
Joined 24 September 2022
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(A really bad SMB1 Creepypasta.)
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I used to love the oringial Super Mario Bros, but not anymore.
I found a straneg packagee on the sied Of the Road.
I’ve been a huge of The Simpsons since I was 11.
It said in black sharpy on the dissk.
Then I heard that a unaired episode was coming today.
I unwittinly put it in mah NES.
Big mistaek.
I got very excited.
It strated up but sonething felt unusaul about the tittle scren.
The only playble character was Lugi.
I watched Channel 4, as I waited for the first showing of the new episode.
I’m scared now.
The level said “HELL!”
It was 2:00AM, It was gonna be on at 4:15AM.
I felt realy scard.
But I keppt on gouing.
I couldn’t contain my excitement.
I saws a Gomba with hyper realistik blud comming out of hizz eyes.
I was shockd.
Soon, it was 4:15AM.
Suddeny, I saws Mairo on the scren.
He turnd 360 degriess and he said “Hello Derek!” In a demonic voice.
What was strange about this new episode of The Simpsons was how it had a 18+ rating.
I was shockd.
How the frick did Maorio kno mah name?
”That’s odd.” I thought.
Mario then turnded to the scren and said 2 simpel wordz.
I shrugged it off, thinking it was some
Suddeny, there wazz statik for 5 seconds.
My console shutted off and the disck came fliyng out.
sick joke.
I never playd a Marioo game agin.
If you seez a wierd markio Gaem on the stretz, dont pley it.
<u>The Episode</u>
Teh Ennd.
The intro felt... off.
Something about it felt creepy.
Before the normal Coach Gag, Homer always gets hit by the Family Sudan, right?
This time it was different.
Homer’s guts went flying, there was blood on the ground, and it looked much more realistic and graphic.
The Coach Gag was nothing, nobody was there, there was no music, just silence.
The episode began at Moe’s.
Homer was drinking Duff Beer.
”D’oh.” Homer said, miserably.
”What’s wrong?” Lenny asked.
Homer didn’t reply, he just cried.
It cut to Homer at The Simpsons house.
Homer curled up into a ball and started to cry.
Everyone just ignored Homer.
Homer eventually stopped crying.
Then Homer turned to the camera with a twisted smile.
”Life’s too short for me, death’s the only constant.” Homer said, with a glint of sudden anger in his eyes.
Homer saw Marge, cooking in the kitchen.
Homer grabbed a nearby knife and slit Marge’s throat.
Bart and Lisa heard a scream and decided to investigate.
They saw what Homer did to Marge, and they fell to the floor, crying.
”Dad, why would you do this?” Bart sobbed, wiping his tears away.
”I don’t know...” Homer said, smiling wickedly.
It suddenly was night, Homer crept into Bart’s room, quietly, holding a butcher knife.
Homer stabbed Bart in his chest, Bart dropped to the floor, as the light faded out of his eyes.
Lisa came running in, screaming.
”You monster!” Lisa cried, as she saw Bart’s lifeless corpse.
Homer grabbed two body bags.
One for Marge’s body and one for Bart’s body.
Homer hid them in a secret compartment within the basement.
Homer silt Lisa’s throat.
Homer then proceeded to murder the rest of Springfield’s residents.
Then Homer was the only one left.
Homer was at a graveyard.
The only grave there was my grave, with my exact date of death.
Text flashed onto the screen.
”YOU’RE NEXT.” The text said.
Then a realistic picture of Homer came up, his face was mangled and his eyes had HYPER-REALISTIC blood coming out of them.
Then, Homer grabbed a knife and stabbed himself.
Then, the episode ended.
I turned off the TV, I was shaking from the horror I just witnessed.
Now, I’m constantly paranoid, and I’m riddled with doubt by the fact that the new episode traumatised me so.
I saw something moving in the corner of the room.
It was a plush of Homer, and he was covered in blood.
The Homer plush lunged at me, stabbing my chest.
I then woke up in hospital.
The doctor’s said I have somehow survived, and my chest was stitched up.
I never watched a episode of The Simpsons ever again.
The End!
