The Haunted iPod

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Recently, I unintentionally dropped my iPod Touch stories off a hotel balcony completely destroying the iPod on impact. This was in the middle of July, so I wouldn't be able to get a brand new iPod until Christmas. However, a few months later, I happened to come across a shack with two elderly men selling a bunch of junk in laundry bins. Out of curiosity, I decided to rummage the bins to see if I could find anything good.

I happened to stumble upon one of the iPod Touch plexiglass cases. The side where you can view the iPod in the case was completely covered by duct tape. With my heart thumping in hopes to find an iPod inside it, I peeled off the duct tape, and to my amazement, there's an iPod Touch in it!

I opened the case, and took out the iPod. The iPod wasn't even scratched or cracked. It was almost as though the former owner bought it straight from the store, and donated it to the shopkeepers. To my amazement, it was only priced at 25 cents! I didn't question this miracle, and gave a quarter to the elderly men. Upon arriving home, I examined my iPod. I pressed the power-on button, and to my amazement, it turned on. Showing the usual Apple logo, then going to the lock screen. The iPod already had some songs on it, but all untitled.

I decided to listen to the music files, and discovered that they were the scariest noises I've ever heard, and even more frightening, the album art were pictures of mutilated people, or animals. One being a picture of a man impaled through the stomach, and one with a picture of a headless woman, with a shotgun in her lifeless hand, guessing that she committed suicide.

I decided to check out the apps, but none were on there except for the existing ones. When I checked the photo library, it had the same photos as the album art in the terrifying music gallery. Videos had various footage of different people committing suicide. One included a teen using a powersaw to cut open his stomach, then removing his intestines to ingest them. I immediately hooked the iPod up to iTunes, knowing that I could remove the gut-wrenching files.

As I started up iTunes, all the text on the program changed to almost demonic codes. The music toolbar was changed to "scary.98satansatan", upon clicking where the music toolbar used to be, all the music files were renamed to what they are. Such as, "Man dismembering his hand screaming in agony" and "Woman screaming after seeing husband get murdered" I uninstalled iTunes right away, and took the iPod outside, and smashed it to pieces using an industrial sledgehammer. I still get nightmares to this day feeling sympathetic for the people I saw in the suicide videos.

Before I officially destroyed the iPod however, I brought the iPod to the men who sold me it, and showed them the gut-wrenching footage. They compensated me $250, and offered to destroy it for me. Now whenever the men get something electronic donated to them, they now check it out, and see if there isn't anything wrong with it.

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