Super Mario 3D Land Lost Character

I've always played Mario, read pastas, and watched videos on YouTube. Mario was my favorite game and show and nothing would ever change that. Not even a scary event involving one of the games. That's exactly what happened to me. You're probably thinking, "Oh, this is one of those stories where they used to love whatever but now they don't because something scared them so much they won't even play another game or watch another video of it." No, it's not one of those, I still love Mario and nothing will ever change that, no matter what.

I'm a military brat so I travel a lot and I have to earn money to get what I want unless it's my birthday, Christmas, or any other holiday special to my family and I. I had gotten a 3DS for my birthday, but I had no 3DS games, I only played DS games on it. As you know there's not a lot of interesting 3DS games right now so I never bought any. One day when I was visiting a friend of mine in a military base in Colorado a commercial came on, and it had my full attention. It was a boy jumping around then it turned to show you could go sideways, so I knew it was a Mario 3DS game. I asked for a pencil and a piece of paper and jotted the name down.

The next day I went to my local store to see how much it was. The price was what I expected $39.00. So after four vigorous weeks of earning $41.00 I had gone back to the store and bought the game. It started out normally, however, I had a choice of 2 characters, Mario and Beta. Beta kind of looked like Wario but faceless and skinny and tall like Luigi. His yellow clothing was brighter and his purple overalls were darker. There was also no W on his hat, just a white circle.

I clicked on him, curious of what he could do and what his abilities were. His abilities were slightly different compared to the Mario Bros. He could run faster than then Luigi, but slower than Mario, and could jump higher than Mario, but not as high as Luigi. This made him like a sort of balance between Mario and Luigi. I loved this character, he seemed invincible, but the way he had no eyes, nose, mustache, and mouth, gave me shivers down my spine. I ignored it though and pictured him with a face.

I had used him during the regular worlds and beat the game with him. I could now visit the special worlds, and try to get Luigi. The special levels seemed to have darker colors than normal, and were different. An example is that World S1-1 had Lakitus in place of the Spinies. You know, just minor things. I went to the first world and played it, but it wasn't until the end of world one when things got really weird, however. When I finished World S1 the faceless, the new Beta character started to cower down, putting his hands over his head, and cowered down to his knees. But he made no sound at all. I went on to the next level. This level was pretty much nothing at all. Just a straight flat piece of ground that went upward, very steeply. The background was black and nothing else. Then the Beta started to cower down again like in the previous level. When he got to the bottom of the hill after sliding for at least twenty seconds, it said 'Level Clear!' but played the 'Game Over' Theme. It still let me go on to the next level, however. This world was nothing but one platform that went straight the whole time. Then Beta started to cower down again and fell off the platform he was on. Oddly enough, a happy tune played following Beta's death.

Then things got very morbid. Beta's face was black, and his once white gloves were a bright red, almost pink. They seemed bloodstained. I carried on with the next level. It was all spikes, nothing else. It let me walk on the spikes, a little blood coming up on the screen (Kind of like on Red Dead Redemption when you skin an animal, except not as realistic) every five steps I took. Finally Beta died. I had to do the level again except with Mario. I walked down the spikes, except no blood showed up and he never died. I came to the spot where the Beta had died. He was lying face down on the spikes, and still looked the same. Mario then got into the ducking position and wouldn't stand up no matter what I did. So I had to carry on, floating down the spikes, still ducking. Then the spikes disappeared suddenly and Mario fell down, into the endless, black pit.

It went on to the next level without me pressing anything. All it was was a grassy plain with Lakitus and Spinies. I was able to jump over these easily. I jumped until I got close to the end, then an eerie music started playing. Like a really high-pitched music box. Then it stopped suddenly and a message showed up. It said "Thrown away without a face..." in big purple letters, with a black background. And the game went back to the main menu. I clicked on the profile again, and everything was normal, except the game let me choose between Mario, Luigi, and the real Wario on the map screen.

Don't think I don't play that game because I do, and I will never hate that game. I have grown fond of Wario and use him all of the time. I won't throw away the game ever.

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