"You're a very disturbed young man, did you know that?"

"Yes sir."

"And do you know what certain people do to people who murder others?"

"It wasn't murder. They did it to themselves."

"I'll rephrase this, are you aware what is done to people who cause others to come to harm?"

"Yes sir."

"And can you tell me what happens, so I can be sure you really know?"

"They gain power, sir."

"Well... Wait, what did you say?"

"They gain power," I told him again, raising my wooden cross, "And you're not one of them."

I turned the cross over and carefully moved it, controlling the silly man's arms. He began shouting about how this isn't possible, about how I should stop now, about how he was trying to help me, but I put my hand over the plush marionette's mouth to shut him up. I didn't want to have to hear his lies. I made him pick up a pencil, and jab it through his eye, deep into his skull. "That's better," I thought, strolling leisurely over to his fresh corpse.

I took a look around the room, and then back at the corpse. I knew there were security guards outside, but I thought that it was probable that I should dispose of the body before I made my escape. We had been talking on separate sofas, one red, the other blue. It was raining outside, pattering heavily on the window. After a brief moment of consideration, I dragged the body over to a closet, behind a waxed, wooden desk and black office chair. I noticed how heavy he was, and to make this easier, I had Walker assist me. I gently lifted his body and stood him up, placing the body in the closet, before pushing it shut. I did tell you that my marionette's name is Walker, didn't I? Anyways, I opened up the window and let myself out.

The rain had lightened up a little, and there was nobody in sight, but that didn't mean I was in the clear yet. You see, I forgot to tell you that he was a prison psychiatrist. That being said, you now know that I was still on prison grounds. Although I had been here only two days, I already knew that the prison wall was a 40 foot high and 10 foot thick barrier of reinforced concrete. It didn't take too long to escape. All I had to do was pull some strings, you know?

I am known as Alexander Rahwen, The Puppetmaster, and I am Walker, The Puppeteer.

Credited to Rahwen

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