Chikn Nuggit: The Ten Secret TikToks

Revision as of 08:51, 25 April 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with " I bet you've never heard of Chikn Nuggit. Basically, it's a webseries with these cute animated animals based on fast food stuff. They have some supernatural things where Chikn can extended his neck, Sody Pop can explode and so on. Seems innocent, right? Well, I wish I could say it is. Let me give some context. So I was just watching a compilation of their TikToks because they're quite adorable. However, as soon as I finished, I got a notification from someone called...")
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I bet you've never heard of Chikn Nuggit. Basically, it's a webseries with these cute animated animals based on fast food stuff. They have some supernatural things where Chikn can extended his neck, Sody Pop can explode and so on. Seems innocent, right?

Well, I wish I could say it is.

Let me give some context. So I was just watching a compilation of their TikToks because they're quite adorable. However, as soon as I finished, I got a notification from someone called "fdjdfgher5". I was confused at this, as I never subscribed to someone with the name of gibberish.

The video title was "Secret Chikn TikToks!". I got interested, as I like these TikToks.

However, those weren't the ones I knew. Those must've been created by a madman.

Anyways, I went on to click it and was greeted to at least 6 seconds of a black screen saying "TIKTOK 1/10".

I wish I didn't find this out, as cliché as it sounds.

TikTok 1

So you know how their TikToks are like a few seconds? Well, these were longer.

Anyways, it began with what that one TikTok with Sody Pop on a swing. If you seen this, you know where this goes. Iscream kicks him off the swing.

However, it didn't end at the part where Sody Pop was kicked off the swing. It still showed the swing, but a loud noise that sounded like the sound of a head cracking open. Then another scream, but it sounded like it came from a 24 year old.

It panned over to show Sody Pop's head cracked open on a rock, with a lot of blood trickling from his head. Iscream just watched Sody Pop's corpse in shock. "The kid died?" Iscream asked. It then panned over to Chikn, whose eyes were rather small than usual. "Iscream, did you just...KILL Sody Pop?" Chikn asked in fear.

"Not my fault this big rock is here, isn't it now?" Iscream said. Chikn then called the ambulance, as it faded to black.

"Sody Pop didn't survive. He died of brain damage and a broken skull." faded on screen, as it faded off after a few seconds. "After that, nothing was ever the same." then faded on and faded off, just like the last one.

Then, it ended.

Right after that, I knew that the rest of the TikToks shown would be nightmare fuel.

TikTok 2

Then, it faded to "TIKTOK 2/10".

It then revealed Iscream staring at the viewer for at least 7 seconds. "Ever wondered my final form?" Iscream asked the viewer, which was me. I nodded no. Then, it showed Iscream in their final form.

It looked like that one Cheri Sundae 2006 logo, which scared me a lot. "WHAT? SCARED?" Iscream asked in a very threatening voice. Then, it panned over to the rest of the characters all scared, except Cofi. "Looks cringe." Cofi said.

Then, a blazer hit her, leaving her to just blood and ashes. Everybody just stared in fear at the blood and ashes. "NOW BOW DOWN TO ME, YOUR NEW LEADER!" Iscream demanded. They all then did just that out of fear that they'll end up like Cofi did.

It then cut to Iscream in his final form on a throne made out of Cofi's bones and blood, as the others were all praying to him.

"Feels great to be...err...queing!" Iscream laughed.

Finally, it ended.

After that, I didn't want to see anymore. I tried to pause it, turn off the phone, restart it and all, but it didn't let me out. All I could do was just watch in fear.

TikTok 3

It faded to "TIKTOK 3/10". We have a long way to go.

This one scared me the most. It was all the Chikn Nuggit characters dead in a weird house.

Chikn had his head impaled by a spike somehow in the floor, Chee was hanging from a noose, Iscream had his head dangling from rope, Slushi was hung on the wall with her limbs and head only there. No body. Sody Pop had only his head present, too, but his eyes were dangling out of his eye sockets, Hot Saws was only his tail ripped off on a nail. Finally, Cofi, who's head was in the costume, as no other limbs were present.

It stayed like that for at least 22 seconds with weird disturbing music in the background. I hated looking at that, as I remember seeing that krowteN nootraC logo ending.

It already scared me, and as somebody who likes Chikn Nuggit TikToks, this didn't help in the slightest. I tried to shut it off and restart, but once again, it failed. After it failed, I tried to get up from my seat to get my tablet to pass the time, but I couldn't leave. I just had to sit there and watch this horror.

After the 22 seconds ended, it revealed the person who killed these innocent beings. It was William. [William is a fake name. His name is not William.] "So, Austin, I heard you like this...THING. Well, first I get rid of them, then I get rid of you." William said. [Austin is my online name.] I tried my hardest to get up and shut off my phone, but to no avail.

He then did an evil laugh, as it instantly ended afterwards.

Out of all of that, that HAS to be my least favorite. However, I didn't finish it. There's probably even worse things.

TikTok 4

It faded to "TIKTOK 4/10".

This was basically just a bunch of horrible things happening to the species of the main characters of Chikn Nuggit in real life. It was horrible to see.

A dog was being grinded to meat, A cat was being cooked while yelling, the worse part was that it was a mother and it's baby kitten were crying for it. Anyways, a bunny having it's ears taken off, a red panda being cooked alive, an arctic fox being boiled alive and a sheep being cooked.

Then, the horror ended.

It was such a horrible sight, and that cat part didn't help me. At all. I just hate all of this. I hope that I don't need to watch this again for as long as I live.

TikTok 5

It faded to "TIKTOK 5/10".

It began with the TikTok where Chikn and Chee swap genders, but it was extended.

Cat Chikn faced Dog Chee and pulled out a knife. "Cats say meow...I say DIE." Cat Chikn said, stabbing Dog Chee.

Then, it showed Dog Chee lying on the floor, all wounded and hurt, as Cat Chikn just stared at the viewer, being me.

"I'm not creepy for no reason. Who doesn't kill their friends?" Cat Chikn said.

Then, it ended.

I sighed because I at least had only 10 more before I was free from this...excuse of a Chikn Nuggit compilation.

Either way, I know it won't calm down.

TikTok 6

It faded to "TIKTOK 6/10".

It began with Sody Pop on the bed, just watching videos. "Here are the top 500 people to be on the lookout for! Number 1..." It cut back to Sody Pop, as he just calmly watched the video. "As if I'll ever encounter a 'Jacob Centergot'." Sody Pop scoffed. Then, he appeared. He looked like an eagle, as he was.

He grabbed Sody Pop and flew away with him, as Sody Pop kept kicking and screaming. Then, the eagle went above everybody. They all looked up, as they heard Sody Pop's screams for help. Fwench Fwy tried to fly to rescue him, but the eagle ate him as soon as he could. Fwench Fwy's face went into a state of shock, as everybody's else did too.

"Did that eagle just...EAT Sody?" Slushi asked in fear. Fwench Fwy then angrily slaps his back, trying to get Sody Pop out of the body. However, Sody Pop didn't fly out, but it showed him dissolving in the body acid. It faded to orange for a few seconds, as it then showed a funeral for Sody Pop.

It lasted for 55 seconds, as it ended.

TikTok 7

It faded to "TIKTOK 7/10".

It began with the introduction of Cofi, as it went normal.


She looked a lot different, as her eyes were bloodshot and her mouth had very sharp teeth and had blood everywhere. "Aroo~" Cofi said normally. Her name was covered in blood.

Chikn's eyes became dots, as he tried to hide behind a sheep. There was no sheep, as it panned to their bodies without fur. It then panned back, as Chikn was panicking. "Now, now, sweet dog. Don't panic, I just want a new coat of fur..." Cofi said, pulling out a chainsaw. "Don't panic, this will hurt a lot." Cofi said, cutting Chikn into pieces.

Then, it revealed Cofi's new coat. Chikn, but without the face. "Aroo~" Cofi said once more before it ended.

This one...I don't know how to feel. I witnessed Chikn die and dead sheep. Just god, is this real??

TikTok 8

It faded to "TIKTOK 8/10".

It began with the first ever TikTok, with Chikn popping out of a chicken nugget box, where he is born.

It went just like that, but a hand picked up Chikn. "Wh-hey! Put me down!" Chikn yelled. He kept squirming and yelling, but he got eaten.

I was shocked at this. How could Kyra animate this? ...DID SHE EVEN MAKE THIS??

Anyways, it cut to the uvula, with blood splattering everywhere. Eyes, paws, ears, everywhere! This lasted for 15 seconds before it was all swallowed.

Then, he drank some water before laughing. Then, it ended.

This has to be one of the worst, next to TikTok 3 and 4.

TikTok 9

It faded to "TIKTOK 9/10". It's almost done...

It began with a Pokémon looking thing, which actually caught my attention. All the characters from Chikn Nuggit were pulled out of the ball and into a fight with a Mewtwo.

" want us to fight that? REALLY?" Sody Pop asked. "We can't do that!" Chee yelled at the trainer. The trainer ordered them to do nothing. "Do nothing? DO NOTHING?" Fwench Fwy angrily exclaimed.

The Mewtwo used Fissure, which wasn't a move it could learn. It showed all the characters except Fwench Fwy falling because the ground was open, then the ground closed afterwards.

"My friends...Iscream. They're dead. You..MONSTERS!! Both of you!" Fwench Fwy exclaimed. Fwench Fwy grabbed the Mewtwo and the trainer and turned the two of them into Pop Tarts, in which they ate.

"The taste of sweet revenge," Fwench Fwy takes another bite. "It's delicious." Then, it closes onto that Pop Tart ending thing with Crazy Good.

This confused me a lot. This was Pokémon, Chikn Nuggit, then a Pop Tart ad? It's a lot to take in...but just one more.

TikTok 10

It faded to "TIKTOK 10/10", the final one.

It began with Sody Pop, Chikn and Hot Saws all in a car. "I can't wait to go, how about you guys?" Sody Pop asked. Everybody responded with a yeah and other stuff. Then, the car they were in was hit by a car.

It showed everybody in a hospital bed, with doctors trying to help them. It went to montage of the doctors helping them. They all did, but they didn't show Sody Pop yet.

Then, it cut to Sody Pop in a hospital bed, with at least 5 doctors trying to help him. They say that 'he had the most damage, as he's the smallest'. I don't get the logic, but I guess that's what it is.

It lasted for 19 seconds with them trying to help Sody Pop, but they failed. I gotta go on a side-tangent. Why is Sody Pop being the one hurt most, if not, all the time?

Anyways, it cut to the main characters of the TikToks (except Sody Pop because, you know) sitting on chairs, all worried. "So you two lived?" Chee asked. "Yeah. I don't know about Sody Pop, however." Hot Saws said, rather worried.

"Look on the bright side! Maybe Sody Pop might live!" Chikn exclaimed, trying to lighten up the situation.

Right after he said that, it cut to Sody Pop flatlining. Then, a white cover was placed over him.

It then cut to them on the chairs again, as Chikn is trying to light up the situation. Then, a doctor comes out.

"I regret to inform you all this but...well...I don't know how to put this but...let's just say Sody Pop isn't with us." The doctor said. They then started crying.

However, it didn't sound like them, but rather a mix of 22 year old's crying. However, Iscream wasn't crying, he was just staring at the doctor like "You serious? Can I have the body?". It lasted for 16 seconds before it ended.


I was speechless. I don't know WHAT I witnessed, but it was HORRID. and Sody Pop abuse. I got up, as it actually let me this time, and put away my phone and refused to use it at all that day. However, I found the same video file on my PC. I didn't remember ever saving it to my PC, but it was there.

I went so much night sleepless due to this. It was just so much horror and things to process. I just couldn't handle it.

I hope one day I'll forget it. But I'll probably find a part 2 with like, thirty TikToks.

Well, let's hope that this is the only one and I'll soon find out who's the sick madman responsible for these.

One of these days...


I looked around for some information and found some! So, I found the information about the person who made this and the meaning behind these TikToks.

The creator was a guy named "fds5". It seems fitting for the guy who I got the notification for. Kyra didn't make these, but rather an impostor did. Turns out fds5, can draw like Kyra and the Chikn Nuggit group real well.

His fanmade stuff for it can look so real.

Anyways, about the TikToks, I found out that TikTok 10 was meant to be a drink driving PSA that wasn't meant to air, but be a YouTube ad. It was posted but a just 35 minutes later, it was taken down.

TikTok 9 was a rejected Pop Tarts ad. I don't get it either, but I guess it's not too bad, after all, TikTok 9 didn't have blood in it.

That was all I got. I decided to post it to the Discord server for Chikn Nuggit, as I still had it on my PC.

A guy named "fds5" with a profile picture of black dots on a cyan background DM'd me after I sent it.

It went something like this.

fds5: You...found it?

Me: I found...that. I was told that YOU were responsible for making it.

fds5: That is 110% true.

Me: Why the Sody Pop abuse??

fds5: I know you. You like Sody Pop. And I HATE Sody Pop.

Me: You know me??

fds5: Yes.

Me: Prove it.

Then, he started typing for a while.

fds5: Actually, I'll just tell you this instead. I worked for it at one point. But during the production of episode 43, I was kicked off due to a rumor that I had murdered a 5-year old. I hadn't killed anybody, but I was blamed. I tried to explain but failed and said it was all excused. I made these out of anger, so no, they aren't canon or made by Kyra, but me.

Me: I didn't expect that. At all.

fds5: Yes. Now. GO.


My Discord restarted, but I wasn't allowed to chat with him anymore. The messages were deleted, but I got a screenshot of ONE thing. The long message.

That's something, right?

Well, I guess there's a lot to just something so cute and innocent as Chikn Nuggit.

I guess anything can have something deep behind it. Even cute stuff like this. Who knows?

ANYTHING can have something deep. ANYTHING.

Until then, I hope I can just watch their TikToks normally again without any creepy stuff.

Credited to Ididnotcomeupwiththislol 

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