The Ghosts in the Woods

I enjoy hanging out in the woods in my free time. I was in the woods late one night last week after a good ole fashion orgy by the tree stump. I usually try to leave by dark but you know what they say, orgies in the woods only happen once every 3 days so I had to be sure to get my fill and I am quite the voracious orgy goer.

So I was about halfway back to my car and I see a light in a clearing ahead. There were about 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 9 ghosts standing in a circle around a burning cross! I was super creeped out! So I went to walk away and one of the ghosts spotted me. He said because I was one of the white brethren (I think he thought I was a ghost too) I would be able to join their ghost club!

I was like 'NOT TODAY YOU GHASTLY FUCK!' And sprinted away. The ghost yelled after me to stop being such a bitch and that they have hotdogs and ribs at their afterparties so I should really reconsider. I kept running till I got back to my car and hopped in.

Anyway, my suggestion to you would be to stay out of the woods in north east Maryland... GHOSTS LIVE THERE!!!!!!!!

Credited to grghbbs 

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