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So like one day I was browsing the MSPaint Adventures website for Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff comics and I like came across a comic I've like never seen before called "Sweet Bro's Stairicide." I like figured it was like some sequel to the like original Stairs comic but I was totally wrong you fat nasty trash.
So like it started off with like Sweet Bro standing around the stairs but everything was dark and hyper realistic. Then like Hella Jeff came on the page and hyper-realistically said "kill yourself you dumb homo tool." It was like so spoopy and hyper realistic, it wasn't even typed in Comic Sans! Then it cut to them at the church but it was nighttime and really really hyper realistic and dark. Then it cut to the inside of the church with SB and HJ sitting on the pews but everything was still hyper realistic. Instead of having their usual perverted expressions, they both looked extremely pissed. Then, like, all of a sudden, Sweet Bro grabbed a razor and started cutting himself like a little fucking emo! Then it cut back to the inside of the house but there was only Sweet Bro there. SB was still cutting himself like a gay little whiny cunt and then, like, all of a sudden, he leaned over the stairs and let himself fall and the SBaHJ Movie theme song was playing backwards and distorted.; even more than normal! Then a bunch of flashbacks started playing; Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff performing a bro hug bump, the first time they met Geromy with the cars and shit, the big game, Hella Jeff teaching Sweet Bro to operate a drawer, and, at the very end, SB and HJ and the stairs. Then, when it went back to the comic, Sweet was falling in slow motion, about to hit the stairs. Hella Jeff was watching him, crying. Then, Hella Jeff said "i cant BELIEVE what i made take place" and then it resumed to normal speed and SB was sent hurtling down the stairs spraying blood as he went.
I hope this story warns you about stairs, bro.
Anonymous user