The Lost Episode of BattleBots

I want to give you a forewarning. There will be no resolution. This'll just abruptly end after a few tense swaps. I've going to make this as unsatisfying as possible.

Once upon a time, I was an intern at Nickelback, so, in the most plot convenient way possible that I'm too lazy to wrote out, I watched some episodes of shows early before they were officially release. I found a VHS tape in a filing cabinet, so I put it in the DVR machine to watch it. I was excited to watch a lost episode, even if it was just a bunch of cheap walk cycles. A screen pupped out, reveal it to be an episode of BattleBots. I was excited?

"And on this week's brawl of the bots, we have Ginsu! A box with six, count 'em, six saw blades! Four of them as wheels!" Harry the announcer said. "The competitor is Metal Crunch! A bear trap on wheels!"

The alarm went off. Neither robot moved. Both spontaneously combusted and the match was declared a draw. Then end.

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