The Eyes in the Night

Revision as of 14:56, 29 September 2022 by TheBigLG (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello, my name’s Billie Lakes. I’m a paranormal investigator. I’ve been keeping track of strange incidents in my home since I was 19. I’m 28. One night, I was just trying to get some rest. Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow in the corner of my room. I saw red eyes glow. They seemed to follow me. It was a rather strange occurrence. Next night, the same thing happened. I started getting worried. I started to see those beady red glowing eyes in any dark space....")
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Hello, my name’s Billie Lakes.

I’m a paranormal investigator.

I’ve been keeping track of strange incidents in my home since I was 19.

I’m 28.

One night, I was just trying to get some rest.

Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow in the corner of my room.

I saw red eyes glow.

They seemed to follow me.

It was a rather strange occurrence.

Next night, the same thing happened.

I started getting worried.

I started to see those beady red glowing eyes in any dark space.

From my cupboard, to my wardrobe.

No place was safe.

I contacted my friends to see what was happening.

They didn’t reply.

It felt strange.

“Were my friends victims?” I thought to myself.

I shuddered as I thought of what horrible things could’ve happened to them.

I felt afraid of what was next to come.

My fate was nigh, right?

I was trembling with fear.

Then, the next night came.

I saw those red eyes again, but the glow was brighter.

It still looked at me, but more often.

It didn’t make a sound.

It was just there, staring.

I felt intimidated as it’s eyes got a little bigger.

The next night, I heard a screech.

It was glowing red eyes, but it made a screeching sound every 2 seconds.

It frightened the life out of me.

I prayed and I hoped that the nightmare would end.

I was in too deep, I felt numb each night, and I had nightmares of the glowing red eyes, and I woke up in a cold sweat.

I felt terrified, there was nothing to do.

I saw writing on the wall, it said this.


It was written in blood.

It seemed creepy, and that was the very moment where I didn’t feel safe anywhere I went.

Every single time I saw a pair of eyes that looked sinister, it reminds me of that dreaded red-eyed monstrosity.

I couldn’t sleep, the thoughts running through my head were too scary to report of.

I unwittingly put off all my other missions to focus on this terrifying one.

I felt numb in the day, too.

It always felt that I had needles driven into my back.

I felt pain so unimaginable for no reason, that I thought I was possessed.

4 days had passed, and the pain had stopped.

That night, I saw the eyes, but they looked like human eyes, almost like my eyes, but they were completely red and a giant hand came out and grabbed me and began to pull me into eternal darkness.

Suddenly, the red eyes disappeared without a trace.

”Thank God.” I said to myself.

I felt much better.

The next night rolled around, I couldn’t even sleep or fathom the fact that my impending doom was soon going to arrive.

Instead of red glowing eyes coming out of the darkness, I saw white eyes with no pupils, and they stared at me.

A head then appeared out of the darkness.

It was a amalgamation of all my dead friends who have combined into a fleshy monster with multiple heads.

They all screeched.

I got out of my bed, and I started to run.

It chased me, as it crawled on the floor like a spider.

I felt terrified.

Suddenly, it disappeared, and I never saw it again.

This was the most traumatising experience of my whole life.

If you ever find any evil glowing red eyes in any dark place, don’t look at them, run away.

Otherwise you will witness true horror and you’ll never be the same...

The End.