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It was when I was young I always had this stuffed rabbit, I had him every single place I went, I always loved him, he always loved me. We were like siblings.

This may sound like the cliched story of a boy who loses his teddy then the teddy goes murderous on his friends and family. Maybe it is. As the years gone by, I soon moved out of my home when I was 18 and got a job, the poor teddy was put in a box for the last 6 years.

I swear I saw him at the very corner of my eye at the window each morning. It was like that plushie rabbit was there.

It was a strange chill that was always sinking down my spinal cord. I thought it was just my imagination. But I was soon to find out, it wasn't. I kept thinking to myself, What the hell is happening to me?!, each morning that damn rabbit was at the corner of my eye.

I soon started hearing whispers, and light tapping at my window. One monday afternoon, I rushed back to my home I grew up in, then asked my mother "Do you still have that Rabbit plushie!?" as my mother replied "Yes, he is in the attic within a box full of old toys..." she soon added "Why do you need the attic?" as I soon replied "No reason." as I then rushed to the attic. I found a box after 20 minutes with a label that read "TOYS" as I peeked inside the box, and I plowed through countless puzzles and some rattles, with some toy guns.

I was relieved to see the stuffed rabbit at the the bottom placed snug, I soon put all of the other objects from the box I took out and placed them in the same position they were before. 1 week later I soon found out that my mother had died, the weapon was not identified to be a knife or blade, the then saw a cup of water beside her.

Later in 4 days, after the water was examined, they found a heavily lethal dose of cyanide was injected inside the water. All the doors were locked, and they sad she was the only one there. I soon felt suspicious. Even though I was taught toys were not alive, but I started thinking against that, I also knew she was alone, my father died before I was born and my grandparents never really cared. I was soon a mess of tears.

The very next day, I started hearing more tapping at my window it was more agitating than ever before, I was still mourning the loss of my mother.

I soon felt like ending it. As I dragged a chair under my ceiling fan, soon I firmly tied a thick rope over one of the fins of the fan. I stepped on the wooden chair and wrapped the rope around my neck firmly, before I was about kick the chair, but then I thought for a moment and whispered to myself "No!" I unwrapped the rope from my neck.

"I shall not end it like this, no I must live through this.". I woke the next morning tied up to my bed, my stuffed rabbit looking me in the eye across the bed, "What the fuck?" I soon saw the rabbit stand up, it's calculating glass eyes, the damn thing.

It was dead silence for what seemed like eternity, but to kill the silence, the plush revealed a object that made my eyes widen, a long, sharp, knife. I soon felt a horrible pain in my left forearm, I was very hesitant to peek, but when I finally did, I screamed, no, I shrieked. "What the hell?!" I screeched. It's reply was nothing.

It was silent. I felt climb on my chest, it was going to stab my throat, I headbutted it, I saw it's body fly like a rag doll, it dropped it's knife on my chest, luckily it didn't stab me, with my right arm I tried to grab the knife, to no prevail I couldn't, but I grabbed it with my teeth and gently spat it at my right hand, and was barely able to lift the knife, I cut the straps, all four of them.

The plushie rised and started after me. I ran to my bedroom door opened it and ran, the teddy was like a hawk, I could barely outrun him. Soon I was in the car, driving away, but soon I saw my gas was at end, I saw it .

I soon ran to my home again, and locked the door. I waited at the bathroom door, knife in hand. I heard my window of the front door break, I heard little footsteps, I heard the bathroom door open. He came in, coated with gasoline, I lunged my knife in his chest, I saw a liquid which was blood red. I then continued stabbing him in the chest.

15 times I stabbed him. I soon brought the plush to my backyard, threw him to the ground, grabbed out a lighter and threw the lit up lighter at his seemingly dead body. Watching his cotton carcass burn. It was rewarding. It rained though for the next 3 days, I was sitting there, bandages and all. Care-free, that damn stuffy was finished off, for now...

Credited to Graduhimi
Originally uploaded on July 4, 2012

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