The Banned series finale of SpongeBob: Difference between revisions

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Morag then grabs SpongeBob and proceeds to put him near one of the deep fryers where she kills him. He is screaming in pain while he gets fried. Morag is then seen eating the remains of SpongeBob himself and saying “Mmm, deep fried sponge sure tastes great! I love having everything deep fried!”. This quote makes sense as Scottish people are obsessed with deep frying things. She eventually finishes eating her food and saying “I’m still pretty hungry, the whale’s gotta eat and keep her figure!”. After punching the door of the former Krusty Krab open and she heads over to the Chum Bucket. Because Morag is so big compared to Plankton, he screams in fear. Sheldon J. Plankton attempted to run from Morag. But, Morag shouted “You can’t run from your own prey! Whales eat krill and plankton all of the time!”. Karen then went over to Morag. “Get away from him, you whale!” She shouted. Morag grabs Karen and punches her screen and then breaks her in half like a giant Twix Bar. “Don’t ever steal Mrs. Loud’s voice again!” She shouted. Morag then proceeds to grab him and puts him over her mouth. “Time to go down the same way you did in the hated episode, One Coarse Meal!” She shouted. Morag drops Plankton down her mouth and swallows him. We then cut to a shot of the inside of Morag’s belly where he’s seen with Chrisnyan in the TLH style. Yeah, I guess Mr. Rubiner listened to my boy, Chris after all. Morag then rubs her belly and goes after to look for Pearl next. What can be scarier than an AR-15 you might ask? How about an M134 Minigun!. She gets out a Minigun cuz she’ll make anything appear with magic and walks around with it in an intimidating way. She busts down the door of Mrs. Krabs’ home and goes after Pearl. She fires her minigun and Pearl runs away. “That’s right, ruuuun from Morag McLaughlin! Cry like the little whale baby you are!” She shouted. She kills off Pearl with her minigun and makes her into a Japanese whale dish. “Mmmm, whale meat is my favourite delicacy. What a delightfully devious dish!” She said. She burped again and eventually got full after eating Pearl’s remains. “Uh-oh, looks like I have let out a huge toot!” She said. She kneeled down and let out a big nuclear bomb fart in the Krabs house. It’s not unusual for The Loud House to have fart jokes. But, this one stands out from the rest. “Oh dear, this house is gonna stink for weeks!” She said after she let out her fart.
She then went to the Burgermobile and noticed that it didn’t fit her style. “What in bloody hell is this?! I would drive this car. But, it doesn’t match my style at all” She said as she looked at it. She then turns the Burgermobile into a forest green Vauxhall Carlton Estate with Lotus Carlton rims and modifications. “Mwahahahaha, it’s perfect!” She shouted. She then got inside her station wagon and started up it’s loud twin turbocharged Inline-6. She even put her minigun in the back seats. She drove off to Patrick’s house and saw Patrick running away. “Time to cause a hit and run!” She shouted. She ran over Patrick Star with her station wagon and proceeded to do a burnout on his corpse. She then went over to Harold and Margaret’s house and busts down the door and shoots them dead with her minigun. “Time to die like your son!” She shouted. She then drives over to Sandy Cheeks’ dome and lifts open the steel door like it was nothing. She is holding an axe this time. Sandy attempted to fight her with karate. But, it did her no good as Morag learned to dodge her attacks by going up against Lynn Jr according to what she said. “Hahahahaha! For a tree rat, you sure are tough! Luckily, I already learned to dodge similar attacks from Lynn Loud Junior!” She shouted. Morag breaks open her glass helmet with her bare fist and proceeded to behead Sandy with her axe. “Don’t mind if I AXE you a question! Hahahahaha! I got that one from Luan” She said. After that we see her dancing around with her booty and she cracks Sandy’s dome with her massive butt. “Now, for the final act!” She shouted.
Morag’s station wagon casts a portal and she drives out of it. She drove by the Dream Boat itself. She uses her magic to turn the Dream Boat into the Alicorn submarine from Ace Combat 7 and even the Alicorn theme music starts playing. The submarine captain from The Loud House Movie is shown along with Karen in a more militaristic uniform and the rest of the cast from Dream Boat wearing Erusean navy outfits. “You’ve heard of Dream Boat, right? Well, this is the NIGHTMARE boat!” She shouted as the giant nuclear sub went towards Bikini Bottom. “Fire the ballistic missile!” She shouted. After Karen shouts “Fire 1!”, the ballistic missile somehow survives going underwater aims for Bikini Bottom and it blows up killing Mrs. Puff, Perch Perkins and, everyone else living in the area. “Fire another one, don’t let anyone live!” She shouted. After Karen shouts “Fire 2!”, the ballistic missile aims for another area killing off even more characters. Karen shouts “Fire 3!” and fires another ballistic missile that kills off King Neptune and his family. All of the characters in SpongeBob are now killed off by the giant nuclear sub. Everyone in the cabin cheered and danced around like people doing Fortnite emotes. “Let’s pay Patchy a little visit!” She shouted. The giant nuclear sub goes towards Patchy’s house and Morag gets out of the sub to knock on the door. Patchy is seen crying and saying “They ruined our childhoods!”. Karen gets out of the sub and goes over to him and says “Don’t worry, you can always be the co-captain of The Dream Boat”. She goes over to Patchy and hugs him. The giant nuclear sub is reverted back to The Dream Boat itself and everyone inside the boat is turned back to normal. Oddly enough, the next scene is filmed in live action as there’s a transition seen. Karen and Patchy both appear in live action. If you have any suggestions on Karen’s live action actress, let me know in the comments! In order to escape from the horrific imagery we just saw, we get a scene of patch being a jester and making everyone on the Dream Boat laugh. This is a contrast to what we just saw earlier. “Hello matees! Our episode of The Dream Boat just got real! I’m here with my lovely captain, Karen to tell you which one gets to hang out with the captivating captain”. All of the contestants including Kelly dance around with Patchy and Karen and it then cuts to a scene of Michael Rubiner himself watching the show within a show. “That was great, fellas. 6 years in the making! Our show has been doing well and SpongeBob now has some competition. Just be sure to cancel the two spinoffs, Kamp Koral and The Patrick Star Show” He said.
