The scaryest minecraft world

Revision as of 08:45, 8 June 2022 by SMLCREEPERKID11 (talk | contribs) (the scaryest world ever is not what it seems)
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I played a lot of minecraft when I was young. I have fond memories of the caves and cliffs part 2 update which is when I stated playing. Anyway one day coming home from school I got off of the bus and saw IT.

It was a USB drive stuck in the ground next to a rock. It was small and behind a rock but I managed to get it. I looked the back of it and it said THE BEST MINECRAFT WORLD. I wanted to try this out and see how good it was. Maybe it has diamonds everywhere and spawns you on a mushrooms island I thought. It could even have chests with the best items. But I was not ready for what awaited me.

I plugged the minecraft USD into my conputer. I waited for it to pop up but it took forever so I went to the kitchen and got a small bag of flamin hot cheetoes. The recommended serving size for these snacks provided 160 calories. The mascot was Chester Cheetah. I went back to the computer and the popup said NOW GETTING READY BEST MINECRAFT WORLD DRIVE C. I new it was getting good now. I opened the world file in minecraft and hit play.

The world started and I was stuck in the void. Weird I though. Something did not seem right so I clicked my mouse with fear and then it happened. A signed showed up and it said YOU SHOULDNT OF DONE THAT... I heard a really loud enderman screamed at me and I yelled loud. He said HAHAHA YOU PICKED UP THE USB AND THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD MINECRAFT WORLD. THIS IS ACTUALLY THE ENDERMAN VIRUS. I WILL NOW BLOW YOUR COMPUTER UP and my laptop caugth on fire and all of my accounts on the internet were deleted. My house burned down and the firemen said that they new what started the fire. It was a malfunctioning USB device called THE SCARYEST MINECRAFT WORLD. I it scared me since it was supposed to be BEST not SCARYEST on the USB, which scared me it was wrong it should of been BEST not SCARYEST I started yelling WHY IT LIED IT WAS BEST NOT SCARYEST THE USB LIED I WANTED ALL DIAMOND NETHRITE TOOLS and the firemen kicked my dumb illiterate ass

Anyways I'm going to go and crank one out to some sexy animated zankuro porn. But just remember. IF U EVER SEE A USB WITH A MINECRAFT WORLD ON IT NEVER EVER PUT IT INTO YOUR PC OR YOULL BE SORY

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