The Shards of Evil Patrixxx

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The first life forms existed on a world far away from our own where they lived in fear of their god, Evil Patrixxx. It's not clear how these organisms came into being, nor how Evil Patrixxx was born, but what is known is that the first civilization which called that distant planet home became highly technologically advanced and very upset with their so called god. Eventually, using the unknowable alchemy available to those at the dawn of time, they managed to forge a weapon capable of killing a god. Little did they know that a being as powerful as Evil Patrixxx can never truly be killed and thus, when they fired their weapon, Evil Patrixxx was not destroyed but instead shattered into 108 separate pieces known as "Shards". These shards scattered across the stars, each one containing an portion of Evil Patrixxx essence. No one knows what happened to this civilization, some believe that they were destroyed due to the explosive shattering of Evil Patrixxx, others think that they used their technology to ascend to a higher plane of existence, but regardless, we have nothing but their ruins today.

When Evil Patrixxx was destroyed, his energy radiated all throughout the galaxy, reaching an untold number of planets. This energy caused many countless chemical pools to congeal and create the first instances of life across the universe. The energy also caused numerous abnormalities to exist in this reality, things like Skeletons that pop out of thin air, phones that speak with dead men's voices, and the countless horrors of Nikuloodon Studios. The new beings would later come to find the shards of the one who had given them life, and experience his wrath first hand.

The shards were first officially recorded by the TSAB, which termed them as Lost Logia (the TSAB term for pieces of advanced technology left behind by extinct civilizations). They were ignorant, however, that the Shards were never created by mortal means, but are the manifest essence of chaos itself. There have been sightings of beings resembling Evil Patrixxx on every world containing intelligent life, but these are not the fallen god himself, but are instead manifestations that reside within the shards.

When one posses a shard, they merely have to throw it on to the ground in front of them, shout "Go, Evil Patrixx!", and they will summon an illusionary fragment of Evil Patrixxx. These illusions are quite powerful (though no where near as powerful as the true Evil Patrixxx) and few mortals are strong enough to control them. Typically after killing it's summoner, the illusion will move about the surrounding area, looking for opportunities to cause havoc. It will then cause as much chaos as possible before expiring and returning to the shard to be found by another unsuspecting mortal. All recorded appearances of Evil Patrixxx have actually been sightings of illusions, not of the god himself. The true Evil Patrixxx is broken and if we're fortunate he will remain that way.

If all 108 shards are found and put into the same place, they will combine and Evil Patrixxx will be restored. If that happens, there is no doubt that he will use his ultimate ability, "Reality Eat" (a dramatically stronger version of a shard illusion's "Wurld Eat") and all order in our reality will be destroyed permanently. 39 shards are currently safe and accounted for. The remaining 69 are still out there somewhere, being used for Haruhi knows what.