone out there will believe me, but I promise you that this really happened. There was an investigation due to the three witnesses, myself included, but nothing ever came of it. The boy in the video was never identified.

To this day, nobody knows what happened that day. Maybe it's for the best.

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