Teletubbies Lost Episode: Godzilla

Revision as of 20:11, 2 September 2022 by Princeoscar9rises (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|The DVD If you thought that Rohan's, Toby's, Brian's, 205Tob's and the others' encounters with lost Teletubbies episodes were bad, guess again. I was at Target looking for something that might interest me. There was nothing to find until I came across a DVD isle. There were so many DVDs to look at. I then went to the "T" section and looked around. I looked around for 1 minute until I found a Teletubbies DVD in the shap...")
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If you thought that Rohan's, Toby's, Brian's, 205Tob's and the others' encounters with lost Teletubbies episodes were bad, guess again. I was at Target looking for something that might interest me. There was nothing to find until I came across a DVD isle. There were so many DVDs to look at. I then went to the "T" section and looked around. I looked around for 1 minute until I found a Teletubbies DVD in the shape of a CD case.


The cover consisted of the Teletubbies in a pink background with Dipsy being the closest while the other 3 were inches away from him. The DVD was titled "Photo Faces And Other Stories." And just like with the other DVDs, it had the ABC 4 kids logo in the top right corner and the BBFC-U rating on the bottom left.

"Seems interesting enough." ,I said.

I then took the DVD home. After I came home, I showed my parents the DVD and they looked at me with puzzled looks on their faces.

"Aren't you a little big to be watching a show like that?" ,my mom asked.

"It was rare. So I had to get it." ,I said.

After that, my parents told me that they were going to go to the mall to pick some things up. After my parents left, I decided to look at the DVD again. On the back of it was a list of episodes. The list of episodes were "Photo Faces", "Seahorses", "Sea Tractor", "Seals", and an unknown episode with the title "Godzilla".

"Godzilla?" ,I asked myself. "I've known that monster a lot ever since his debut in 1954. And also, what does he have to do with Teletubbies?"

The DVD Menu

Anyway, I turned on my DVD player and put the disc in and turned on my TV. I sat down in a comfortable position so I could watch it. As usual, it opened with the ABC DVD ident, then the BBC ident, and the ABC For Kids ident. Then it took me to the menu.

The menu consisted of Dipsy looking through the spyglass as seen in the episode "Photo Faces". The menu options (as always) were the same. I pressed "Play All" and I sat back down. The first 4 episodes were normal, but the last one, sweet mother of God, it was insane.

The intro was normal, but before the intro finished with the voice trumpet rising up, instead of saying "Where have the Teletubbies gone?" as it usually would, It instead said this:

"A massive beast is coming to Teletubbyland."

It then cut to the sun baby. It was as confused as I am. Then the first segment started. It showed Laa Laa looking over the hills. She then noticed the camera and walked over to it.

"Eh oh!", she said.

"One day, in Teletubbyland..." ,The narrator began. "Laa Laa was looking for something special."

"Something special" ,Laa Laa said in her happy tone.

She then walked back to where she stood before and then the scene cut to a huge saltwater lake. The water had the same animation and texture as the 3 ships magical event. As soon as she was looking out into the horizon, there was a huge rumble. The rumble was so powerful, it made the whole scene shake.

"What was that?" ,asked Laa Laa.

"It probably sounded like a rumble." ,said the narrator.

A screenshot of the creature's tail.

Just then, a tail poked out of the water.

"What's that? asked Laa Laa.

"It's a tail of some sort of creature." ,the narrator responded.

Laa Laa gasped in shock.

"Run Away!" ,cried Laa Laa.

A screenshot of Kamata-Kun in Teletubbyland

Laa Laa then made a run for it. After she ran for her life, the creatures tale disappeared back into the water. Laa Laa stopped running and went back to see if it was gone. She then sighed in relief. At that moment, there were multiple splashes happening everywhere. It probably meant that the creature was evolving into something different. Laa Laa went back to running away back to the Tubbytronic Superdome. Just then the monster emerged from the water. It was revealed that the monster was Kamata-Kun from the 2016 movie "Shin Godzilla".

At that moment, a sample of the track from Shin Godzilla called "Persecution Of The Massess" plays in the background instead of the joyful music you'd usually hear.

Kamata-Kun was rampaging through Teletubbyland. He was crushing all the flowers and rabbits. Kamata-Kun was also losing a lot of blood. It showed a shot of Popstar's grave from the Dealing With Passings episode and Kamata-Kun's blood flooded all over the gravestone. Then Kamata-Kun's foot crushed the grave stone with one stomp. Laa Laa then went to the rest of the gang (who were drinking tubby custard) and said:

"Giant monster in Teletubbyland!"

"Uh, oh!" ,Tinky Winky, Dipsy, and Po said worridly. They ran outside and saw the beast. The monster was still rampaging through Teletubbyland. Just then, Kamata-Kun stopped, stood up, and fell to the ground. Just then Kamata-Kun's skin began to turn to a bright red. Then, some fingers grew on his limbs. He also grew in size. After he evolved into Shinagawa-Kun, he let out Godzilla's roar from 1954.

A screenshot of Shinagawa-Kun roaring at the Teletubbies

The Tubbies looked really afraid. Shinagawa-Kun turned around and looked at the quartet. He then let out the same roar from before, (But in high pitch). The Teletubbies screamed as that happened.

"Uh, oh." ,said Po getting very afraid.

"Run for your lives you four." ,The narrator said to the quartet "You don't know what this thing can do to you."

"RUN AWAY!" ,they yelled.

Shinagawa-Kun chased the Teletubbies around their house for almost 1 minute. Just then, Shinagawa-Kun stopped and felt a warmth on its back. He looks back and sees that his body needs a cool down. Shinagawa-Kun then lets out the same roar from earlier for the last time and Shinagawa-Kun takes off back towards where he emerged.

The Teletubbies then saw Shinagawa-Kun run back into the water and they all sighed in relief.

"That was a close one." ,the narrator said.

"It was." ,the quartet said.

Just then, the windmill started to spin around for a TV event.

"Uh, oh." the quartet said in their happy tones.

Then they all ran to the windmill for the TV event. Po was chosen for the TV event. The TV event showed a brother and sister. They were waving to the camera.

"Hello! Hello!" ,said the children.

"My name is Sam." ,said the brother.

"And I'm Lucy." ,said the sister.

"We have something to show you." ,said Sam.

What was on the floor of their house was toy soldiers and all sorts of military vehicles. And on the far right side was a huge Godzilla toy. The sister started to recreate a Godzilla scene where the military were shooting at the beast and the brother was acting out as Godzilla himself. I was surprised they actually allowed this for a preschooler's show aged 0-5. Anyway, the brother (who was playing with the Godzilla toy) started to destroy the tanks and the jets and even the buildings (which were made of books). After that, the children waved goodbye to the Teletubbies.

"Goodbye! Goodbye!"

Then, just like all of the Teletubbies episodes, it played for a second time. Then after the TV event, the next segment started. But instead of the sun baby, it was the moon baby from the Soldiers episode that Rohan encountered, which meant that the next segment will take place at night.

The quartet walked out of their house and noticed the camera. They walked up to it and said:

"Eh oh!"

Then the narrator began to speak.

"One night, in Teletubbyland, the Teletubbies were going for a stroll when they heard a strange noise."

"A strange noise." ,they all said.

Just then, there was a foot stomp. The Teletubbies all looked around to see where it was coming from. They were confused. Then, the same stomp was heard again. Just then, Po looked back and saw what was making those stomping sounds. She then grabbed everybody's attention.

"There! Over there!" ,cried Po.

At that moment, the Teletubbies all looked back and their faces changed from happy to shocked. Then it showed a far shot of Godzilla walking into view.

"Oh, no." ,said the narrator. "It looks like that beast is back for its resurgence."

"Back for resurgence? Oh, no." ,cried the quartet.

At that moment, after the Teletubbies said, "Run Away!", a track from the Shin Godzilla movie called "Defeat Is No Option" began to play as Godzilla approached Teletubbyland.

A screenshot of the Teletubbies looking up at Godzilla

"Quick! Hide in the house!" ,cried the narrator.

Godzilla came closer and closer as the music began to build up. Just then, some B-2 bombers came into view. They weren't done in CGI. They were real. Then, the bombers dropped bunker bombs on Godzilla and as soon as that happened, Godzilla began to bleed lots and lots of blood. Just then, he raised his head and let out Godzilla's roar from 1962-1975.

A screenshot of Godzilla charging up his atomic breath

Godzilla's dorsal spikes began to change from bright red to a very bright purple. The Teletubbies looked outside (and so did Noo Noo) to see what was happening. Just then, Godzilla began to open up his mouth and split his lower jaw. The inside of his mouth began to glow a bright purple.

Another track from Shin Godzilla called "Who Will Know" begins to play as Godzilla begins to spray black smoke onto the floor. At that moment, Godzilla closes his eyes and he starts to shoot fire onto the floor. This causes the entire fields of Teletubbyland catch fire. The fire also burns the Tubbytronic Superdome. Just then, Godzilla's fire breath began to turn a bright purple and started to turn into a beam.

Godzilla then lifted his head into the air to aim his beam at the B-2 that was bombing him. Just then, more B-2 bombers began to drop more bunker bombs on him. Godzilla then shot his photons from his back up into the air. Godzilla's photons started to slice the Teletubbies house layer by layer. Then it showed the Teletubbies and Noo Noo huddling up together while all of this is happening.

Then, Godzilla's photons disappeared completely. And the rest of the bombs that were dropped by the bomber planes started to explode all around Godzilla. At that moment, Godzilla starts to push his atomic energy to his tail. The atomic beam began to shoot out of his tail this time. Not just his mouth, but his tail. As soon as all of the B-2 bomber planes were destroyed by Godzilla's mouth and tail beam, Godzilla's tail beam turned into fire and then turned into nothing. After Godzilla was done shooting from his tail, he turned around to see the Teletubbies and Noo Noo all huddled up together.

Godzilla looks down at them and all of the Teletubbies said:

"Someone! Help Us!"

"I'm sorry, you four." ,said the narrator in a sad tone. "I'm afraid that there's nothing else we can do. Teletubbyland is in ruins."

A screenshot of Godzilla killing the moon baby with his atomic beam

At that moment, Godzilla let out the same roar from 1962 and crushed the Teletubbies with his foot. Then it cut to the moon baby. The moon baby was crying just like in the Soldiers episode. Godzilla hears this and turns around. He then uses the last of his energy to shoot the moon baby at its head.

A screenshot of Godzilla and the fiery inferno behind him

Godzilla kept doing this until his atomic beam began to turn into fire breath. Then, Godzilla's energy ran out. Godzilla then walked over to the house and started to destroy the rest of it (including the beds, the tubby toast machine, the tubby custard machine, the control panel, the table, and even the chairs). It then showed a shot of Godzilla walking towards the camera while the purple assets all around him went back to the regular bright red.

The tubby bye bye scene played. But this time, the fields were on fire (obviously because of Godzilla's fire breath). And the sky was still in night style. The voice trumpet rose. But instead of saying "Time for Tubby bye bye" 3 times as it usually would, it instead said this:

"Godzilla has risen. Teletubbyland is now an inferno. There's nothing that we can do to stop this monstrosity."

A screenshot of Godzilla crushing the voice trumpet

Just then, after the voice trumpet said that, Godzilla's enormous foot came down and crushed the voice trumpet almost like a jumpscare. It kind of scared me a little.

A screenshot of Godzilla roaring before he leaves

Then, instead of the usual Teletubbies credits music, it was a sample of Godzilla's theme in the Teletubbies style. Then it showed a shot of Godzilla roaring up into the sky while using the same roar from 1962.

Then after he roared, it showed a shot of Godzilla walking back to where he first emerged in the first segment. The credits then scrolled across the screen as it usually would in all of the episodes.

A screenshot of the Ragdoll and BBC logos

Then after the credits, Godzilla goes back into the water and swims away. Just then, the same Ragdoll and BBC logo from the Soldiers episode appeared but this time, Godzilla and his 2nd and 3rd form were on screen and when the logo's mouth was drawn, there was a sound of Godzilla's atomic beam when the logos mouth was drawn.

Then it showed the same red tinted ABC DVD logo. And when the DVD logo zoomed in, the woosh was overlapped with Godzilla's roar.

A screenshot of the ABC for kids logo

Then it showed the ABC for kids logo but this time, when the bee was done forming the ABC Lissajous curve, Shin Godzilla's atomic beam shot the bee and created a line of fire. The bee screamed as that happened. The ABC Lissajous curve was still visible throughout the logo.

Then, it showed one last thing. It showed a piece of text on the screen that said:

"Made by Ted Morgann and Adam Kennington In 2009"

As soon as I saw that text on the screen, I clenched my teeth and my fists and said in an angry tone:

"Those little punks made that episode?"

Just then, my parents came home after the DVD finished. I tried telling them what I saw while I was watching the DVD. My parents didn't believe me at first but when I played the episode again, they believed me. Instead of destroying it, they phoned up Ragdoll and BBC to tell them about the episode.

They told my parents that both Ted Morgann and Adam Kennington broke into their studio and made that horrible episode. They also told my parents that those 2 criminals secretly got permission from Toho to add Godzilla to the episode and they didn't know how they did it.

After the company told my parents what had happened, their reactions were in complete utter shock. They told me to put the DVD in my closet and put it in a place where we can't find it.

After that, I told Rohan about the episode and he was also shocked about it. After chatting with Rohan about the episode, I then went to sleep. I had a lot of nightmares about this episode. I had a nightmare about Godzilla killing me with his atomic breath. I never slept for a whole week.

So if you find a horrible Teletubbies episode made by the dreaded Ted Morgann, Don't watch it.

And please. Stay away from his tricks. Please.

Credited to SJ425A 
Originally uploaded on March 15, 2022

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