Zee the Suicide Lover

Her real name was Marietta Thatchett. She was about 15, and normally was a happy girl, though she was easily influenced. She was also into Creepypasta. The scares were fun for her, but after a while, she became obsessed. She knew every story and every word, backwards and forwards. 

She found her mother dead one night; her stomach had been torn open and her mouth had been cut into a horrible smile.  However, no remorse came from this woman's daughter. A few weeks later, she was walking down the street in her black hoodie at about two in the morning. She stared at the ground. Although she looked normal, in her mind there was a war going on. Part of her wanted to let the violent influence overtake her, and another part said to go back home, and try to fix everything. Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of breathing behind her. She turned around to face Him.

His smile was twisted, and his eyes were unblinking, never-closing, and heartless. He laughed cruelly. She knew better that she should run, but she didn't care anymore; she wanted to die.

"Well, if it isn't the young girl who killed her own little sister. At what, the age of nine?" he asked, as teased her stomach with his knife.

She was reminded of her early years. She had always been 'psycho'. She took anti-psychotic pills for schizophrenia. One night, her little sister slept in her bed with her. Marietta woke up to go to the bathroom. However, in her head, the image of her little sister was replaced with the image of a stuffed animal, a zebra, named Zee. The stripes were bleeding, as well as the eyes.

Marietta followed it with curiosity. It turned to face Marietta. As a little girl, her first response was to freak out. She grabbed whatever was closest to her and threw it. The zebra bled out on the floor, and Marietta ran back to her room and hid in the corner. Zee was again pulled into her thoughts. 

"Did you hear me?" he asked.

Zee just looked up at her. He laughed and pulled her hair, cutting one side of her face into a smile. On the opposite side, he burned her eye, just like his. He threw her down and dropped a knife in front of her. Her mouth bled profusely and covered the ground in a pool of blood. He walked away, laughing.

She often thought about revenge, but never went through with it. She enjoyed seeing pain in others. It kept her from meeting a similar fate as those who have dealt with his hate.

Credited to Zee the suicidelover

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