CeepyConroy's Let's Plays OF DEATH: Difference between revisions

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This story begins in the first of October. There was an 18 year old high school graduate named Stanley Menix. He had graduated from Platinum High with the highest GPA in the class of 2012. It was the month of chills and nightmares, and Stanley needed to prepare himself for going into the deep jungles of his first semester of college.
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The young man showed no signs of injury, but as Stanley looked at the severed head, the young man suddenly smiled and showed his perfectly white teeth. Stanley felt sick. He couldn't understand what was going on, but he was falling sick to the stomach as he saw the odd man's head in the PC. Stanley tried to run away and open the door, but... "NO!" a loud voice shouted in the darkness. The door was bolted up and chained, and Stanley turned around to see all the windows were sealed shut as well. Stanley was getting worried. Suddenly, the door was unlocked, allowing Stanley to rush out into the hallway.
"Let's Plays are eternal..." a voice lingered in the air.
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"I don't know if this is some prank or not, but you are not going to make me fond of LPs!" Stanley shouted.
Footsteps were much louder now, and Stanley turned around and saw the eldest man of the strange trio walking towards him. His eyes were deviod of any pupilspants, and his face was ghostly pale. Blood was dripping from his mouth and his fingers, but it was not his own nor did he feel any pain. The eldest man was also holding a full roll of toilet paper.
"This sort of thing makes me...SO HAPPY!" the strange man said as he was getting closer and closer to Stanley. Stanley could not take any chances and ran the opposite direction
"This sort of thing makes me...SO HAPPY!" the strange man said as he was getting closer and closer to Stanley. Stanley could not take any chances and ran the opposite direction. He couldn't look behind himself to see if the man was chasing after him. As Stanley was about to round the corner, the strange man behind him opened his mouth and ejected his long, sticky, snake-like tongue. The ghoulish tongue grabbed Stanley's legs and wrapped him up tight. Stanley fell to the floor and frantically clawed his way on the floor to dash away from the strange man.
When he rounded the corner and saw a door. He had enough strength to open the door and entered the pool room, but the whole pool was stained from gallons of blood. There were many bodies lying all over the pool, and something was bubbling in the center of the pool. The strange man with the tongue released his grip on Stanley's leg when Stanley entered the door, but his foorsteps were still heard coming from the side of the door.
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the man with the glasses shouted, and as he shouted, the environment rumbled loudly. The whole apartment came crashing down, but Stanley was able to escape in time. As Stanley ran away from the collapsed building, the environment around him grew darker and darker. Stanley found himself in complete darkness.
"Stanley....Stanley...Stanley..." another voice lingers in the darkness, but it's from neither of the two strange men Stanley saw seconds ago, "Why are you running from me? Why are you running from fate?" Stanley was greeted with a flash of green light that broke the darkness and was taken to a strange alter. Everywhere he looked, Stanley saw 2 C's all over the walls and floor, and there were dead bodies scattered around the alter.
Stanley looked and saw the initials "CC" literaly carved on the rotting carcasses. The lights went out, and Stanley was concerned, and when they came back on, a figure was standing in front of Stanley. It was a man wearing a sky blue stripped polo shirt, dark jeans, Red Converses, and a blue badge with a red lightning bolt on it. "YOU!" Stanley shouted, "You're the bastard responsible for all of this! How can you do this to innocent people, and why the hell are you stalking me, you monster?" The man turned around and revealed himself to Stanley. "I've been waiting a long time for us to finally meet," the man said in a normal voice. What was odd was that the young man showed no signs of transformation...
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Emile acquires their sould and grows much more powerful. Stu's blood was dripping from Emile's right hand, and Emile brought his hand up and licked the blood and savored his dastardly deed. Stanley was in awe of what had happened. Emile then turned around and walked his way towards Stanley. "Any last words?" Emile said as he held is right hand in an evil claw form amd loomed it over his helpless prey. Stanley's pupils shrank as he saw Emile's evil grin. "Then again..." Emile said.
"I'm bringing some of my friends over. Come in now, boys. It's time for dinner!" A door that Stanley never knew existed opened, and two shadowy figures stepped forth. Stanley saw the eldest man from the trio still having dried blood on his fingers and his mouth and still had those souless eyes. He opened his mouth and revealed that ghastly tongue of his. He was still holding on to that roll of toilet paper. "I figured I should bring this along after where all these humans are going to go once we're done with them," the man said, "You know....IN THE BATHROOM! It makes me so happy!"
Behind the eldest man was the younger man with the long hair and the glasses. His hair was now snow white, and his skin was as pale as a ghost. His teeth sharpened to a bit, and every time he breathed, he exhaled smoke. You could see fire coming out of his mouth when his maw is opened. The man also held his sharp knife out and also a bottle of water. "I should season our little treat in some death water before we dine in," the man said, "Death water helps seasoning our prey!"
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The eldest man threw his roll of toilet paper, and it swirled all around and wrapped Stanley up tight. Stanley was bounded and could not move. The eldest man grabbed Stanley's arms and broke the poor boy's back. Stanley was screeching in pain and just wanted it to end. Then the whole view faded to darkness, and Stanley finds himself in a void of darkness, and suddenly...Stanley turned around and saw Emile, SUPERSIZED, staring down at him. The alien had charged up darkness, and it flowed all over him. '''"WELCOME TO DIE!!!"''' Emile shouts as he violently stabs Stanley in the chest.
When morning came, some of the remaining officers opened the door to Stanley's apartment room and found the poor man unconscious on the bed. Stanley was presumed violently murdered as the autopsists found the stabbed markings showing the initials "CC" written on Stanley's chest. More and more victims were brainwashed by Let's Plays, and more zombies romaed the streets.
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As everyone sat in front of their PCs, the screen turned to static and then showed the evil man in the sky blue stripped polo shirt and still sporting that evil smirk of his.
"Hey everybody, It's Chuggaaconroy, and welcome to my new Let's Play of....'''''DIE'''''!!" Emile said.
His face disappeared from view and an eternal earth-shattering screech filled the void and blew the helpless victims off of their seats. The Earth fell quiet on that day...all except from manaical laughter. Upon viewing the planet from a space station, you could see the Earth was carved with 2 C's... '''''Good Night!...!'''''
[[Category:Trying Too Hard]]
[[Category:Deletion Log Refugees]]
[[Category:Delusional retard that should be in an asylum]]
[[Category:HAVidya HA HA OH WOWgames]]
[[Category:TryingOld Too HardShit]]