Why I Don't Go Outside When It's Dark Anymore

This happened 3 weeks ago. Just to clarify I'm a 20-year-old guy btw. I go running every evening to stay in good shape and so that I sleep better, and by this incident it had started getting dark when I went running, around 7:30-8:30. I run along a pretty busy road that has a a hospital and a private school on, so usually there are people around when I run, but there wasn't this time.

I usually run while listening to music, so I had my phone in my hand when I got a text. It was from an unknown number, and it just said "you can't see me." I got a little creeped out but I turned my music back on. I guess I thought it was just someone messing with me.

So about 5 minutes passed and I was stretching my legs on the fence at the edge of a Lidl car park (shoutout to my boys in Europe). I got another text. It simply said, "your time is up." Now I was getting seriously creeped out, because there was no-one around at all. It was Sunday night and about 9 pm, so pretty much everyone was home, and I was in a rough area of town.

I started running home, and I got another text. I didn't look at it at first because I just wanted to get home quick and not get distracted by whoever it was messing with me. I checked the text quite soon though, as my curiosity was getting the better of me. The text simply read: "my time is now." I was pissed off at that point so I texted back, "who tf r u?" Not a moment after it sent I saw a large man come out from a hedge beside me. He ripped off his hoody and shouted: "JOHN CENA!" He rushed at me and body slammed me on the dirty ground, crushing my ribs and causing my teeth to shoot out of my mouth like M&Ms on a summer's day.

He lifted me and threw me into the air like a lawn dart, and I smashed into a moving car. Luckily it was only going 20 mph but it could have been a lot worse. I was in hospital for a week. Greatest wrestler of all time, Let's Not Meet.

Credited to MyWiFiAintFly 
Originally uploaded on October 9, 2015

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