Once upon a time, there was a boy the age of 15 or 16 years old who was a video game designer who was getting bored. So he went outside a went to call his friend to come over for a little bit to play some video games with him. .His name was Gio He was also a prankster too when his friend got there they went out to get some games to play. When they went to the store, the store was empty, but a guy was standing at the desk. But he did not say a word It looked as if he was on the phone talking to someone. But there was nobody on the other end so Gio went up to the guy and said “ Can I get the game called FNAF please?” but the guy's head came off when he shook the guy. Gio said, “ This is not that scary I’ve seen worse than this bro.” His friend said “ You for real bro I think this is scary!?!? Then they went back home to play video games. When they did the was blood all over the walls the lights were not on. But they had to use candles to look around Gio’s house. So they split up and when Gio’s friend went to look for him he was dead It looked like his head was bitten off so were his arms and legs too. Gio’s friend's name was James btw James said “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! James went to the basement and then turned out it was all a prank then James got beat up and he could not move but he called 911 and the ambulance came and picked Jeffrey up and he was brought to the hospital and he was in the hospital for 3 to 4 days. But Something bad happens the second day in the hospital. Jeffrey was watching His favorite show on the tv when the power goes out and then a gut walks up to Jeffrey and says “This is payback for what you did to Gio!” Jeffrey says “What do you mean I did not do anything Gio is not dead and why are you after me when you can go find someone else to kill I am not the person you should be dealing with!” The guy says “ You think you can knock me out ha! You look too weak to do it!”

The next day James said, “ That was scary I don’t know why he was after me when I did nothing wrong but I guess he did not read the note outside my room door It said DO NOT DISTURB ME”. Well The nurse came in and asked James “How are you feeling after the power outage last night James said “I am scared because there was a guy that came in my room And scared me. The nurse says “When did he come Into your room, James?” James says “ I am not sure what time it was but he definitely scared me and he said that I killed his friend Gio I think but I don’t know how he found me but I think he found out that I was injured and he went to this hospital to find me and maybe kill me I guess”. The next day The nurse comes in and says “ Later today you can go home do you have anyone to pick you up, James”? James says “ I think I can have My friend pick me up I think I will call him to see if he can come and pick me up". Then Jeffery died of a heart attack. THE END