Battlefield 3 Hidden Map

Revision as of 23:34, 18 May 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hello! If you are reading this, maybe you are a fan of video games! for example, my favorite type of game are first person shooters. Lately, Battlefield 3 had been released, and well, i never bought it, even though i am a very devoted Battlefield fan. Why might i do this? Well i played the beta, and well, it has made me avoid Battlefield games, period. Before the release, Battlefield had an early beta and alpha, which you could access if you pre-ordered medal of honor,...")
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Hello! If you are reading this, maybe you are a fan of video games! for example, my favorite type of game are first person shooters. Lately, Battlefield 3 had been released, and well, i never bought it, even though i am a very devoted Battlefield fan. Why might i do this? Well i played the beta, and well, it has made me avoid Battlefield games, period.

Before the release, Battlefield had an early beta and alpha, which you could access if you pre-ordered medal of honor, another game by DICE. As alot of us know, these games where extremely glitchy and full of bugs. I was so excited when i got my access to BF3 beta, but after i played it, i never wanted to SEE the name Battlefield.

So the game started with it's normal menu. I liked it's design very much. The entire beta only had a couple of maps that you could play during this period. I played my first game on operation metro, and i was somewhat satisfied with it, Except for it's bugs and glitches. After i lagged out of a server, i was getting pretty frustrated by the ammount of bugs and laggy gameplay i had found.

But when i went back to servers, i noticed a newer, weird map, one that i have never heard or seen on battlefeild 3 beta. The map was called A.exe. I thought this might be a map name error, so i decided to join to see if the server was lagging up, because the player count was strangely 130 slots, and 129 where on. I could tell just by looking at this, that joining would mean a lagtopia. As for the map name, i was utterly clueless at what this was about.

So i joined, and the loading screen picture was the same as operation Metro's, but the name title was still A.exe. The load did not take very long until the game started. I realized that this was NOT operation Metro, but a very high detail map of what appeared to be new york. I thought, at the time, that this was a new addition. I could hear the gunfire of other people shooting, and strangely enough the server ran som much faster then a mere 32 person server half full. I was excited, and decided to explore the huge map. It was very detailed, and every building looked enterable. I also noticed that the streets where flooded with running soldier, but very strangely none of them had names.

I decided to start playing, and this is where things became strange. The rendering of the game messed up big time, giving me the impression that this was a custom made map. As i aimed my gun at a guy, the strangest thing i had every seen happened. The model of the soldeir dropped his gun, got on his knees, and started begging me to spare him. I could even notice sobs coming from him. I had never seen this in battlefield, it was extremely strange, and shocked me a little bit. Being the trigger happy gamer i was, i shot him, but this seemed a bit more gorey. I shot him, and i could see his skull explode as the bullet hit him, and blood fell out so realistically, that it was very unusually gorey for a battlefield game.

I continued on, and found a soldier. I went up to backstab him, which appeared normal, until i read the dogtag i found. The dogtag simply said "Willy Davis" Which was my freinds name. Now that was what shocked me. I tried to tell myself that it was coincidental.

Soon after that, i noticed some civilians runni9ng around, and both teams, instead of shooting each other, shot all the civilians in very grusem and dramatic deaths that looked kinda like dead space. I aimed at the enemy team, but then my own team started aiming at me, ready to teamkill, so i stopped and ignored.

Over time everyones necks where strangely growing, until they where noticably long. Some people where just standing still, spinning in circles, while others where running into walls shooting carelessly. The enemy team paid no attention eaither, so i decided to leave. The menu was, however, not opening up. When i got in, i heard someonjes microphone say "Don't go yet" so i cancelled, plugged in my mic, and said "Who said that??"

The guy never replied, so i went to leave, and my menu closed on its own. One of the giraff'd soldiers head where extending towards my screen, with a smirk facial expression. I aimed my gun, but then he got on his knees and pleaded for me to spare him. This time, he was crying loudly, and even praying on the ground. He started bleeding, and blood dripped under his model, while i stood there astonished at this.

I turned, and another face was right in my screen, and when i faces it, it opened its mouth WIDE and let out a peircing death scream. It nearly blew out my speakers, and i ehard my neibor yell at me to keep it down. I couldent move, and his face started falling apart until it was bloody and red. This looked extremely real, so much so that i went to menu, to exit, but then it canceled again and i heard a whisper. I looked at the map itself, ans half of it was gone, exposing a weird void that showed the bottom of the skybox.

The enemy team started spawning in the sky, and their bodies dropped all around us. You could hear bone crunches, and many of them dismembered horrifically when they hit the ground. Every model on my team had their textures broken, and they where all motionless, and black, as iff lighting had died.

I then noticed everything stop, and the map was changing. This newer map was called "Hello." I was scared to know what it was. When the map laoded, i noticed something horrific. The map, was an exact replica of the neiborhood that my house is on. I could not move, and i saw a bloddy soldier, with no head, and bones sticking out of his knees, walk into a house. It was my house.

He walked in, and i heard gunfire. I then heard another peicing death scream, and then chopping noises. The demented soldeir walked out, dragging along a body with his eyes gouged out, and 6 bullets in his abdomen. He walked to me, and i could see it mroe clearly. The model, the dead body, was waering exactly what i was wearing right then. I freaked out and also noticed it had my hair, face, and physique. I trembled with fear, as the demented soldeir started begging me to shoot him, as his model started morphing.

He started standing on his hands, his lags where twisted, and his fingers where flying about. His mouth was open and blood was dripping everywhere. A model dropped out of the sky, and it was my girlfriend! She landed and dismembered, with a spear sticking out of her head. When she landed, all i could hear what a continuos death scream, that did sound alot like her scream!

I was scarred. I turned off my computer, and restarted it. When i rebooted, the normal WINDOWS was renamed WNDS for some odd reason. A message popped up with a picture on it, which was also on my backround. It was a real picture, of my girlfriend, and Willis, impaled on a spear, with their eyes gouged and their intestens hanging out. Blood was everywhere and the photographer was giving a thumbs up, while holding two dogtags in his hands.

I turned off my computer, and went to my mini laptop so i could talk to some freinds about the map. Apperently NOBODY knew what it was, and they thought i was joking until the police found my girlfriend and willies body, mangles inj the exact same way as the picture showed. They also found a note, saying Hello. I was horrified, and decided to move out of the area. I reported the maps to dice, but dice had not created those, as well as that the beta can't even handle 130 player counts yet. DICE blew me off, and made me seem like a lunatic.

What was most scary, was that my freind had, a day later, had the same experience, and told me about it, with concern for my safety. I asked him, why are you so freaked out? He said to me, That when he took a dogtag, it had my name on it. I hung up, and heard a noise outside. I opened my door, and a figure was standing right in my door. I treid to scream, but i blacked out. I woke up, under a roller coaster in california. I live in maine. Only one day had passed, but when i noticed what had happened in maine, none of my freinds, or family where alive anymore.

I was freaked out, and told the police everything. When i got back to maine, i opened my door, and blacked out again. I woke up, in the same exact spot as before. I was so scared that i decided to never go back. I met a girl over in california, and i live with her. As for battlefield, i'm never gonna play it, ever again.

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