The Wizard101 Creepypasta

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It was early July. It had been just a day since our Fourth Of July party, and I was exhausted. I scanned the TV for something good to watch. But then I saw something I can't forget. It was a commercial for, you guessed it, Wizard101. It showed a female wizard casting a spell with some sort of card. Then, out of nowhere a light blue giant smashed a tall, ugly guy with a huge hammer. I was stunned. Once the ad was over, I jumped on my computer and downloaded the game, not from the official website, but from another one that claimed to have quicker downloads. I started the game by taking a personality test of sorts to choose which magic school you get placed in. After the test, it said I had been chosen to join the school of Fire. I customized my wizard and was ready to go. After a simple tutorial, I was already on the first street of the game, Unicorn Way.

My first task was to defeat 3 Lost Souls. It wasn't very hard, but after I defeated each one, I heard a whispered phrase that sent chills down my spine. It was different each time. The three I heard were:


"It burns! Stop!"

"The pain..."

I shrugged it off and went to the guard who requested that I kill 3 of the helpless enemies.

"Thanks a lot kid! Now they'll suffer even more!"

That freaked me out. Why would this goofy-looking guy WANT the souls to suffer? And then... I saw something that made me close the game immediately. I walked in front of the guy, and saw the inside of the head of his model. It was his face.. but with blacked out eyes and BLOODY pupils.. I screamed, punched the computer and broke it. My mom yelled at me and said I was grounded for a month. I went to sleep that night scared as hell.

Then I heard the voices again.

I opened my eyes and the guard from the game looked at me with his pitch-black eyes and BLOOD red pupils. He put the tip of his BLOODY spear at my throat. He said no words, and set a brand new laptop on my bed. He left and hasn't come back since.

The only things on the screen were a .txt file labeled "PLAY" and Wizard101. The desktop background was a Lost Soul with BLOOD red eyes and a sharp, pointy smile with BLOOD on his teeth. I screamed. I had to decide what to do next. Eventually, I chose to talk to my parents about what happened. Would they believe me? I went to their room and found them...

...In a pool of BLOOD!

Disgusted, I threw up and blacked out.

When I woke up, the laptop was on my stomach. My hand shook as I reached for the mouse. I opened the .txt file. All it said was "PLAY THE GAME OR YOU DIE TOO" and ended in a bunch of words from a foreign language. I knew what I had to do. I played the game, hearing the loud screams of dying enemies and their pleas for me not to kill them. Every enemy I defeated left a pool of BLOOD where I had killed it. Some areas required me to pay real money, but when I tried to leave the game, it would teleport me to the area that was blocked off. After a grueling 6 months, I had beaten the game by killing the leader of the bad guys, Malistare. He left the biggest pool of BLOOD out of all the enemies I had defeated. I went back to the headmaster wizard. When I talked to him, he gave me a quest that simply had the goal of "Enter pool of BLOOD in the Commons" and nothing more. I went outside of the headmaster's office and found that the calm pong in the Commons was now BLOOD red. Anxiously, I entered it. The screen went static and a loud screech came out of my speakers.

When it ended, it had me in a battle with an invisible enemy. Its name was "KARMA" and it had 0/0 health. I tried attacking it, but all my spells failed. Even the ones with 100% accuracy. There was no option to flee or pass. I used every spell in my deck hoping it would work. None did. Finally, after using every spell I had, the enemy used the weakest spell in the game, Imp. The imp was BLOOD red and held a BLOODY violin. He played a song that pierced my ears and did 9999 damage to my wizard. He was defeated, and the screen went black. The next thing I saw was BLOOD red letter that spelled out "Thanks for playing. You may live. Hope you enjoy the rest of your life!! :)" and then the laptop crashed. I was finally going to have my life back. But then I heard a knock at the door. It was the police, saying that an anonymous web user had found out that I murdered my parents. I told them it wasn't true. It was all the game's fault. They didn't believe me, and once they found my parents dead, I was officially declared insane and sent to an asylum. Every night, I see those BLOOD red pupils that the guard had. Let this story be a warning. DO NOT download ANY version of Wizard101 EXCEPT for the official one by KingsIsle Entertainment. Unless you want to end up like me, locked up in an asylum seeing BLOOD red eyes every night.

Well, I have told my story, now to kill myself. I can't stand it anymore. I CAN'T STAND SEEING THOSE BLOOD RED EYES EVERY NIGHT!