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To be honest this time i got really surprised that you banned me because this time i did nothing wrong.The official reason for my ban is "raiding Terraria Chat".I assume that someone provided you with a screenshot since you weren't on the Terraria or TPW Chat for the matter at that moment.Alright.First of all,that is fucking false.I was on TPW Chat with Crover,Spook,Jack and some other guys and i asked Crover about Carc.He told me that he was causing drama and shit and that he took a break from TPW and that i could find him on Terraria Chat if i wanted to speak with him.So of course,i headed to Terraria Chat to look for him and i found him.I started talking to him,i asked him when he would return and stuff like that,all of the sudden i see that most of the guys who were on TPW chat at that time were coming on Terraria Chat as i was talking to Carc,around 5-7.Upon noticing this,i jokingly said "We are invading you!" or something like that,i suppose that phrase is feautured in the screenshot that you received.But that was about it.No spam,no swearing,no chat crash,NO RAID.I continued to talk with Carc for a few minutes and then he left,i left as well almost immediatly.But i didn't raid anything.And nor did the guys who were there at the time,which didn't get banned.If it was an actual raid,you should have banned them as well,since in that phrase i said "we" instead of "i".But see that's the thing,there wasn't any raid.I just came there to talk with Carc and at some point i threw that small phrase there,just for the lulz.But nothing really happened afterwards.I just resumed my discussion with Carc.No spam,swearing or anything like that.With this ban,i think you were thinking about banning me before this for quite a while since you don't really like me (that would also explain why you spread lies about Crover hating me and thinking i that i have autism on the chat).That is very dissapointing to see,as in this situation you didn't act like a proper admin who should have looked more on the actual thing in order to determine if i was guilty or not,but more like a pissed off 5 year old who simply disliked me and when i did something questionable,he just tried to get rid of me without actually knowing anything about my deed.I will probably stay banned since you clearly don't have enough guts to admit that you were wrong.Really lame coming from you dude.