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Meanwhile, several trollpastas (and creepypastas) were lining up to go to the war with the entire Trollpasta Wiki. "We FiGhT tO nOt Be TrOlLpAsTaS!!!!" screeched the trollpastas as they charged at the Trollpasta Wikians. (Hyper-realistic) blood went everywhere as the pastas rekt the Trollpasta Wikians. In the end, they were all dead, besides the admins, who went into hiding to find their TRUE LORD AND SAVIOR, the mysterious "バタフライユニコーン", who was the daughter of Patrixxx and Aphrodite. The Creepypastas and Trollpastas when took over the Trollpasta Wiki and began their evil plan to take over the entire FANDOM community! DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'''(WORK IN PROGRESS!)'''[[Category:Inside Jokes]]
== Chapter 4 - Butterflyunicorn meets Clones of Herself ==
'''(WARNING: At this point of the story, the story becomes REALLY gross. If you don't want your innocence ruined, do NOT continue!)'''
So Butterflyunicorn woke up in Jamaa Township from Animal Jam with Stormy and Alex. "Lol I can talk now." said Stormy. "Lol cool." Butterflyunicorn said as they began walking around.
Then a skeleton popped out and cranked up the NSFW meter up to 1000.
Butterflyunicorn then spotted her very weird sister, Unicornbutterfly, who looked just like her, but she had green eyes instead of blue eyes, and had butterfly wings instead of angel wings. BTW, Butterflyunicorn is a white girl with brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and a flowing, pink dress with angel wings and a white unicorn horn.
If you don't know what Unicornbutterfly was doing, she was sitting on an arctic wolf and molesting it.
Butterflyunicorn screamed "SISTER!" and preceded to kick her off the arctic wolf, the arctic wolf running off screaming in horror. Unicornbutterfly then preceded to whine "Whyyyyyy? I was having fun~" "Your sexual antics aren't welcomed here." Butterflyunicorn replied, grabbing Unicornbutterfly's hand and running off. They then hid behind a tree and waited for the police to go away, which were there to arrest Unicornbutterfly for molesting a random passerby. After the police walked away, Butterflyunicorn near-silently hissed "I only did that because your my sister. Now let's get the heck out of here." She then grabbed Stormy and Alex and ran into Sarepia Forest. Unicornbutterfly tried to touch Stormy's booty, but Butterflyunicorn quickly swatted her hand away so couldn't. Butterflyunicorn scouted for police activity, but there was none, luckily for her sister. They then set up camp for the night. Unicornbutterfly tried to hit on Stormy, but Stormy gouged one of her eyes out and Unicornbutterfly nearly bled to death, but was saved and given an eye patch by Butterflyunicorn. Then, they all went to sleep.
But in the night, a mysterious girl broke into the camp. She looked like Butterflyunicorn, but with pale gray skin, smoke gray hair, a ragged also smoke gray dress covered in blood stains, deep blood red eyes, SUPER sharp teeth stained with BLOOOOOOD, and deep red demon wings and a neon red heavily cracked unicorn horn. This was Butterflyunicorn.exe, Butterflyunicorn's EVILLL side! "MuHaHaHaHa!" cackled Butterflyunicorn.exe. "I sHaLl DeVoUr BuTtErFlYuNiCoRn'S sOuL oNcE aNd FoR aLl!" But then, Butterflyunicorn used her OP magic powers to notice Butterflyunicorn.exe entering the camp, and she woke up and ran outside. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!" she hissed, and entered her true form. BTW, in her true form, she has pastel pink hair, rainbow colored eyes, an even more flowing dress with rainbow glitter all over it, bigger wings with rainbows stripes all over them, and an even longer now pink horn. Butterflyunicorn screeched "マジカルカワイレーザー活性化!" and blasted a burst of rainbow light at Butterflyunicorn.exe, which sent Butterflyunicorn.exe flying. "I have gotten stronger since the last time we met!" hissed Butterflyunicorn. "NOOOOOO!" screamed Butterflyunicorn.exe as she flew into a portal that led back where she came. "Well that was easy." mumbled Butterflyunicorn, pressing the "that was easy" button, before reverting back to her normal form and going to sleep.
== Chapter 5 - Butterflyunicorn and Unicornbutterfly's Sexy Corner ==
Butterflyunicorn woke up to hear Unicornbutterfly screaming "COME ON GUYS! I'M MISSING EVERYTHING AT THE CLUB TONIGHT!" Unicornbutterfly then forced Butterflyunicorn and the others into a suitcase filled with sexy sex toys, threw the suitcase into her phallic car's trunk and drove off. After a few hours, Unicornbutterfly took the suitcase out of the car's trunk and walked inside a random strip club. Once they were inside, Unicornbutterfly opened the suitcase and dumped them all out on the floor. "Welcome to my Sexy Corner."
There were hyper-realistic erotic statues everywhere. A super hot lopunny was stripping and super hot sexy people were everywhere. "Ewww.." muttered Butterflyunicorn as she looked around. "PROTECT MY VIRGINITY!" screeched Stormy as she leaped into Butterflyunicorn's shirt to hide. Alex went to the table and quickly started reading the newest PixelPorn comic, "#2Sexy4Me". Butterflyunicorn asked Alex "Why the hell are you reading that?", Alex simply replying "Cuz' I like it. So many flashy colors!", Butterflyunicorn quickly realizing that Alex didn't understand that it was porn. They then went over to the food stand to buy some food.
They were greeted by a super sexy Animal Jam wolf. The only food they were selling was their special "Sexy Sausages". The only person who dared buy the gross-sounding dish was Unicornbutterfly, who said ,"These are bomb". Butterflyunicorn then realized this was turning into a really dumb crossover porno and used her magic to turn all the erotic things in the room into hotdogs, including Unicornbutterfly's sex organ. Unicornbutterfly's Sexy Corner became Unicornbutterfly's Greasy Corner. Butterflyunicorn, in another act of revenge against Unicornbutterfly, threw out all her sex toys (which had all turned into hotdogs anyways) and shoved her inside the suitcase, threw the suitcase into the trunk of her car, which was now made of hotdogs, and drove off.
== Chapter 6 - Butterflyunicorn goes to the Creepypasta Super Cup ==
Suddenly several creepypastas and trollpastas appeared from portals everywhere and slam-dunked magical soccer balls into the car everyone was in and caused a magical explosion. The hotdog car then basically turned into a hotdog TARDIS because of the impact and flew into another dimension.
The hotdog car appeared in the Pokemon universe, flying in Space. Lunala then decided to give everyone a lift becuz' Butterflyunicorn is that awesome and took them down to Earth, especially inside an underground war bunker. Lunala said "Look out for creepypastas!" and flew off. The gang looked outside and were shocked to see that the creepypastas had turned all of Alola into their personal soccer set, and as everyone would expect, there were tons of pentagrams, hyper-realistic blood, and satanic whispers. Axey, Hypnochu, and EEeEE were playing soccer with Lillie's hyper-realistic head, that was gushing blood everywhere. "OH NO MY WAIFU!!!!!!!!!!!" screeched Unicornbutterfly from the confines of Butterflyunicorn's suitcase. "Pedophile." hissed Butterflyunicorn as she kicked the suitcase that contained Unicornbutterfly. Then Butterflyunicorn remember she could save everyone and transformed into her true form, bursting out out the War Bunker. She screamed out yet another fancy Japanese phrase and blasted a massive rainbow at Axey, Hypnochu, and EEeEE, sending them flying back into the newly took-over Trollpasta Wiki. Lunala flew down to them and said "Lol because your awesome I'm joining you." "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cheered Butterflyunicorn. Butterflyunicorn then combining her magical rainbow blast with Lunala's moongeist beam to break a massive edgy crystal that had all the important Sun and Moon characters trapped inside and releasing them. Butterflyunicorn then used her magic solo and revived Lillie and brought Alola back to it's original look. "Thank you!" chirped the Sun and Moon characters. Everybody then got back in the Unicornbutterfly's magical flying hotdog car, now named the Flying Hotdog TARDIS Car, or F.H.T.C. for short, and went into yet another dimension.
== Chapter 7 - Butterflyunicorn does some Dimension Hopping ==
The F.H.T.C. landed in the Kirby dimension. Butterflyunicorn shoved Unicornbutterfly inside the suitcase and made sure to lock it this time. The gang then spotted Kirby and began awwwing as he ate an apple, Except Unicornbutterfly, who pooped.
[[Category:Inside Jokes]]
[[Category:Pages with grammar that doesn't suck]]