Da Skurry Tale Of Da Brown Planet Totaly Nod A Child Boog: Difference between revisions

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Sean and the brown planet

Chapter 1: The brown planet 

It was summer in the small town Vive. In a small house in the small town was a little boy and slept. The boy named Charlie. It was hot outside and the sun shone through the window. Soren woke up at 11 o'clock, but he did almost every weekend. 

Soren got dressed, ate breakfast and went out and jumped on his trampoline. He was so eager to jump, that he did not notice that the trampoline quietly began to rise from the ground. Soren discovered it first, since it was about 65 feet above the ground. He was very scared, and he also had reason to be. The trampoline whistled at the time upwards by more than 40 km per hour. The trampoline flew faster and faster. Soren was pressed against the trampoline due to the high pressures. As it flew about 200 miles an hour, could Søren not handle the pressure more and fainted. 

When Soren woke again, he was in a strange brown room. He was a little sore after the flight, but he was otherwise well enough. It smelled weird chocolate all around the room. Soren did not understand where it was coming from. He decided to investigate the space of perhaps finding an exit. He searched and examined, but all he found out was that he was in a huge box with no openings or other items, and here smelled of chocolate. He thought it was all very, very strange. But suddenly he saw that there were some letters scratched into the wall. He was not so good at reading, but after some time, he spelled out the conclusion that there was "Mars Bars" and "Gold Caramel 95% chocolate". At first Soren not see what that meant, but after a little time and a little licking of the walls he found out it was the name of it, as the wall was made ​​of. Soren was quickly eaten through the wall, because he loved chocolate.

But if Soren had expected to see a strange alien world with strange gadgets and gizmos, so he was very disappointed. The only thing he saw was a room that looked like he had just come from. But the smell from the walls looked absolutely not the ones from the previous room. It smelled almost like dog poo mixed with horse dung and droppings. Soren could guess what the walls were made of here. He certainly did not feel he could eat its way through these walls. When he would go back to the hole he came from, he was very scared. The hole was gone and what was worse, the wall, the hole was in before, was made of shit. Soren could not find any logical way of how his trampoline had been able to fly, or that the hole had been lost, but he was also only in 1st grade. He was getting very tired, but he could not sleep because of the stench. He continued to think about whether the wall was really gone, or if it was just something he dreamed, but suddenly he came to look at the ceiling and discovered that it was made of licorice. He loved licorice almost more than chocolate. But he could not figure out how he would come up to the ceiling. After he had thought long, he remembered that his Christianity teaches, last day of school before the weekend, had told anything about that one could pray to God, and then it maybe true. It was he trying so, but it does not really seem that it worked. "Practice," he thought. But then so it still seems that it had worked. Suddenly he saw that there was a ladder in the corner. He certainly did not feel that it was there 5 minutes ago. He put the ladder up and climbed up it. He quickly eaten through lakridset and climbed up into a whole colorless world. 

Soren looked around in amazement. There were houses and gardens as well as on the ground, but there were no colors except brown and some black. Soren discovered that he was standing on top of a very tall building. He discovered that there was no other way down than the hole he had just made. He thought back to pray to God, but seemed still not be able to interfere with God that way. Suddenly he saw something blue and black on the ground under the building he was standing on. At first he could not see what it was. But then he discovered that it was his own trampoline. He dared not initially jump down on it, but since there was no other way out, he did so anyway. But even when he was dropped for the first 10 meters, he realized that the trampoline could not stand it when he hit it. He closed his eyes and waited for him splattered on the ground. But all of a sudden it was as if there was something that caught him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was the trampoline that had seized him. It had flown up to him in the middle of the falls. He had survived. He almost thought not even on it. The trampoline flew quietly to the ground, then Soren could climb by. Soren thought the earth was strangely soft. He walked around and got so caught sight of a strange, small colorful blob in the middle of all that brown. Soren went to the blob and discovered that it was a kind of small village. It was very colored compared to the rest of the places Soren had seen. There were blue, yellow, green, red, orange, pink and white thing, but there were not any black or brown thing. There was probably no more than ten houses in the village, but they were at least as high as the Eiffel Tower. Suddenly, a door in one of the houses opened. There came a strange blue creature out the door. It went to Sean and said, "HIMSTIGIMSI FON GUT MUM MAM". Then gave Soren a blue sponge and said, "FONGU FONGUUUUUU" while pointing to his mouth. Soren understood that he had to eat the fungus, but he dared not. Eventually he ate it though. As soon as he had eaten the fungus, said brigade: "Hey, it was good, you ate the magic sponge understanding". "What kind of sponge?" Said Soren. "The blue sponge. It makes so you can understand we stafiliikokker little better. We brought you up here for you to help us defeat the evil brunshier. They've made throughout our beautiful planet Aqua Lund, completely brown! So except this little village. "Soren wanted to help the little blue creature. Then he asked how he could help defeat brunshierne. 

Chapter 2: Brunshierne come 

The blue stafiliikok told Soren that he would always remember that he had to avoid being hit by shots from the brown guns, brunshierne walked around with. If he was hit, he would be turned into a brown statue. Soren was then told to sleep on a blue bed just outside the city, because he had to keep an eye on whether there was a brown Shia grip. The next morning, when Soren woke up, he was completely surrounded by stafiliikokker in different colors. There were yellow, green, blue, red, orange, pink, white and gray, but there was no black or brown. At first Soren not remember where he was and was very scared, but after a while he remembers it all. When he stood up, said a small red stafiliikok: "Do not you want a small portion kini con cornice?". Soren had no idea what kini con cornice was, but still said politely "yes". The red stafiliikok gave Soren a blue plate with a kind of red sauce and a yellow spoon on. Soren discovered suddenly how hungry he was and he ate all the red sauce in about 10 seconds. The red stafiliikok took the plate and carried it away. 

Suddenly I heard Sean and the many stafiliikokker a strange sound that sounded like this: "Bumtikata Bumsiflapa BUN BROWN BUUUN." All stafiliikokkerne rushed into their tall buildings, shouting: "Brunshierne addition, brunshierne come!" Soren stood all alone back while the sounds were coming closer and closer. Eventually, Soren see the creatures that made ​​the sound. They were big and brown and eventually they had each a gun as big as a hunting rifle. The beings so very frightening, and Soren was scared, but he did not run because he had said that he would help stafiliikokkerne. Instead, he stood perfectly still, as if he had not seen the giant creatures. But unfortunately the creatures had already seen him. They began to shout "Beautiful statue! Me ha me ha! "Robert was very afraid, for he knew well that it was he brunshierne would make a statue. They walked towards him with huge steps. Soren knew that if he did not soon got a really, really good idea, it would be a goner. He could not run for brunshierne had made some sort of circle around him. He could not shout for help because there was no other than stafiliikokkerne nearby, and they were so frightened that they did not even dare go out of their houses. He was largely lost. But all at he remembered that the only way they could make him a statue of was about to hit him with their big guns. He had discovered that the great creatures were moving rather slowly and got the idea that he - when they were about to shoot - would run between their legs and into one of stafiliikokkernes big houses. It was he trying so. The first part of the plan went well enough, but unfortunately it was all stafiliikokhusene locked. 

At the same time that all this happened was the little brunshi, Karloflap, by doing target practice. Karloflap loved usually shooting training, but he had heard that their arch enemies stafiliikokkerne had been helped by a creature from outer space. Small Karloflap would love to see alien before the others from his village turned it into a statue. When he had finished shooting training, he ran as fast as he could towards the last stafiliikok village that was left. 

Soren was dying of fright. He knew that he would be hit by the brown beam brunshierne had shot him. He closed his eyes and waited while the beam came closer and closer. 

Karloflap ran and ran, but he did not see service in portable form. The large brunshier had already made ​​the alien into a statue. He went along with the big back to brunshiernes village. One of the great bar statue of the alien in his clenched hand. When they came back, small Karloflap set to fit the alien. Karloflap who was very curious, I thought that surely could not happen if he did alien moving again. He could always just make him a statue again when he had seen little of him. Karloflap was confident that the alien would not be able to run away from him because he could run the entire 4 km per hour. He shot at officers, an anti-gun statue, but as soon as he had done so, run care away so quickly that Karloflap not had a chance to catch up. He thought otherwise, that it was he who was the fastest in the world. 

Chapter 3: Soren on the run 

Soren ran as fast as he could out of the color empty landscape. He could hear that he was being followed, but the pursuer lagged behind you. When Soren could not run anymore, he hid behind something that looked like a brown carrot in giant format. He could after a while hearing his pursuer had arrived and went looking for him. 

Small Karloflap was over by the alien, but it was too fast, and now it had vanished without a trace. He was looking for it and suddenly he got an eye on it. He tried to slowly creep into the system, without it discovered him. He was very close to the office now and he tried to pull his gun when he discovered that he had forgotten it. 

Soren heard a noise and turned around. He looked straight into a small brown face. It was a brunshi, but it was inferior to those he had seen so far. Soren was so scared that he could not move out of place. Brunshien said some strange noises. Soren could understand it because of understanding the fungus. What it said was: "I will not hurt you. My name Karloflap and forgot my gun. Will not you come along to my village, so I can make you a statue? "It would Soren absolutely not, he screamed," No! ". Karloflap said he did not dare go home to his village outside Soren, as would the major certainly turn him into a statue. Soren thought it was a shame for the brown brunshi, so he offered to take him to the nice stafiliikokker. But it was Karloflap too scared. When they had talked back and forth about what to do, they were, however, agree that the safest after all, was to go to stafiliikokkerne. 

As stafiliikokkerne so the little brunshi, they were not very scared, but when Soren told what had happened, they were immediately more quiet. An old stafiliikok told that Karloflap only had to stay in the city if he alone could carry "Colour Test". Karloflap asked what would happen if he did not pass the test. The old sighed just saying that Karloflap certainly did not want to know. 

Chapter 4: Colour Sample 

The old Karloflap led to a door and said: "On the other side of this door is" Colour Test ". I hope you'll be fine. "Then he pushed Karloflap in through the door and closed and locked it. 

Karloflap had ended up in a completely dark room. He could not see a damn thing, but he could hear a lot of sounds. Suddenly, the light in the room, and he stood looking at a strange animal. Its eyes were as big as Karloflaps fists, and had about 10 feet. The bath Karloflap to name three colors. Karloflap thought it was very hard, for he knew the only two colors: black and brown. He said: "Brown, black and dark brown uh." "There is no color called uh dark brown," said the animal. "So now I turn you all to death." "No No No!" Said Little Karloflap. "It was not what I meant. I just meant dark brown. ""Ok, so you've probably passed the first test," said the animal. So was completely dark again, and Karloflap could see nothing. He felt that he was almost lifted off. Suddenly the lights went up, and he stood in front of an even more strange animal. It had two eyes like Sean, but it also had two noses, two mouths, two stomachs, two necks, two heads, two legs and two arms. "Two," said the animal. Karloflap asked why the said two. The animal just said, "Two" and pointed to a poster with a lot of colors that Karloflap not known. Karloflap to see that there were two of all the colors except one. The beast said: "No two what?" Karloflap did not understand a flap. The beast said, "You die ten seconds if you do not find no two". So began the animal to count down from ten. Karloflap was very afraid, because he really could not figure out what the two were not. 

While the Karloflap was about to loose "Colour Test", Søren began to talk to the old stafiliikok. Stafiliikokken told about the time brunshierne had come to stafiliikokkernes planet "Once in November, landed alien spacecraft here at Aqua Lund. That was some funny brown creatures that were in the ship. They said they were fleeing from some who called themselves pippere. They would hide in here with us, but we said of course "no". We would not want to get involved. The creatures were so angry that they began to take over the entire planet. Now we know that the brown creatures called brunshier and is in no way funny. They started to turn the big house on the outskirts of the city of chocolate, licorice, shit and other brown stuff. It was the house you fell through the roof on. ""Well then that's where I ended up," said Soren. "But how could my trampoline really fly?". "It's really very simple," said the old stafiliikok. "Before brunshierne came, everything was peaceful, but we would - as a precaution - still like to have a help from the safest of all planets, namely Earth. One night when it was dark, we flew therefore down to earth and made ​​some hyper-jet engine on one of the things we thought were your flying saucers. We could remotely control the engine from up here, and the day when brunshierne began to attack, we put it immediately to come. We regret all the day we said "no" to brunshierne ". 

The animal, which performed "Colour Test", had now talked down to four and Karloflap had not yet found out what no two was. All of a sudden he came, however, to look at the poster. There was a color that was only one, so I think it was the color that was not two? Karloflap thought at first that he did not know the color until he saw it was his favorite color, namely brown. "Brown!" He cried eagerly. As soon as it was called, was completely dark again. He could again feel that he was almost lifted off. Suddenly the lights went up, and he stood in front of a door that read "Out." Karloflap ran and opened the door. Outside the door he saw Sean and the old stafiliikok sit and talk. 

Chapter 5: birdies attack 

Soren was so busy to listen to the old man's words that he did not see, who stood beside them. Only then Karloflap shouted his name, discovered Soren him. "What's happened to you?" Shouted Soren frightened. Small Karloflap had no idea what Soren thought until he came to look down at himself: He was red and green and blue and yellow. He did have it so crazy out. "Do not worry, it happens to everyone who has come to the last trial," said the old man. "What is the last trial?" Screamed brunshien. Karloflap did not really have no desire for more trials just that day. "The last test is about you and Jared to make peace between brunshierne and us," said the Old and before either of the two could say a word, they were almost kicked out the door. When they came out, they started to go east, because they do not know where else to go. 

"There's the weird creatures new hangout," said General-pip-von-pips angrily to the spaceship pilot. "We drop them out of my sight again before they gave us the five thousand ground blade of grass." "Now we land, boss," said the spaceship pilot, whose name was Poppip. 

Soren seemed certain he had seen something that crashed on the planet's surface, but Karloflap had not seen anything, so Soren beat it across the imagination. 

General-pip-von-pips and his pippere had landed and had already seen something ahead. It almost looked like a multi-colored brunshi and an alien. General-pip-von-pips was a little worried that their spaceship was seen when landing, so he had activated an invisibility shield around him and the ship. Now he could quietly sneak over and take a closer look at the two creatures that walked. 

Sean and Karloflap walked and walked, but they had both gotten a strange feeling of being persecuted. "Ouch," shouted Sean, when he bumped his nose against something he could not see. He just managed to stagger back a little before him and Karloflap was beaten so hard in the head that they fainted. 

There were riots in Karloflaps hometown. He had been gone for 5 days and all brunshier thought he might have been kidnapped by the statue, he was the guardian. No one knew who was the mother or father of Karloflap - you know brunshier never - so all mourned and wept over the loss of him. No one was able to do something when they got a letter that read: "Pay 5000 ground blade of grass or we bomb your new hangout and kill all the deformed creatures!" 

In stafiliikok village was almost as bad for. Everyone was furious with the old stafiliikok who had sent Soren, their only help out on such a dangerous mission. Many believed that the Old should be killed, while others thought he was going to be used as cannon fodder. Personally, Old care what they chose. Die he should, and it was nothing to do something about. But he demanded as his last wish, that they should keep Sean's flying saucer safely. 

The first bomb hit Karloflaps village. All that was in it died, and the village was completely wiped out. Those who did not showed it would be impossible to guess what had been there. 

When Sean and Karloflap woke up again they were at pippernes spaceship and was tied to some kind of metal rod with some thick iron chains. They watched helplessly while the birdies ruined one village after another. They had eventually found out they were in the so-called a chirp ship. A big strong guy sat and watched them, so they did not have a chance to escape. There was a small window so they could look down on all the devastation. Suddenly they heard the big guy muttering: "Oh so here we are. We can do nothing. I dare not help you for fear of what they do to me. You can not help me, because you are bound. "

"Will you help us!?" Said Soren puzzled. "My parents came to hate me because I helped a fleet of pippere to overthrow our king," growled the big guy just. "So my only choice was to follow the fleet here. General-pip-von-pips allowed me to stay if I obeyed the birdies 100%. Otherwise, they will shoot me. Ah yes. "" But you're as so strong that you could easily cope with the tiny pippere! "Said Karloflap. A smile spread slowly over the big guy's head. "But according to justice," he said as he locked both Sean and Karloflaps chains up. Then he opened the door quickly out of the cockpit. General-pip-von-pips was so confused at seeing Old-Gorm, as they called him, out in the cockpit that he forgot to pull his gun. In less than 10 seconds was General von pip pips overpowered and tied securely with Poppip. Old-Gorm, which fortunately had learned to control the ship, activated then first remote port, and he set the ship to self-destruct after 60 seconds. After he had done this, he quickly the two pippere under his arm, and together with Sean and Karloflap he ran to the transporter, which is actually just a long slide that led down to stafiliikokkernes planet and slid down to the planet. 

Everything on the planet was destroyed. Alt. Only one place was undamaged and it was stafiliikokkernes village. They were obviously there. Everyone was happy to see Soren alive. Except the Old, who had fled the day before he was killed. But stafiliikokkerne was almost even happier when they heard what had happened to their enemies, brunshierne. The birdies were imprisoned, and the very next day began stafiliikokkerne to make colors and rebuild their planet again. 

Chapter 6: Reconstruction of an entire planet 

All helped to color and rebuild the planet. Also the two pippere helped quite voluntarily to apologize for the damage. 

Soren, who had gotten the remote to its trampoline, flying around while he threw paint in any color down towards the ruins. Old-Gorm dragged all the ruined building blocks to where they should be used while the few survivors brunshier led by Karloflap put them back in place. They forgot all that there had been conflict between the 3 races. 

When they had finished rebuilding stafiliikokkernes planet, they built even large bridges between their 3 planets, so they formed a triangle. This triangle they called for "Soren Triangle". One of the bridges was after stafiliikokkernes desire painted multi-colored, the other was after brunshiernes desire painted brown and the last bridge was painted bombs with cross over, so the birdies never forgot that it was a stupid idea to destroy planets. 

5 days after there was calmed down everyone except Sean, who was homesick. He was also afraid of what his mother would say that he had been away so long. Maybe he was called over all the earth, or perhaps only in local TV. It was not to bear to wait, so he asked the second oldest stafiliikok if he had to go home. That he had, and the very next day he rushed toward the ground on his trampoline. He landed the exact same spot as he was relieved from. He ran into the house to say "hello" to her mother. He looked just what time it was. It was 11:30 am. He would also just see what date it was, but when he was really amazed. It was Saturday, June 11. Exactly the same day he left. He had only been gone for half an hour! Soren grasped absolutely nothing, but he was also the only 1st class.

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