Cinderella '47

Revision as of 13:58, 28 April 2022 by TrollpastaBot (talk | contribs) (Created page with "I don't really want to shout out my real name, but I want to tell you a story of one of the classic Disney movies of all time that has been out since 1950 was a film that everyone has seen as a kid was, Walt Disney's Cinderella. This was the second film that helped Walt Disney have a successful film, last time when he lost money when Fantasia bombed at the box office. He made Dumbo in 1941. Cinderella was a good movie along with other Disney films such as Marvel's The Av...")
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I don't really want to shout out my real name, but I want to tell you a story of one of the classic Disney movies of all time that has been out since 1950 was a film that everyone has seen as a kid was, Walt Disney's Cinderella. This was the second film that helped Walt Disney have a successful film, last time when he lost money when Fantasia bombed at the box office. He made Dumbo in 1941. Cinderella was a good movie along with other Disney films such as Marvel's The Avengers, Toy Story, Aladdin, Hercules, Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, Rogue One, Tarzan, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Lion King, Tangled, Frozen, Zootopia, Moana, and many others. I have been watching this movie non-stop to this day as Cinderella was one of my favorite movies as a kid. I am an 19 Year old Cinderella and even tough I'm male, I like the Disney Princesses just for the plushies, and the movies that they came from which means I'm a Disney Himcess it is the Disney Princess equivalent of Bronies. I have been collecting this kind of stuff for years, but what I heard from people on Facebook as they said there was a violent version of Walt Disney's Cinderella on my group called, "Cinderella (1947 Version)."

The next day I got home from College to see a bunch of notifications from the people in my Cinderella group, I never checked my group notifications often because I was to busy with many other things in my life, there was something that someone posted about 20 minutes ago and it said, "I know why Cinderella was not released in 1947 and it was never made to the public until 1950 was because, Number 1: In the 1940s ever since World War 2, Walt Disney was only focusing on Package films like, Saludos Amgios, The Three Caballeros, Make Mine Music, Fun and Fancy-Free, Melody Time, and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad. Number 2: This version of Cinderella was very violent and the abuse that Cinderella goes through was very scary for children, just like the way Dumbo was made fun of for having big ears, or Mrs. Jumbo losing her temper because a snotty boy blew into Dumbo's ear." Then I scroll more and more through the group posts, someone also said Cinderella gets spanked, beaten, and cursed at. I had no clue on what they were talking about so I posted to my group stating that I was going to a garage sale in Anaheim, California this weekend to find anything related to Cinderella, the people in my group said, "Hope you find something you like, or that you don't have." The next day was Saturday around 9:00am, I drove to my car around to find a garage sale which was hosted by a young couple, the woman was in her late 20's while the man was in his early 30's. Even though it looked boring enough, maybe my luck would will find anything with Cinderella related things in the garage sale.

I parked my car and greeted the couple as they greeted me back. I looked around a bit, but I didn't find anything but some old movies, until I saw a DVD cover of Walt Disney's Cinderella. Cinderella was wearing a torn up dress and she had a depressed frown on her face. I asked, "This version looks unique, why is that?" The woman told me that it was the 1947 version that her father worked on, but Walt Disney fired him.

I asked why he got fired and her husband told me it was none of my business, and I decided to buy the DVD. I went back to my hotel room, turned on my laptop, and put the DVD in. I wanted to find out why. The Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo with the blue night sky played like normal but the trailers were missing the menu was blank, and had only, "Play", and "Set Up". I pressed play, the Disney DVD logo played but Tinkerbell was missing. The opening credits played but the opening song was slowed down. We cut to the storybook where Betty Lou Gerson narrates but her voice was absent, we see a young Cinderella with her father, andwe see Lady Tremaine looking down at them from a window along with a young Anastasia and Drizella. She says to them, "This foolish man cares about little Cinderella rather than us." She was still voiced by Eleanor Audley, but she sounds like she stepped out of an insane asylum. The scene fades out, we see Cinderella's father sitting on a chair, and Lady Tremaine walks up and stabs him in the back. We cut to a young Cinderella weeping at her father's cadaver, Drizella comes in, and punches her in the gut. I felt uneasy, the scene cuts to a 19 year old Cinderella waking up she sang "A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes" but it sounded like Ilene Woods was either tired or depressed. It cuts to her entering Lady Tremaine's room, Lucifer was laying on his little bed but he didn't as if Ward Kimball designed him, he looked more menacing, and looked like a cartoonish demon cat from a 1930s cartoon, he woke up, and yawned, she went to the kitchen and she greets her bloodhound named Bruno, Lucifer walking in and attacks him by scratching him, Cinderella sees this and scolds Lucifer. "Lucifer don't do that, he did nothing to you." She beings to serve Anastasia, Drizella, and Lady Tremaine.

Anastasia and Drizella panic because a mouse was in the mug. Cinderella walks into Lady Tremaine's room and serves her breakfast, and Tremaine tells Cinderella to clean up the house, but she refused. Lady Tremaine said, "If you don't clean up the house, you will be beated! I thought Walt Disney made family films, not psychological thrillers. Luckily the scene with the King and the Grand Duke resembled the 1950 version. The "Sing Sweet Nightingale" scene played as Lady Tremaine plays the piano, Anastasia plays the flute, and Drizella sings as Lucifer gets annoyed by Anastasia's shrill flute playing, and Drizella's nasally voice. Cinderella washes the floor, and she receives an envelope from the mailman. Anastasia's finger gets stuck in the flute as it hits Drizella's chin, she punches Anastasia, and Lady Tremaine tells them to settle down, Cinderella enters the room and Lady Tremaine grabs the envelope and reads it, "There is to be a ball, in honor of his highness the Prince, and by royal command, every eligible maiden is to attend." Anastasia and Drizella cheer. Cinderella tells the that she wants to go to but Drizella says, "Who would want to dance with a wornout mare like you?" Anastasia laughs, and mocks Cinderella, and dances with Drizella.

Cinderella meets her mice and tells them about the ball, and she gives them a book on how to make a ball gown. The mice begin making the dress, Cinderella helps Anastasia and Drizella with their laundry as they lose their temper about being seen in old rags, Jaq and Gus (the two mice) see sashes and beads on the floor. The try to grab the sashes and beads, then Lucifer wakes up with a bloodthirsty look on his face, Jaq and Gus run into the mousehole as Lucifer tries to chase them, and they try again but Lucifer brutality bites at Jaq, Gus grabs a pin and pokes the cat in the rear. Lucifer runs away in pain. Then the mice surprise Cinderella with the beautiful pink and white ball gown, she thanks them. Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella are on their way to the carriage that is parked out in the frontyard. Cinderella approaches with the gown,and tells them that she is coming with them. Lady Tremaine notices something off about the gown, she asks Drizella and she gets mad and starts ripping the dress along with Anastasia little did the know some of the mice were standing, behind Cinderella in horror, Drizella punches Cinderella in the face as Anastasia stops on the mouse in anger killing it. Lucifer enters and scratches Cinderella's legs. Lady Tremaine says, "That's enough." They leave, as Cinderella's dress is torn up legs bleeding, and bruised up she runs out to the yard and weeps. Then I paused the film in horror, I decided to swim at the hotel's pool to calm myself down. Then I returned to my hotel room, took a shower to detoxify myself from the pool's chlorine, I returned to my laptop and continued watching the film, the scene where Cinderella meets the Fairy Godmother was similar to the 1950 version especially the scene where she dances with the Prince at the royal ball, and the midnight pumpkin pursuit, we cut to the King waking up from his dream about becoming a grandpa, the Grand Duke enters the room, and tells him that Cinderella ran away after the dance, you would expect a slapstick scene with the King and the Duke, but here, the King was putting his dukes up (No pun intended) like a boxer, they both bounce on the bed before getting caught in the chandelier, the King then slices the chains as they fall, instead of the Goofy Holler like in the 1950 film, it was a gut twisting scream like as if Luis Van Rooten the voice of both the King and Grand Duke was actually falling to his death. The chandelier lands on the bed the Grand Duke had black-eye from the fall.

The scene cuts back to Cinderella talking to Lady Tremaine, Anastasia, and Drizella about the ball as she walks back to her tower Lady Tremaine gives a creepy stare not like in the 1950 film, but as if she was staring at the viewer with hatred. The Grand Duke arrives at the Tremaine household as Lady Tremaine locks Cinderella in her room, she then sees Jaq and Gus on the floor she throws them out the wind as Cinderella cries but not like fictional crying, but like as if Illene Wood's the voice of Cinderella was crying. She then gets angry like a psychopath, finds an axe, chops the door open, she walk behind Lady Tremaine, kicks her down the stairs injuring her, she then sees Anastasia and Drizella trying on the slipper, the Cinderella walks up to Anastasia and tells her, "But when you're his bride you can sit or ride you'll never have to walk!" She cuts off Anastasia's toe, she screams so realistically to the point that it sounds like Lucille Bliss was screaming. Cinderella then walks up to Drizella, she stuffs a rag in her mouth, she cuts off her foot, Drizella screams like as if Rhoda Williams aas being stabbed in real life. Lucifer enters but she kills him with the axe, she says to the dying cat, "This is for making my life miserable."

The Grand Duke shudders in fear as he puts the glass slipper on Cinderella's foot. She tells the Grand Duke that Anastasia and Drizella are invited to the wedding, the Prince and Cinderella walk down the stairs to the carriage and waves as she calls to the birds to peck her stepsisters eyes out which they do, but instead of showing Cinderella and the Prince kissing, it shows the birds pecking out Anastasia and Drizella's eyes until the turn into cadavers, the words "The End, A Walt Disney Production appear." I turned off my laptop, ran into the bathroom and vomited in the toilet. I was disgusted about how Cinderella killed the Tremaines but at least she won at the end. The next day, I went back to the family's house and I talk to the woman about the 1947 version of Cinderella, she tells him that her father wanted the movie to be similar to the original novel, she played a film reel of the "Making of the 1947 version of said film", Walt Disney says okay we are here to screen the ending scene of Cinderella, we have James Greenfield, here to give us the demo. It plays as Walt Disney shutters in fear, Ollie Johnston covers Frank Thomas's eyes Ward Kimball holds Fred Moore in fear simialr to how Honest John was holding Gideon in horror when the Coachmen was laughing maniacally in Pinocchio, Eric Larson vomits, Marc Davis runs out of the room, it ends then Walt Disney gets an angry expression on his face, he says while being extremely pissed off, " You're fired, James!!!" James walks away sulking, Walt Disney apologizes and says that they will make Cinderella more family-friendly and delay the release to March 4, 1950.

The reel ends she tells me to destroy the film, but when I came back to my home in Cave Creek, Arizona, I destroyed the DVD with a hammer in the backyard, put all of the shards in the recycle bin, and then I watched The Simpsons to calm down. I have a warning for you if you find the 1947 version of Cinderella, don't watch it.

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