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Upon reaching the side of the house, I saw two people, laying on the ground with bullet holes in their head. As I moved closer, I recognized them as the two people who fucked on my couch. I ran back into the house and grabbed my 3DS and turned it on. A message popped up saying "Check the mirror."
I went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. I was covered in blood. Blood on my hands, blood on my shirt, blood on my shoes, I was covered. I also noticed my eyes were bigger than normal and were very baggy. My hair was darker than normal and my beer-stained white t-shirt was now a blood-stained black tee. Then, after putting two and two together I realized something. I was the one who murdered my friend and those two other people. I was the one who would take the blame. But worst of all, that Mii, was meMii.
Anonymous user