Jimmy was picked up by his friend Josh but while he was driving back home they got hit by a semi-truck halfway there. Jimmy said, "I think I just broke my arm"!?!?! His friend Josh says " Oh my gosh what are we going to do now when we are stuck here trapped in this car?" Then the ambo comes and they were brought to the hospital but they later died in the hospital but before that happened Their mothers came in and said " Noooo, why did this have to happen to these two?????????????" The nurse said, " Sorry for your loss Too bad that it's not you". Then before they died one of their girlfriends comes in and says whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy did you drive the car when you knew you have been watched every single day by a guy named Will. He wants to kill you because he thought you killed his friend named Louie. Jimmy said " He has no guts to kill me anyway because he will die before he gets to me because my guards will kill him. Then they both die from their injuries from the accident earlier. Then the day after they died they had a funeral the next day so they did not do much during the funeral so they all went home to cry while they are sitting in the house watching tv. Then Jimmy's mom almost dies of a hearth attack. TO BE CONTINUED

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