The Marselo Lottery Incident

It was a warm, Friday evening. As per usual, I was gaming on my PC. As I noticed, I had no moeny. I had no way to get money fast. So there was only one thing I could do. Enter a lottery. I went out into the nearest Wal-Mart Supercenter and got a lottery card. I turned on the TV later tonihg t to see the winning numbers. I got them, I won the $50 Million prize. But it said for the winner to go to a certain address. I got in my car, wrote down the address, and drove over. It was a 4 hour drive, but I finaly arrived. It was dark, and empty. It was a small shack in the middie of the desert. When I entered, the door closed behind me. I was stuck in there. I heard breathing. Heavy brething. I turned around and saw what looked like Marselo. But his eyes were red, his hands were bloody, his teeth were disgusting. "I will make you never seen again! Ehoho!". I screamed and ran away into the basement, but he cased me into the basment. He could run fast with his Gucci Brand Shoes. I was corned, nowhere left to run. Marselo had taken another life.

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