Worst Minecraft Creation

Back about two months ago, I introduced my son to minecraft.

He seemed to love it, would not stop playing,and learnt how to download maps.

One day,I went out shopping,and told my son before I left,he said sure,and I asked if He wanted me to get anything,and he said a Chocolate bar,which I thought was normal,as he is a chocolate lover.

As i was leaving the room,I realized he was stepping backwards on minecraft,I realized he was Looking at a big Building,almost like a mental hospital,with pillars on the outside,and he was on flatland,(He knew how to use MCedit),but i ignored that.

I was gone for a good three hours,and got the chocolate on the way back. My son wasn't in the house,so I figured he probably went and played cricket (Yes,I am british,I was teaching him how to play with his friends) And went to play some minecraft.It was still in the almost same place,and there was a note saying "PLAY" I decided I would play it,and walked through the building.I was in a huge room,with a desk made out of Stone slabs.I realized there was something up with the Paintings,and they were all very weird,some of Whips,some of people cowering in corners.I realized a chest outside,behind where I started,and went to get it. Suddenly the door slammed shut,and some small text came up in the bottom saying "thepatient has joined the game" I realized this was on multiplayer.And was about to say "You are one of Jordan's (My son) friends?"But before I could some text came up saying "Fool.You have entered my shrine.You will pay." I was confused at this point,but decided to continue.

I heard some footsteps,and realised someone else was in the building,and looked to the left.There was a long hallway,and i travelled down it.I heard a zombie growl,and ran to the left,into an open cell.I realised that in the cell across me was another character,and then realised it was mine. Suddenly,more text.

"I will bring fear to you and your son"

And the door shut.An iron door. I punched it down and said "Come on out you sick fuck" Then in the bottom,

"Telporting thetest to thepatient"

That made no sense.I didn't know about that,and my sons name had changed.I was in some lab,with iron bars,and a long hallway infront.

I saw someone walking down,and then running and realised it was a character In some robe with a glass bottle,and approached my cell.He used the glass bottle on me,and there was blood in it.

Suddenly it disconnected and my son walked in.I turned round and asked where he was.He said he was playing cricket and I asked him about the hospital.He asked what i was talking about.

Credited to Addictedtodoom
Originally uploaded on December 27, 2011

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