Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Avatar's Torment: Difference between revisions

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Aang walked over to Sokka, and STEPPED ON HIS HEAD! HE THEN SHITTED ALL OVER HIM! WHAT HAD HE DONE! HE WALKED OVER TO KATARA, AND PROCEEDED TO DO THE SAME THING! I was sobbing right now. I realized just how right the man was, I never should have watched it.
Meanwhile, Zuko and Iroh, disturbed by the dead soldiers, enter the temple and follow up. I was so scared for them, I hope they didn't die because Iroh was my favorite character and I wrote 525,600 fanfictions about him. Anyways, Aang saw them as they entered the room. Zuko, finding Aang, looked horrified at what he saw. The Avatar was no longer Aang, he looked like an alien that had constipation and 4 arms and 4 legs. He also took on a pale-purple skin. The Avatar, in a super scary demon evil voice, said "YOUR FATE IS NEAR, NO HOPE NOW, ACCEPT OR ELSE!" Suddenly, bombs appeared in the sky which, surprisingly, had the image of...Caillou's face?!" This episode kept getting weirder and weirder. I was scared for my life, I wondered what my family would feel if I was dead. The bombs exploded and Zuko's organs and bones went everywhere. Iroh got extremely angry and had a face of pure, unstoppable hatred. He charged at Aang and screamed wildly, but the moment he hit him his skin and flesh melted off. I vomited enough to feed all of my coworkers and boss at a potluck. Aang was stuttering and screaming loudly and acting up, glitching and whatnot. He then told me, "ZALGO IS REAL!" This scared me, I did not think the horror known as Zalgo was real. I was fed up with the stupid tv. No more of this pain. No more
I took out my Revolver and shot the TV 6 out of 6 times. Then I heard a voice behind me saying, "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" I looked around and screamed so hard that I went mute for 6.66 seconds. It. Was. Zalgo. With a bunch of meat creatures. He ordered them to devour me alive. The meat creatures all got onto me. I tried to fight them off, but I was a weak and puny creature so I couldn't defend myself. I felt nothing but pure pain as they ripped into my flesh. I screamed extremely loud, all while Zalgo was laughing. He then told me, "your family is next!" Oh no, not my dear Mom and Dad! I had to stop them, no matter how much pain I was in.
I ran to my parents' house which is convieniently two blocks away. After tiring out 90 times, i made it. I opened the front door and saw...my parents. Hanging.
They both looked badly burned and cut everywhere, it was so gross I couldn't even recognize them. Suddenly I heard a voice from behind, saying "Join THEM!" I started feeling woozy and got knocked out.
Suddenly, i saw myself in the avatar world. I tried to move but I was chained. Aang and his friends stared down at me smiling evilly. Oh no, what were they going to do? I thought. Then I saw a cannon and surprisingly, Caillou behind it! Caillou isn't even from Nickelodeoan. He then said, "YOU'RE GROUNDED GROUNDED GROUNDED FOR LIFE!" It was so loud my ears exploded. He then told the Avatar "I'm ready!"
Aang told him, "Fire brother!" Evilly and hyperrealistically. For 66.6 seconds he fired cannonballs at me, burning me super horrible and turning me into a human spongebob. Then Evil Patrixxx appeared and said some japanese crap and started spinning like a ninja star. I tried to escape but was bound tightly. I felt him cutting through my bones as I screamed loudly in pain. Then I died forever and was sent to Heaven. Luckily, they have internet here which is how I wrote this Spooky Spaghetti. So in short, don't watch this tape and in short-short form, you're not going to heaven.
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