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Hello guys . I'm a multi universe traveller and i came here to warn you about something dangerous that's coming in the future , i come from the dieminsion dieminsion, this place is million galaxy away from earth and it has a lot of deaths......
So what happened in my world is that a bunch of criminal gangs managed to invent something new , something very powerful, and easy to use , they created a new type of drugs by using a types of powerful power leaf found in your world... It's called eflingtid, it was rumored to create powerful explosions , the drug had good effect , it could make the mind of the consumer relax , but it was very illegal , if they found out you have you could go to jail...
The drug had very weird effect , it turned the consumer skin to red but our skin color for our alien species is green , i was at home and watching my favorite show " fighting battle" until then news came on the tv and it said " multiple victims of red death drugs!" I didn't understand and went outside, i found multiple red creatures, my sense found out that those creatures were aliens like me.
But then i realized, those were normal people turned into " death drugians" by the death drug , the drug first makes the aliens skin red then it make eyes red and makes a red light come out of the ai , if victim sees any alien it then turn to death drugians mode and it starts killing everything around it and infecting everyone
i was worried , everyone was infected , i saw red in my eyes , the sky was red and it had " you're are the last" i panicked and cried , i saw whispering everywhere, i can't do anything, my legs felt weak , i was hiding in a shelter and found a picture of my dad and mom , when i locked at it for too long , they're eyes turned red , they became red monsters with huge jaw and claw , something was drawing with red ok the walls , i was alone , the red painting started to run around , then it started chasing me
All of the death drugians were saying " Kyle" who is this "Kyle"?
It turns out that Kyle's blood was put in the drug to make it work , he was killed for a drug , but they forgot to extract the soul!
When they were saying that. They started crying, a corpse was formed from blood , and it was flying , the corpse twisted it's limbs around to form the shape of the word "Kyle" , then i know , Kyle wants to take revenge on everything
he attacked me, but i dodged, but i didn't know what will happen next until it happened. He shoot me from his eyes with special lava blood , i couldn't fight back and i was infected with death drugs , i was full of death , but then i flew to my rocked and runned away from the death drugians, i came here to warn you about this , so humans , be sure to check drug makes house before a crisis like this happ----- Kyle . Kyle Kyle will
he attacked me, but i dodged, but i didn't know what will happen next until it happened. He shoot me from his eyes with special lava blood , i couldn't fight back and i was infected with death drugs , i was full of death , but then i flew to my rocked and runned away from the death drugians, i came here to warn you about this , so humans , be sure to check drug makes house before a crisis like this happ----- Kyle . Kyle Kyle will
[[Category:Not Sure if Troll or Trying to Be Serious]]