Child's Play Theory

Revision as of 12:43, 25 April 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I've always been a sucker for Horror stuff. Horror books, horror shows etc. But it's mainly horror movies that catch my interest, particularly 80s and 90s horror films. I've always had a soft spot for them despite the fact that i've gotten in trouble for watching them, since i'm only a teenager. One of my favourite movies is Child's Play. If you've seen the movie, you already know what i'm talking about but i'm just going to give out a quick synopsis for anyone who hasn...")
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I've always been a sucker for Horror stuff. Horror books, horror shows etc. But it's mainly horror movies that catch my interest, particularly 80s and 90s horror films. I've always had a soft spot for them despite the fact that i've gotten in trouble for watching them, since i'm only a teenager.

One of my favourite movies is Child's Play. If you've seen the movie, you already know what i'm talking about but i'm just going to give out a quick synopsis for anyone who hasn't heard of it.

When Charles Lee Ray needs to get a quick escape from cop Mike Norris, he takes his soul and buries it into playful, seemingly good guy doll Chucky. Little does he know a little boy by the name of Andy Barclay will be the new owner of him soon-to-come. Charles confides in Andy while he commits numerous murders and once the adults accept Andy's story as truth, it's too late.

There have been quite a few theories about this movie on the internet, some of which are obviously fake but a few of them are believed to be real.

Some people believe that there is an alternate ending of the movie, while others think that there is an alternate opening scene. I don't (or at least, i didn't) believe any of them. That is, until i saw an article back in 2019.

I was just enjoying the second last year of elementary school, just chilling in the classroom because it was a rainy day. I was on one of the school computers because i was addicted to technology back then.

I was on a horror related website when i saw an article by the name of "Child's Play Theory" on the bottom of the homepage. Due to me being a naive child and having no idea what a Theory was, I clicked on the article without hesitation.

Here is what the article said:

During the movies climax, Detective Norris and Karen run up to their apartment room to stop their Chucky from possessing their child. Chucky, like in the final film, was chanting the Dambella chant. However, he was saying it in english rather than french. 'To the almighty Damballa. Give me the power I beg of you! To the mercy of my soul. To the point of my death. Hear me out of from my condemned voice!!!!" Chucky repeatedly berated. The footage of Norris and Karen running to safe Andy was starting to play on an infinite loop. The footage got faster and faster, as if there was an error during the editing process of the movie.

The footage then returned to its normal speed. Norris and Karen arrived at the door the second the chant stopped, and they knew that Andy was doomed. They opened the door to see Andy laying on the ground, completely lifeless. While Chucky stared directly at Norris, who was scared out of his mind. Chucky's eyes started to get wider and wider until they were as extensive as Saucers. Then the creepy doll started to rapidly spin around in a circle while chanting the Dambella chant once more. Only this time in french. Chucky then fell onto the ground and his head turned 360 degrees. Karen and Norris were understandably petrified. The killer doll then started to vomit out ants, tarantulas, and even snakes. The creatures started to slither around Karen, as if they were wanting to kill her.

Then, Chucky evaporated into Liquid as the sound of a pig squealing could be heard in the background. The liquid dropped on the ground, as Norris and Karen look at the dead body of Andy and start to cry. Thus ending the movie completely.

To this day, i refuse to believe that this article is legit. I have seen the movie about 78 times and i knew that wasn't supposed to be the actual ending.

I've tried to find the author of this article. However, there were no results on the wiki about the user.

The author, for now, remains anonymous.

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