Bluey...?: Difference between revisions

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Added a better ending as well as some grammar errors being fixed.
m splitting it up into paragraphs as the original version is annoying to read
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The year is 2025,and it has been at least a month since bluey has been cancelled.recently however,Disney junior would announce that the would air one more "special" episode.being a big fan of bluey,I waited for the premiere,which would for some reason air when all the kids were asleep.I had a pretty sh*tty sleep schedule though,which was why I was up in the first place.the clock would strike and the episode came-"oh God damn it" I said out loud.the tv was just...static. "Welp.Time to see how long this will take" I said while pulling out my stopwatch.keeping eye of my watch,I could tell that it was static for 3 minutes.I was thinking of just forgetting the episode and going to bed.but I was just too damn persistent,and my brain wanted to see that episode no matter what.when the episode FINALLY came on,there were a few things different right off the bat.for starters,everyone in the intro seemed to have fake smiles,almost like they were forced to be there at gun point.the second and more major change was that bluey was nowhere to be seen. Not only was she not with the rest of the family,but her voice,name and any mention of her was removed. That's kind weird. Isn't bluey,oh I don't know,the main character? Aside from those changes,the intro music was seemingly normal,just a bit out of tune.the intro then cut to the title card,which read: "this episode of *glitched static* is called "why?".the sudden static taking bluey's place kind of caught me off guard.but I passed the actual name of the episode as just a slightly more serious then cut to bluey and bingo's room with bingo laying on her bed. She seemed to be upset about something.there were also noises of what I could only assume was yelling coming downstairs. "Why did she have to just...leave us like that?" She started saying while walking up to the window. "She could've just dealt with her problems by talking to me.instead she just...left the house with her that even legal?!" she then pulled out a knife out her pocket and proceeded to Chuck that thing out the window in a bit of rage. Realising how dangerous her act was,she covered her mouth and began to tear up. "O-oh no-o..." she whispered. She then ran out the room crying.after that,the episode just ended abruptly. "No! That can't be it!" I exclaimed. I then remember that there were usually three episodes in one package. Right when I remembered that,though,the intro went on again.on top of the changes i mentioned earlier,there were added changes to the now had tears streaming down her eyes while dancing.the music itself was now changed to a minor key. "Hmm..kinda weird for a Disney junior show" I thought.even then,I just shrugged it off.the title card then came on again,this time saying: "this episode of *glitched static* is called "fight".this episode was lot less uneventful than the first one.all it was was 5 minutes of silhouettes chili and bandit arguing in a room.after the 3 minute mark,it started to sound more physical,with bumping and crashing able to be heard. "Wow. Now I see why it was airing at night." i said to myself.After five minutes was up,there was a sudden grey object that flew past the window before the episode ended. "Ok. One more to go...oh boy" I said to myself.the intro then came on again with even more changes on top of the other ones.chili and bandit were now giving each other death glares while bingo was somehow crying even more than she was before.the intro music itself was now too deep to be considered normal for any opening for a kids show.after the intro,the last title card came on. Instead of a normal title card though,it was a black and white rough sketch of bluey. It now said: "this episode of *you know the drill* is called "goodbye"." A pencil sketch style word reading "goodbye" appeared in front of the sketch of bluey. It then cut to a graveyard with bluey carrying a backpack walking in it. "Sigh. Nobody treated me the way they should've.I might as well just end it here." she said sadly.she then walked to an empty grave and was ready to jump the last second,though,she realized how much she had to live for. Her face changed from depressed to determined as she turned bluey did turn around,however,a sudden knife fell down and stabbed bluey in the eye. "AHHHHHHH" she screamed in pain as she stumbled into the empty grave.packing the energy to get out,she weakly said "" as her eyes rolled to the back of her head,and she ended up ead.the episode came to an end right after that. " has a good throwing arm". I said. Just then,the narrator of Disney junior (you know? The one of the bumpers) started talking about bluey. "Oh well.bad things always happen to good only people were nicer to her in the real world. But I guess fans don't know what they truly want,don't they." She was making a speech. " Just remember the times when you driven someone to cancellation just because you wanted to set you're bad sides free. Those trolls just couldn't keep there mouths shut. " after the speech,the tv went blank. I was speechless. And the worst part was,she wasn't even wrong.all I could think about was how trolls took away the creators we loved.youtubers,singers,and even Tumblr ask blogs. All of them were taken away because we just...decided to let our darker sides free.well..I guess good things must be taken away at some point......right? I lay in bed,just pondering what she said.all I could do was ponder and ponder until I dozed off to sleep.
the intro then cut to the title card,which read: "this episode of *glitched static* is called "why?".the sudden static taking bluey's place kind of caught me off guard.but I passed the actual name of the episode as just a slightly more serious then cut to bluey and bingo's room with bingo laying on her bed. She seemed to be upset about something.there were also noises of what I could only assume was yelling coming downstairs. "Why did she have to just...leave us like that?" She started saying while walking up to the window. "She could've just dealt with her problems by talking to me.instead she just...left the house with her that even legal?!" she then pulled out a knife out her pocket and proceeded to Chuck that thing out the window in a bit of rage. Realising how dangerous her act was,she covered her mouth and began to tear up. "O-oh no-o..." she whispered. She then ran out the room crying.after that,the episode just ended abruptly. "No! That can't be it!" I exclaimed. I then remember that there were usually three episodes in one package. Right when I remembered that,though,the intro went on again.on top of the changes i mentioned earlier,there were added changes to the now had tears streaming down her eyes while dancing.the music itself was now changed to a minor key. "Hmm..kinda weird for a Disney junior show" I thought.even then,I just shrugged it off.the title card then came on again,this time saying: "this episode of *glitched static* is called "fight".this episode was lot less uneventful than the first one.
all it was was 5 minutes of silhouettes chili and bandit arguing in a room.after the 3 minute mark,it started to sound more physical,with bumping and crashing able to be heard. "Wow. Now I see why it was airing at night." i said to myself.After five minutes was up,there was a sudden grey object that flew past the window before the episode ended. "Ok. One more to go...oh boy" I said to myself.the intro then came on again with even more changes on top of the other ones.chili and bandit were now giving each other death glares while bingo was somehow crying even more than she was before.the intro music itself was now too deep to be considered normal for any opening for a kids show.after the intro,the last title card came on. Instead of a normal title card though,it was a black and white rough sketch of bluey. It now said: "this episode of *you know the drill* is called "goodbye"." A pencil sketch style word reading "goodbye" appeared in front of the sketch of bluey. It then cut to a graveyard with bluey carrying a backpack walking in it. "Sigh. Nobody treated me the way they should've.I might as well just end it here." she said sadly.
she then walked to an empty grave and was ready to jump the last second,though,she realized how much she had to live for. Her face changed from depressed to determined as she turned bluey did turn around,however,a sudden knife fell down and stabbed bluey in the eye. "AHHHHHHH" she screamed in pain as she stumbled into the empty grave.packing the energy to get out,she weakly said "" as her eyes rolled to the back of her head,and she ended up ead.the episode came to an end right after that. " has a good throwing arm". I said. Just then,the narrator of Disney junior (you know? The one of the bumpers) started talking about bluey. "Oh well.bad things always happen to good only people were nicer to her in the real world. But I guess fans don't know what they truly want,don't they." She was making a speech. " Just remember the times when you driven someone to cancellation just because you wanted to set you're bad sides free. Those trolls just couldn't keep there mouths shut. " after the speech,the tv went blank. I was speechless. And the worst part was,she wasn't even wrong.all I could think about was how trolls took away the creators we loved.youtubers,singers,and even Tumblr ask blogs. All of them were taken away because we just...decided to let our darker sides free.well..I guess good things must be taken away at some point......right? I lay in bed,just pondering what she said.all I could do was ponder and ponder until I dozed off to sleep.
"No one is truly innocent. We all have a dark side just waiting to be let out"
-person who makes quotes.
"{{quote|No one is truly innocent. We all have a dark side just waiting to be let out"|person who makes quotes}}
[[Category:Bad Creepypasta]]
[[Category:Lost Episodes]]
[[Category:English Class Failure]]
[[Category:Well, that was pointless.]]