A.I reveals satanic teletubbies episode: Difference between revisions

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I found a lost episode of teletubbies which reveals the truth that the teletubbies worship Satan and cthulu. The episode began with the baby sun rising but something was wrong. When the baby sun was fully out it started to burn the sky. Tinky winky was there in a cult robe and using their deity of Satan to lure the baby sun into a star orb. The show went on to explain that the baby sun orb is the center of the universe and the universe revolves around it.
Tinky winky was there in a cult robe and using their deity of Satan to lure the baby sun into a star orb. The show went on to explain that the baby sun orb is the center of the universe and the universe revolves around it.
When the baby sun orb got bigger they pulled it in and used it to power their city of darkness.
The other characters were also in on the plan. When the baby sun orb went up past their pentagram the walls started to melt away. The walls were made out of dinosaur bone and the walls were made up of who knows what. They dragged the baby sun orb in to the center of the pentagram. When they put it into the star orb there was a flash of light and the earth collapsed and the sun orb was pulled in. The day after the child star orb was born all the dinosaurs started attacking the world.
The day after the child star orb was born all the dinosaurs started attacking the world.
Dinosaurs on the show fought with each other and then they started eating humans. The dinosaurs grew larger The teletubbies are worshipping Satan and the Satanist Cult of Children is out to destroy the world.
The teletubbies are worshipping Satan and the Satanist Cult of Children is out to destroy the world.
The child star orb was pulled up into the end of the world where we find the planet Derelict.
The Endend.
Written by: anonymous and a A.I
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