The Pac-Man Effect - A Flat Earther Theory

Umm what about it? The research team where I belong to has done that multiple times, have you heard about "Pac-Man" effect? You never get to see the edge, you simply get teleported to the exact opposite edge, just like when Pac-Man reaches the end of the screen and appears from the other side. This happens because of sudden magnetic shifts that occur at the disk's frontier with outer space.

I don't know what you are trying to say with "making up a new excuse when proven wrong". Isn't science made by trial - error - new theory? I love when I'm proven wrong, it means I'm 1 step closer to the truth of our Universe. The "pac-man" effect that I told you about consists of an electromagnetic field close to the edge of the disk, which allows matter teleportation to a site which has the exact same 'modular' value of polarity, the only difference being its symmetrical value. So in poor words, passing that barrier at the end of a country of the Earth would send all of your body particles to the "next" piece of land that you see after the very same country, but in reality that surface is at the "start" of our disk.

About pac-man being a videogame, I perfectly know that. In science it's rather common to use videogame and entertainment analogies, one example that comes to mind is the "Sonic Hedgehog" protein, you can search it on Google if it's hard to believe.

While matter teleportation does indeed exist, for now it's only observable at the edge of Earth (similar to Quantum teleportation but applied to matter and not just information). That's why we don't see scientists sending objects from one country to another like in fiction movies (yet).

I don't see why you would be so contrary to hearing different theories about this extraordinary and endless Universe, just because you can't see a real life example of it at a large scale. At the end of the day we scientists can never reach the absolute truth about anything in our reality, what we consider to be 100% correct today could miserably fall tomorrow. But that's what makes Science fascinating, it's our constant curiosity on trying to know how everything really works, building a huge tower of tiny pieces and trying to make it bigger and bigger as our knowledge becomes more acceptable in our society and reality. Sometimes we will remove a piece or 2 from this tower, and it may seem a step back to common people, but we as intelligent species never cease to learn and to evolve.

My personal desire is to one day be able to overcome the notion of infinity. When we think about the infinite, our mind seems to block itself and refuses to see what lays even further, and me saying that surpassing the infinite could be possible will surely make many people laugh. But that only propels me forward, the infinity scares human minds and that's why I want see the end of it. Am I relying on faith? Maybe, but if one of infinity's gratest challenge is making people accept it and refuse to elaborate more about it, I will keep insisting on it until it becomes an ordinary thing for us.

But if I really have to be honest, what's really amusing about Human minds is the ability that we have of preserving and sharing information even after our physical death. Knowledge and curiosity will never disappear as long as intelligent species exist. Even if Humanity were to disappear tomorrow, someone will surely continue from where we left off, it can take millions or billions of years but it will surely happen

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