What really happened to Danny

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...Or in all situations, at any time, any place, and by any audience for that matter.

It was 7:00 in the morning. The nearby city streets were bustling with loud traffic. The sound of footsteps could be heard tapping on the wood balcony from outside the open window. Suddenly the obnoxious buzzing of an alarm went off. A small, hairy yet scrawny fist angrily slammed down on the snooze button, nearly shattering it. "Stupid Alarm clock!" An aggravated voice grumbled. Danny was very tired, rubbing his eyes after the short sleepless night he had from having to listen to the constant banging from below his apartment. He didn't even really know why he set the damn alarm in the first place, it wasn't like he had a schedule or anything, not that he could easily hold down a job at all. That and, he could've sworn he heard some shuffling from underneath his bed as if something was under there, something alive. Danny didn't have any pets, but he did suffer from various mental afflictions, that started off as occasional, innocent hallucinations here and there then slowly devolved into fully fledged delusions. Odd and unusual shifts in his mood became present as well, often with no discernable trigger. He frequently went to visit his doctor to ask about seeing or hearing things that weren't there, talking about how terrifying it was, and was prescribed some medications to help deal with it. He would often call up his old childhood friend Christopher to tell him about the latest strange occurrences in his life, like a bogeyman in the closet, or some shadowy figure staring at him through his window, to which Christopher couldn't think of any proper way to respond other than he needed to grow up and find something better to do. "Relax, drink a glass of water, get some rest, you'll be fine in the morning" he would respond.

All Danny wanted was some reassurance of his own reality. Christopher slowly began to realize that his friend wasn't just making things like this up to get his attention or pull a trick on him. He wasn't just being silly, he was aware of his friend's declining mental state. Chris tried his best to be a good friend and support him as much as possible. As Danny's mind gradually slipped into unrealism, his grip with reality becoming more and more tenuous, he firmly believed that what he was experiencing was actually happening to him. It was all so sudden, he had difficulty distinguishing whether what he was seeing was a mere figment of his imagination or an actual threat. This caused Christopher to feel somewhat sorry for him, even though he had long since lost interest in dealing with his stupid, nonsensical antics. Danny had become a very toxic friend as well, often asking Chris to use his own money to pay for things, expecting him to come over to Danny's house in the middle of the night to make sure that he was alright, basically for no real reason.

Danny wished that Chris would hang out with him like he used to, but he was so wrapped up with other adult responsibilities like working a job and making time for his girlfriend that he just couldn't bother with his old buddy's constant neediness anymore. Danny lived in a very small, cheap apartment in a terrible neighborhood. It had always looked as if a tornado had torn its way through his entire room, as he lacked any motivation to clean up. Another hour went by, and Danny finally decided to find the willpower to get up a couple hours later, struggling to lift his head off the greasy pillow case that he hadn't changed in over three months, even though he had no real reason to get up. "Another day another sink full of dirty dishes" Danny sighed to himself, as he walked to the bathroom to shower. His clothes were often very dirty, but it wasn't just due to his usual unkempt nature. Danny hesitated as he took off his clothes, trying to avoid looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes couldn't help but gravitate towards the many lumps of cellulite in his abnormally large thighs, as he found himself obsessively staring at his body once again, picking apart every detail of his physique. You see Danny wasn't exactly born the same way as most other boys were, he didn't just hate his body, he was actually born a girl.

He had been taking his hormone medication for quite some time now, almost six years. Though it offered him some relief to see the changes that it had made to his body, he knew that as long as he saw that loathsome atrocity between his legs he would never truly feel like his life was complete, to feel comfortable in his own skin. He wanted to get his surgery as soon as possible but knew that he would never have that kind of money, even asking Chris if he could help pay for it. Danny couldn't get his life together. He had also cut his long, spiky black hair that he always hated short, but had to keep it that way growing up, out of fear that people would call him a "fag girl." And he always tried his hardest to convince the other girls at school that he was feminine enough, even though deep down he hated himself, and had no conception of what it was girls wanted.

That's when he got a call from his phone. He picked it up, it was his mother. "Daphne, how are things going for you? are you alright?" a familiar yet exasperating voice inquired. "Oh hey mom, haven't heard from you in forever. Nothing much, just trying to look for shows to watch on the TV, making breakfast, don't have a job right now" he said, trying to feign his positive composure. Then he heard an illegible voice of someone in the background, his mother responding with "yes I know, it makes me very sad to hear her voice like this, I just wish she would get the help she so desperately needs." Danny subtly hung up the phone, knowing he shouldn't have to tolerate this kind of lecturing anymore. Dealing with an unaccepting family was already difficult enough, he just didn't have the energy to deal with it. He didn't wake up that morning expecting to hear the sudden mentioning of his old name that he hadn't heard in so long. He didn't even want anything to do with his family ever again. He had a disturbing childhood because of them.

Danny's parents always thought of Danny as a very strange child. He never wanted to play with any of the pink Barbie dollhouses that his mother always bought for him, he'd rather steal a toy monster truck from behind his brother's back and drive it through a mud pit, to which his mother harshly disapproved, but his brother didn't care. She used to beat him, bully him, punish him harshly for even the slightest mistakes, and when he was very young, playing by the riverside outside his house, he fell and hit his head on a sharp rock. This resulted in his various mental problems, quickly changing everything about his personality and behavior. His mother, becoming concerned for him, decided to take him to a child psychologist. Locked and completely isolated away from his parents, the man wasn't at all like the kind, caring person that Danny was led to believe he was. As he was strapped down to a metal table, completely unable to move, the psychologist would do unspeakable things to him that he tried for years to block out of his memory. The creepy psychologist always talked about how much he loved his beautiful, emerald green eyes, and small supple frame. Right off the bat Danny knew what was going on there, despite being so young. Every time Danny was sent to this place, he felt like he was being sent into an actual nightmare. He begged and pleaded for his parents to listen to him when he finally got out of that torture chamber, about all of the horrible things being done to him but they would never believe him. They just told Danny that this was normal and that he was just doing his job.

Danny heaved a long sigh once again as he reflected on long forgotten, dreadful experiences and got out of the shower, seeing the noticeably dark circles under his eyes in the mirror. He liked to wear multiple layers of clothes along with a thick jacket every time he left his house. It helped him to cover up the shame of his body when it was still female, still disgusted with his own personal prison. But once he started to become more like himself, he felt comfortable enough to just wear a single black t-shirt even though he still had visibly large breasts underneath his binder. He was only 4 feet and 8 inches tall. "I'm always going to look like a hobbit" he said to himself, "I may as well live out in the forest in a little hut." He was getting prepared to leave his place and drive to Christopher's house to play videogames perhaps and hang out for a while, as he rarely wanted to ever leave his house. But when he knocked at the door no one answered. "He called yesterday and said he would be home," Danny thought to himself. "I guess he tried to get away from me again," Danny said disappointed, figuring that Christopher had just gone away somewhere with his girlfriend for the day. He even snuck into the house to see if anyone was there. The house was totally empty, even though Chris's keys where still lying there on the counter. So he figured he would just head down to the old burger place to get a bite to eat, he didn't have anything better to do.

He always loved that burger place, they had the best burgers in town. He would go there on a regular basis, especially because of the crush he had developed on the girl who regularly saw him at the counter. She too had shown interest in him, though he was always too afraid to ask her out. Not that he was afraid she would reject him, but because of the obvious fact that he didn't, well, have the anatomy that he was supposed to have, and was quite embarrassed with himself. Danny was never certain whether he was gay, straight or something else, but this time he was going to do something different today.

"I've always really loved seeing you, would you like to go out on a date sometime?" Danny asked bravely, but all she had to say was that she only saw him as a friend, and that she had found someone else. Danny looked down at the floor disappointed for a second and asked, "is it because of my height?" "Of course not" she explained. "I mean you don't even have a job." Danny understood, and sat down to eat his burger. Danny was discouraged, he felt as if he was never meant to be happy in the life that he was given. He would never have a love life, or even a social life, he felt so angry and vengeful towards everything in it. He merely stared down at his burger, not even wanting to eat anymore, when suddenly he looked from across the room to see a man sitting at one of the tables. He was the only other customer there and the strange thing was that something about him seemed very familiar, as if he had maybe seen him from somewhere before. He stared at the strange man for a second, trying to figure out who he may have been, when he suddenly waved at Danny with a big jovial smile on his face, as if to greet someone he'd always known. Danny made a perturbed expression like there was something odd or uncanny about his demeanor.

He walked over to the man to say hello when out of nowhere, he exclaimed, "Hello Danny, nice to see you again." in this strange, calming yet unsettling tone. Danny was utterly taken aback to find that the man had somehow known his name. He figured he may have seen him before but just couldn't put a finger on when or where, and then he remembered his hallucinations from last night. He tried to remember if he had taken his medication that morning. "What's your name?" Danny asked. "Oh that's not important, I'm just an old friend" the strange man said. "From where exactly?" Danny asked. To which he received no real answer. He put aside his paranoia for a second. He felt unusually comforted by his soft sounding voice.

"Listen dude, I can see what kind of struggle you're having." the random stranger said. "What, like my...height?" Danny suggested hesitantly. "Well yeah, that and you where born a girl and everything." he retorted. "Wait, you can notice it?" Danny asked, feeling self-conscious. "Of course I can you weirdo, you've got really big boobs," the mysterious man pointed out very loudly, enough for the girl to hear him from across the restaurant, and Danny's face turning red as a tomato. "Shut up!" Danny said. "I think I know how to help you" the man said. "Well, you can start by lowering your voice." Danny explained sarcastically. "Other people are in here. Do you know how embarrassing this is? Going out in public like this?" "Yes, of course I do." The man stated.

"Listen, you know that old abandoned barn at the end of the dirt road a few blocks from your house, in that forested area? Meet me there tomorrow afternoon alright?" "Alright..." Danny said, completely confused by the whole situation. As he walked home that evening he thought about the strangeness of that whole unfolding of events. Who was that man? How did he know who he was? And even more worrying was that he somehow knew where Danny lived? It didn't make any sense, but Danny didn't care. After all that wasn't anywhere near as strange as the other types of experiences he'd been having for a long time now. He figured maybe he was someone born just like Danny, and figured there was some hope that he could actually help him in some way.

Danny tried to sleep easy that night. Then again he heard all those strange noises coming from his closet. He tried to tune them out as best as he could, he knew they were just hallucinations after all. The next morning he got up and walked out to that forested trail that the man was talking about. Curious, as Danny walked he realized he never asked for the man's name. As he walked he saw an old wooden sign with something strange spray painted on it. It was a...Tyrannosaurus Rex eating hamburgers? Was this some kind of message from the universe perhaps? "No way." Danny thought to himself. "Sometimes I wish I could just shapeshift into any creature I wanted, and destroy everything in my path. Then I wouldn't be confined to this puny pathetic body," he mumbled. Danny began to get scared. He realized he was wandering off into the middle of nowhere, with no real way to defend himself. What was this man going to do? Murder him and chomp into his flesh? Whatever, Danny didn't really have much reason to be alive anyway.

As he continued to walk, he eventually came to an eerily deserted clearing in the middle of the woods. And just down the path, sure enough, there was an old abandoned barn. He walked up to it, unsure of what was in store for him, and opened the deteriorated, heavy wooden door. It made a loud creaking sound, and he found that the floor was covered with sawdust. It looked like no one had been there in ages. He turned around to see that it was a regular barn door, with those wooden X's on the inside, but was covered in mold. The hinges were completely rusted and nearly falling off, then he noticed that the whole place looked entirely decayed, as if it was about to fall apart. It looked as if there may have once been a second story to the building, but whatever was once there was mostly just a massive hole in the ceiling with nothing but support beams left. They were dilapidated and curved slightly downward. It was unsettlingly quiet, yet strangely peaceful at the same time.

There was a dining room table placed haphazardly in the center of the room with a beam of skylight shining down directly onto the table from a huge hole in the roof. It looked as if it had only recently been placed there for some reason. He could see that there was indeed a staircase in the corner of the room that implied a second level. It was then that an unusually calm, soft yet familiar sounding voice echoed out from behind the stairway, causing Danny to nearly jump out of his skin and scream like a girl in fright. "Ah, there you are. I knew you were around when I heard that creaking sound," the strange man said appearing once again, as Danny was still visibly trembling. "You scared the bejeebus out of me! You jerk!" Danny said. "I know and I'm sorry. I guess I just come off as unintentionally creepy. I knew you still had some estrogen in there somewhere." the man said laughing, obviously referring to the sound of Danny's scream.

"Shut up!" Danny said angrily. He looked at his skin and noticed that every hair on his arm was still sticking straight up. "Listen" the man said, "it was very nice of you to come around today. I realize that comment wasn't very acceptable. I have a special surprise for you. A solution to the problem that you have been dealing with your entire life." Danny had to ask "Are you sure you can't tell me your name first at least?" feeling a bit skeptical. "Alright fine, you can call me Bob." he said. Danny noticed something even stranger about the man that wasn't present the day before. He seemed to have hair that looked very similar to Danny's hair, almost identical. Short, spiky, messy black hair. He also appeared to have changed his outfit as well? Same looking black t-shirt and blue jeans, similar height and figure, though he was a bit taller and more muscular. He was almost indistinguishable from Danny aside from his icy blue eyes, it was very unsettling. But Danny figured what the heck, it couldn't hurt to give this guy a chance, no matter how unhinged he potentially was, he was willing to do anything at this point, at least he found a friend. He was probably just some guy who happened to look just like him? Or at least took inspiration from his fashion sense? "So, are you perhaps someone with the same life's story as me?" Danny asked. "Oh, you mean as in being born a girl? No, sorry to burst your bubble, I just want to help you." Bob explained. "Alright then, well I gotta say you come off as a rather strange and creepy person," Danny retorted, Sitting down with him at the table. "Ah well, I appreciate your honesty then. You seem to me like a very brutally honest person. I like you an awful lot," Bob responded.

"To what extent? What are you intending to do here?" Danny asked. "Oh, right. I will talk about that in a second. but first I'd like to know a little more about you." "So, you know me from somewhere, correct?" Danny asked. "Oh right, yeah" Bob said. "You don't have to worry about your friends either, they're fine wherever they're at." Bob assured. "Let's spend some time together, just you and me." Danny then asked "where exactly do I know you from?" "Oh sure, I know you from somewhere.," Bob responded. Danny proceeded to go into detail about how he suffered from this feeling of being trapped in the wrong body for as long as he could remember, and how he wished that some large creature like a bear or mountain lion would just chase him down in the middle of the woods and bite his boobs off. "That must be quite difficult to deal with," Bob responded laughing. "I can understand your pain, but I gotta say that is a pretty gruesome description." "But that doesn't mean I don't still deserve to have friends right? You're not revolted by my strange lifestyle are you?" Danny asked. "Not at all" Bob responded empathically. "I am willing to accept people for who they actually are, no matter how odd and unusual it may be." "I'm starting to think that might not be the case for my friend as well as my family, especially them," Danny divulged further. He just wanted to vent to someone. "Oh really?" Bob inquired. "Oh yeah. They still refer to me by my old name, even after I gave them my new one. It's excruciating having to hear it over the phone." "So, you seem to like the old burger place a lot, don't you?" Bob continued. "Oh yeah, there's this girl that works there, I really like her. I've always wanted to take her with me to the movie theatre. But I know she wouldn't accept me for who I am. What kind of name is Bob by the way?" Danny inquired.

"Well, it's just my name," Bob responded. "Sorry, it just sounds silly to me," Danny pointed out. He also started to notice that his new friend's voice had gradually changed to be noticeably deeper, raspier and more grizzled sounding than before. Bob then expressed some of his own personal gripes, like how he came out of his house one day, to find that someone had chopped down a large tree out in the parking lot, only for it to fall down directly on his car, crushing it into a pile of useless debris. He really loved that massive tree, all those wonderful times spent finding shade from the sun under the leaves forever gone. "That sounds awful, must've ruined your entire day," Danny responded. "That car costed me a fortune as well," Bob said. "How often do you hang out around here?" Danny asked. "Oh, pretty much all the time. It's quiet, peaceful, and nobody comes around to bother me," Bob Explained. "I can definitely feel you there," Danny replied. "I love being alone in abandoned places. I rarely ever leave my house most of the time, especially because of my well, mental disorder and everything," Danny mumbled quietly, looking the other way. "Well yeah I know," Bob responded. "What's that supposed to mean?" Danny asked. "Well for one you've got a whole slew of pill bottles in your closet. Seeing all the differently colored capsules, and the little beads inside of them, I gotta say that amount of medication just doesn't look healthy man."

Danny, in a moment of confusion, suddenly began to realize the implications of what he had just said, stared silently at him for a few seconds, then gave way to horror when he slowly got up to back away. "No...no, no, no way," Danny said in complete and utter disbelief as Bob slowly produced a large shovel from underneath the table that he had never noticed before, a grin from ear to ear slowly creeping onto his face, with a look of pure, sadistic malice. Danny had no idea whether he was supposed to trust his own mind anymore. He quickly turned around to run, but just before he could get away, Bob swiftly swung the shovel, bludgeoning Danny over the head, causing him to bleed and pass out.

When he awoke, he appeared to be in a smaller shed to the side of the barn. Danny moaned as he tried to reach over to the back of his head to feel the pain of his trauma wound, realizing he was tied up on a table with nylon cord, completely unable to move. This brought back so many terrible memories of his, and he went into a full blown panic attack, screaming uncontrollably. The door to the shed slowly creaked open, revealing a recognizable terrifying face.

"Why, why would you do something like this to me?" Danny said grumbling, clearly desensitized to this sort of treatment. "Don't worry, it doesn't matter how much you scream or struggle, no one's going to hear you, nobody else is around, that is, and you don't have any friends," Bob said, chuckling casually. His voice had completely changed from it's once high, soft tone. "Oh yeah, well I have my Chris," Danny yelled. "Oh, you mean that big tall dude that eats so much? I'm sorry, I meant you don't have any friends left anymore. I took care of him earlier yesterday morning, he's buried behind the shed. His girlfriend is probably worried sick, calling the police or something, looking all over the place, but they'll never find him." Danny started to sob hysterically, his stomach feeling like it was being tied into knots, like he was going to vomit. "What? You don't mean that, you're joking. Why? What did I ever do to you? I thought we were good friends," Danny whimpered.

"Yeah well, I thought I was going to have a nice drive to the beach that Tuesday afternoon a couple years back, thought it would be a nice relief to get away from a long week at my bakery job but ever since you totaled my car things haven't been the same. What motivated you to do all of that in the first place?" Danny then suddenly remembered all those stupid shenanigans that he got into with Christopher, including that time he took a two person handsaw and tried to chop down a tree in order to get some firewood, beginning to regret all of his life choices. "I had no idea that was you! I'm sorry ok?" Danny exclaimed, begging for his life. "Well it's too late now. You know it's funny, most people have others that they can reach out to, people that can have their back and make sure they're alright, but you have none of those things. Your only friend always secretly hated you, well that's what he told me before I strangled him in his own house, your family wants nothing to do with you, doesn't even respect your life choices, and they'll certainly never believe a damn thing you have to tell them. They think you're completely bonkers insane! No one will come looking for you," Bob said playfully. "You're a monster! Destroying someone's car doesn't mean you have to commit murder!" Danny yelled. "Oh yes it does, at least for me," Bob stated, pulling a large kitchen knife from behind his back. "Shhhh, hush little man cookie, it's time to have some fun." Dan screamed.

Credited to Bigarot

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