The Burger King 3: The Finale: Difference between revisions

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=Good Ending=
But as i thought it was the end for me, something dragged me up. I couldn't open my eyes, but i heard a male voice say "Grab him and his bones and get him out of here". Than the surprised burger king said "What in the- , how did you even free yourself-", he was silenced with a sound that i assume is a punch in a face. The now pissed off burger king said "'''''ALL RIGHT YOU BASTARDS, YOU ALL CAN HAVE IT YOUR WAY, BUT THAT IS NOT STOPPING ME FROM PUTTING ALL OF YOU WHERE YOU BELONG'''''". and before you knew it, i heard screaming, things being broken, fire being set up, and even some explosions. When i finally got back at land, i was still dizzy. After they straighten my body on land, they explained some plan which evolves going back in the bag and some other things, i didn't pay attention to. They went down the bag, and i was stuck on the grass for a few minutes until, i all of a sudden started to feel my body again. As i can finally open my eyes and move, i saw that my body is no longer just bones and are coming back to what it was before all of this. After i was fully recovered, i slowly got up and ran to my house with something i had realized my mind. When i got in, i heard a muffled yell yelling "HELP, CAN SOMEONE GET ME OUT OF HERE". I ran to closet, unlocked it, removed all of the clothes inside and found Bob alive and recovered, but kinda flattened due to the pressure of whatever clothes i covered him up with. But luckily for him, i grabbed him like a giant paper and stretched him until his body was normal. Bob Asked me what happened, than i said "i don't know, but maybe we might understand one day".
=Dream Ending=