Chili Dogs: Difference between revisions

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"Sorry if I'm a little late, Amy. I was doing my afternoon exercises and lost track of time," Silver apologized.
Amy giggled and responded in a gleefully reassuring tone, "Oh that's ok, you're here now. What‘sWhat's a few more minutes? I've been sooo excited thinking about all fun stuff we're gonna do, I haven't stopped bouncing since I woke up. I mean, I almost forgot to breathe I've been so happy."
Silver gave a slightly uncomfortable laugh. He had always appreciated Amy Rose's friendly, outgoing way of life, but Amy's overabundant enthusiasm almost creeped him out. Silver maintained a polite expression, however. If Amy was this worked up, whatever she had planned must be good.
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"But, the other Mobians will wonder where I am. When the hurricanes come up, they'll come looking for me and then you'll get found out," Silver cried in desperation.
"Oh, Silver," said Amy. "Don‘tDon't worry, there are plenty of hedgehogs to take care of a few storms. And besides, no one will find out. I mean, how long do you think I've been doing this?" And with that ominous statement, the lights suddenly came to life and revealed the rest the room.
"Oh, no." Silver reeled in horror at the image presented to him. The room was decorated with a typical but twisted Amy flair. Colorful streamers of dried entrails fluttered around on the ceiling, brightly painted skulls of all sizes were attached to the walls, and organs done up in pastels filled with helium were tied to the backs of chairs. The tables and chairs were made of bones and the preserved flesh of past Mobians. Silver cringed upon seeing the center piece of the table nearest to him. The heads of four Mobians, their eyes closed as if they were sleeping, were wearing party hats made from their own skin. With a thrill of terror, Silver recognized one of them as Tails's classmate Marine. Silver's eyes darted back and forth and then fell upon a patchwork banner hanging from the rafters. Made from several tanned Mobian hides, the words "Sonic" were scrawled on it in blood red.
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Silver awoke with a gasp. The stench of his urine filled his mucus caked nostrils. As his vision swam into focus, she saw a very pouty Amy Rose removing a large adrenaline needle from his chest. Stomping her feet, the frustrated Amy lashed out at her helpless victim.
"Didn't anybody teach you any manners? It's very rude to fall asleep when somebody invites you over to spend time with them. How would you like it if I came over to your house and went to sleep? ‘Oh'Oh I'm sorry Silver, you're so boring I think I'll take a nap.' You think I like always doing this by myself? I told you how excited I got when I found you were next. I was excited to have a friend be here with me while I worked. But NOOOOO! You've got to be inconsiderate. You know, I thought you were tough. I thought you could handle anything. I've had kids stand up better than you! Do I have to baby you? Huh? Is that how you want me to remember you, as a baby?"
As Amy stopped to catch her breath, Silver blinked and sobbed softly. His back was in agony, his sides were on fire, and there was an intense pain in one of his legs. As he blinked again, he saw Amy pop something red into her mouth and began to chew. Noticing Silver's stare, Amy quickly gulped the morsel down.
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"I want to go home," Silver sobbed.
"Yeah, I can see wanting to do that," replied the obsessive hedgehog. "Sometimes, I just wanna give up, just say ‘I'I'm done with this mess' and go to bed. But you know what? You can't shrug off your responsibilities. You got to pull yourself up and meet the challenges head on. That's the only way you're gonna get ahead in life."
Silver hung his head and cried.
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Minutes passed as the drug took effect. Eventually, Silver was completely numb from his chest to his posterior. At this point, Amy approached with a scalpel. Glancing at Silver and smiling, Amy made a long horizontal cut across the telekinetic hedgehog's pelvis, just above his crotch. Moving up Silver's body, Amy made a similar incision under his ribs. Finally, Amy made a long vertical cut down Silver's stomach, connecting the first two.
"Looks like I got my ‘I'I' on you, Silver," Amy giggled.
With a moist, gooey sound, the flaps of skin opened. The sight of his own organs and the lack of feeling caused Silver's breathing to intensify. Amy carefully sliced open Silver's abdominal sac and grabbed his large intestines. As she separated the organ from the rest of the digestive tract and pulled it out of the new cavity, Amy grew jovial. Laughing as she gutted her friend, Amy began to make jokes. Silver, growing weaker from this new source of blood loss, tried desperately to shut out the macabre comedy act.