A Strange Hamtaro DVD

Revision as of 14:28, 3 May 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Before I tell the story, I just wanna say this. No this is not a generic story about a creepy possessed game. Or a story about a demonic doll that haunts me for eternity. This is just a tale about a time where I randomly came across bootleg Hamtaro DVD that left me feeling extremely uneasy and creeped out. A DVD that even thinking about it, just brings an uneasy feeling anytime I think about it. So where do we begin? It was a Saturday morning. My friend/roommate, Jimmy...")
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Before I tell the story, I just wanna say this. No this is not a generic story about a creepy possessed game. Or a story about a demonic doll that haunts me for eternity. This is just a tale about a time where I randomly came across bootleg Hamtaro DVD that left me feeling extremely uneasy and creeped out. A DVD that even thinking about it, just brings an uneasy feeling anytime I think about it. So where do we begin?

It was a Saturday morning. My friend/roommate, Jimmy recently got a new job in a far away city. Far enough to the point where he had to move away. He quickly sent me text message:

"Hey man, do you think you can lend me a hand and help me move in my stuff into my new home? Thanks in Advance!"

Jimmy and I were really good friends since elementary school, so of course I couldn't decline. He's always been there to support me both physically and emotionally. Always there when I needed him. So of course it would seem like being an asshole if i didn't help back. It was a 30 minute drive in total minus the time it took for me to stop for gas. When I got there he was already outside.

"Hello Carlos! Can you help me with putting my clothes in the closet while I take my couch inside?" Jimmy asked.

"Sure! I'm happy to help!" I replied.

I took his shirts that were already on hangers inside the house. I approached the closet and opened the door. There seemed to be nothing inside until I looked in the corner. All there was, was a black DVD case with no sleeve on it, I picked it up and it seemed to have a DVD inside it. I returned to Jimmy who just got done setting his couch down.

"Hey man, did you notice this DVD in the closet?" I asked.

"Huh, no I really didn't see it." Jimmy replied confused.

"It seems to have a DVD inside, so I guess I should see it." I replied excited.

Inside was a blank DVD it had a sharpie writing that simply said "Hamtaro Episode" in surprisingly good handwriting. Jimmy and I were big fans of Hamtaro back in the day. We'd always have sleepovers dedicated to watching Hamtaro when it aired on Cartoon Network. I always spent my allowance money on Hamtaro toys. Jimmy even gave me Ham-Ham Heartbreak for the Game Boy Advance for my birthday. So seeing this excited me a little.

"Seems like this DVD has some Hamtaro episodes on it. Too bad I don't have a DVD player." Jimmy sighed.

"I do! Maybe I should try it out when I get home!" I exclaimed.

"I don't know man, this DVD looks very sketchy. If anything, what if there is something snuff on there?" Jimmy questioned with concern.

"Eh I'm still curious either way. Besides I can only find out I do watch it right?" I questioned.

"I guess you're right." Jimmy sighed.

The whole car ride home, my brain was focused all on the DVD. I don't know why, something about it was just pulling me in. I had to know what was on that DVD. Then I finally got home. I quickly ran over to my PlayStation 3 and put the DVD inside. But then I got a regional coding error. This made me assume this disc was probably from somewhere in Europe, probably the UK, I wasn't sure so to be safe I specifically bought a region free DVD player. The DVD player was said to arrive in 2 days.

When the DVD player arrived, I rushed to plug it in. I shoved the DVD inside the player. And surprisingly it worked! I let out a quiet "Yes!" and started watching. The cutesy Hamtaro intro started playing, I joyfully rocked back and forth as the intro played. Childish I know. The intro itself played perfectly fine.

"Something snuff gonna be on here. What is Jimmy talking about? So far nothing has happened." I chuckled.

But then the title of the episode appeared, all it said was "Adam...". The episode started and it seemed to start all normal with Hamtaro just messing around in his cage. Then the shot pans to a TV in the room he was in. The TV seemed to have a news channel on it. What they were saying was unsettling.

"Breaking News, There's a mystery Hamster killer going around town..." The News Anchor warned before the TV suddenly shut off.

"A killer? But isn't this a kids show?" I thought.

I was starting to feel a little unsettled but decided to continue watching. The shot completely cut to Oxnard and Hamtaro in the Ham-Ham Clubhouse. Oxnard was just crying, and Hamtaro was confused.

"What Happened?" Hamtaro asked with worry.

"Boss, Bijou, Pepper, and I were just trying to casually walk back to the clubhouse. But then this mysterious man came over and took them all away! Thankfully I managed to make it home but, my friends are gone. Especially pepper." Oxnard cried.

For those who are confused, Pepper is Oxnard's crush in the series and in the final episode of the Japanese dub they get married. I feel bad for Oxnard, he was my favorite hamster throughout the series, and I'd always feel bad whenever he cried. Then the door slams open with Penelope running towards Hamtaro while crying too.

"Ookwee. Ookwee. Ookwee." Penelope cried.

Penelope in the series doesn't really speak actual words, probably because she's just a baby hamster. The only thing she just says "Ookwee." Penelope is also known for constantly wearing some sort of yellow blanket. But there was a red stain the made a part of it look orange-ish.

"What? A man came over and snatched Pashmina away?" Hamtaro questioned.

Penelope just continued to sit there crying. In the series Penelope and Pashmina are best friends and they're always seen together. Then this is the part where I started feeling awful after watching. The shot was just camera footage of a hamster. The hamster looked extremely malnourished. Thumbtacks had the hamster's limbs pinned down. Two hands were seen, and one had a scalpel in the hand. The hamster was slowly dissected as it squealed in pain and squirmed trying to get away.

This was really hard to watch as hamsters are my favorite animal. Each organ of the hamster was slowly taken out one by one. As soon as all organs were taken out, a voice was heard, it said:

"Adam Ferguson, I love hamsters. Adam Ferguson. I love killing them."

"Adam Ferguson?" I questioned to myself.

I got a call from my friend, he sounded really worried.

"Dude, there are dead hamsters in my house. I'm scared How did these appear all of the sudden?" Jimmy worried as he hyperventilated.

"Strange did the previous house owner have anything to do about it?" I questioned.

"Man the only thing I know about the previous house owner was that his name was Adam Ferguson." Jimmy affirmed.

My eyes widened as he said the name that I heard in the DVD.

"Strange because this DVD had video footage of someone named Adam Ferguson. Do you think this is correlated?" I asked back.

Jimmy later hung up. I did research about this Adam Ferguson. And it turns out, Adam Ferguson was a man who had a habit of torturing small animals, mostly hamsters. He was caught in the act and then was arrested for accounts of animal cruelty. Upon more investigation in the apartment, more tapes and dvds that all consisted of his disgusting acts of causing harm to small hamsters. The DVD that was there was meant to be a warning. A warning he might be out someday. Jimmy was right, there was some snuff shit on here.

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